

it's time to talk about my pot addiction.

spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
no, that post title ISN'T an April Fools Day joke -
and it doesn't mean what you THINK It means!
in case you haven't noticed, i just love terra cotta pots!
they are such a versatile decorative element...
i can ALWAYS find a way to use them, in every season:

gather them on a platter or in a crate, sit them on a miniature chair,
add a little moss, tuck in a blooming primrose or tulip (fake is okay!),
dome them under glass, set the table with them,
make mushrooms out of them, turn them into Christmas decor,
and generally use them in ways they were never intended to be used!
i don't think i'll ever run out of ideas...

there was this ONE incident, however, that launched me into
the terra cotta pot stratosphere...
driving down a country road one day about twenty years ago,
i saw something that caused me to slam on my brakes:
there were terra cotta plant pots 
sitting in boxes and standing in stacks in a yard by the side of the road.
lots of them.
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
lots and lots of them.
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
lots and lots and LOTS of them....
and next to them, there was a sign: 'FREE!'

just LOOK at some of the vintage ones in the mix:
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
that green glazed McCoy pot on the right just makes me SWOON!
so you know what happened next, right?
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
 i quickly loaded those babies into my suv, took them HOME with me,
...and they lived happily ever after!

in my yard at 'The Cottage'...
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
and also in some displays at the wineries i created displays for (no photos of that)

then i used them in this display at our Petite Retreat vintage show, 
held at our first house on the island...
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
underneath that cool old stove above, a broken pot adds charm....
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
and behind the register setup at that same show...
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.

 in our booth displays at the Farm Chicks Vintage Show in Spokane (not shown)
AND at the Sand Point Antique Show in Seattle...
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.

then they moved with us to the farmhouse on the other side of the island...
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.

and i used them in displays in the Petite Boutique farm store we had on the property...
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.

then life changed radically and rapidly, and the last of the unsold ones
ended up in the gardenhouse that i made over
in the backyard of a kind friend's small bungalow in Seattle...
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
after completing that gardenhouse makeover in two days,
i staged some tablescapes and had a fun day photographing them.
my favorite was the simple garden style version:
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
the moss in the pots came from the backyard (it's the PNW, there's moss everywhere!)
and the 'sprouts' pushing up through it are actually ONIONS!

oh, and those domes over the tiny pots at each place setting?
stemless wineglasses!
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.

... and finally, when i left Seattle in February of 2012
to return to California and start a new life, i gave them all away.

since then, i've gathered a few terra cotta pots
from thrift and dollar stores, garage sales, and even a neighbor -
but my 'collection' isn't anywhere near the size of my past one.
i still love finding fun new ways to use them - indoors and out!

coming up in my April posts, every Friday morning:
some of my NEWEST ideas for using terra cotta pots in your spring decorating!

what's YOUR favorite thing to do with terra cotta pots?
spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots
,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts. 

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