

Fast, Cheap & Easy Tutorial: Ornament Hooks

 pOp QuiZ:
how many pokes in the toes have you had over your lifetime from stepping on wire ornament hooks?
you know, the ones that HIDE in the carpeting during and AFTER the holidays...
they make us screech and bleed when we step on them. 
they make us yell when our vacuums suck them up and suddenly grind to a halt. 
i hate those things!

so i came up with a solution: i don't use 'em.
i make my own from pipe cleaners [also known as 'chenille stems']

okay, here's the fastest tutorial EVER...

1. gather materials:
a package of chenille stems from the dollar store
pair of scissors

make them disappear into the tree by using a coordinating color
white on a white tree, green on a green tree, silver on an aluminum tree, etc.
make them stand out by using a contrasting color : silver, gold, red, etc. 
2. cut chenille stems in half for regular size hooks, or into thirds or quarters for smaller sizes 
(great on garlands or mini trees)
 3. twist into an 'S' shape, and curl the ends all the way in - like a cursive 'S'.
4. hook onto ornaments
5. hang ornaments

that's it, you're done!
*these hooks are soft - they won't scratch delicate glass.
*the ornaments won't fall OFF of them because of that swirly curl.
*you can squeeze the top swirly curl closed once it's around a branch on the tree, and it won't BUDGE.
even if the cat gets in there and plays ping pong with it.
*they don't end up in a tangled headache-inducing mass between uses.
*they also SHOW UP on the carpeting, so you won't step on them or vacuum them up by mistake!


  1. That is one of the smartest yet simplest ideas I have ever seen! And they look so pretty too. This I will do...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Brilliant idea and so beautiful too. I bet there will be a run on pipe stems very soon lol

  4. You are so smart says she who spent an hour "unfolding" paper clips to use as hangers. xo Diana

  5. LOVE this solution! Yes I have stepped on those too! Not only a solution but so cute too!
