

sandy castles

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.
long gone are the days when i hauled four kids and a carload of toys to the beach...
the chaos was worth it to spend long summer days
on the shores of Lake Tahoe or Puget Sound,
walking the waterline searching for beautiful seashells
and building sand castles (IF there was sand and not broken seashell grapple!).
those memories live on, especially in summertime,
and i've come up with an easy way to add a fun beachy touch to summer decor.

you can create these 'sandy castles' , too -
and it might just be as relaxing as making the real thing!

continue reading to see my sneaky trick...

Qhere's a look at the finished project, arranged on my faux mantel:

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.
those look like regular sand castles, don't they?
they have a secret:

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.
they started out as plastic sand castle molds from the 99Cent store!
summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.
it doesn't take much to change brand new or old thrifted sand castle forms
into the sand-covered versions that i created...

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.
i painted my plastic castle  molds using artist acrylic paint, tinted a 'sand' hue.
it took two coats to cover the bright colors...  and it was time consuming,
so i'm going to suggest that you spray paint yours!

after the paint dries, mix some white glue with a touch of brown paint and a splash of water.
paint this mixture onto your castle pieces - 
and then IMMEDIATELY either lay them into sand, or sprinkle sand onto the glued surface.
glue and apply sand to one side of the mold at a time, 
so that you can hold it horizontal and the sand stays on better.

i have a large baggie filled with my favorite grainy sand from my favorite beach on my island,
and i intended to use it on two of the pieces - 
and use the fine grain sand from our backyard tiki bar on the other two.
you see one castle mold serve as my 'test' piece,
where i applied both kinds of sand to opposite ends.

sadly, the larger grains of sand/shells didn't cover the plastic well at all.

so i knocked off as much rough sand as i could from the first piece, 
then applied more glue and poured some of the fine sand onto the form.
fortunately, it blends in just fine:

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.
the largest castle shown above is actually the bucket that everything came in,
with handle removed and a nice thick coat of sand glued on.

i also painted and glued sand about an inch inside the rim of the bucket,
so i could flip it over and use it as a flower vase
(shown in photos lower in this post)

after everything dried, i arranged the 'sandy castles' on my studio mantel
in three different arrangements...
you saw one up above, here's another, and then the final 'look' is below it:
summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.
part of my collection of bottled sand from all of the beaches i have visited is included here,
along with several large shells from beaches in Puget Sound
and some shells i painted with yellow and white patterns back in summer 2020.

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.
when the bucket 'castle/ is flipped over,
it will hold a potted plant or flower arrangement perfectly -
these yellow hibiscus flowers really make the yellow shells stand out!

at the end of summer when i remove them from the mantel,
i will spray these castles with a coat of  matte clear spray paint
and then place each one in a plastic bag for storage.
that should help keep the sand ON the molds.
(yes, i could have done it now, but i am a procrastinator
and am already busy working on other projects! LOL)

displayed with seashells, seascape paintings, or photos of family vacations at the beach,
these are perfect summer decor accents to set a mood in your home
that cost very little to make.

i love the way they fit perfectly with my all-time FAVE photo of my four kids,
snapped on Mukilteo Beach back in 1995... happy summer memories.

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.

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(number five is a DOOZY!) 

shared online:

modern on monticello | home matters linky party #433 
thank you for featuring my project, Miss Donna!

funky junk interiors | new upcyled ideas #681
thank you for featuring my project, Miss Donna!

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.


  1. I think these are such a clever idea. Kids will love them. They look good on your mantel. Thanks for sharing the idea and this post will be a feature this week. #HomeMattersParty

    1. thank you so much, Miss Donna! i am honored to be included in your feature, and hope my project will inspire your readers to give it a try!

  2. What a genius use of sandcastle molds! I adore the idea of bringing the outdoors in and this is super unique and cool!

    1. thank you, my friend! and thank you for including me in this week's link party feature! <3

  3. This is genius Debi! I am in love and awe all at the same time! What a great idea, and so many fond memories of building sand castles from childhood came flooding back to me. Thanks for sharing! I am visiting from Funky Junk Interiors!

    1. thank you so much for your kind words, Cara! welcome to my blog - and thanks for visiting!!!
