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terra cotta pot wreath

spring,wreaths,diy decorating,DIY,tutorial,inspired by nature,natural elements,neutrals,garden style,wall art,terra cotta pot wreaths,flower pot wreaths.

yes, this project IS a 're-share'!
as i made this wreath for my 2023 'Terra Cotta Christmas' theme,
i did so planning to share it again this spring...

it just captures all the spring 'feels' SO well 
and has endless possibilities for embellishment each season - 
which is really what homeward found decor is all about.

friends, you don't need a whole new set of decor accents each season!
and you certainly don't need to shop for all new stuff...
and bins to store more and more and more stuff.
make your own decor and create a home you love to live in.

continue reading for my tutorial...


NEW: Sweet Sweater Sprouts!

spring,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Sprouts,sweaters,garden style,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,home decor,seasonal,re-purposing,up-cycling,inspired by nature,faux potted plants,tutorial
i know. i said that i really wanted to create seasonal home decor that wasn't CUTE. 
but my muses keep giving me ideas for CUTE projects. 
at THREE in the morning. sigh.
the muses have no regard for our schedules -
 they want what they want WHEN they want it.
so when deb can't sleep, deb sketches. and the muses inspire.

and so, i proudly present
my NEWEST 'Sweet Sweater Original' creation: 'Sprouts'!

perfect for springtime and cute as can be,
these lil' guys make me smile. and they couldn't be easier to create...
continue reading for my tutorial!


it's time to talk about my pot addiction.

spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
no, that post title ISN'T an April Fools Day joke -
and it doesn't mean what you THINK It means!
in case you haven't noticed, i just love terra cotta pots!
they are such a versatile decorative element...
i can ALWAYS find a way to use them, in every season:

gather them on a platter or in a crate, sit them on a miniature chair,
add a little moss, tuck in a blooming primrose or tulip (fake is okay!),
dome them under glass, set the table with them,
make mushrooms out of them, turn them into Christmas decor,
and generally use them in ways they were never intended to be used!
i don't think i'll ever run out of ideas...

there was this ONE incident, however, that launched me into
the terra cotta pot stratosphere...


simple paper strip nest

spring,Easter,nests,paper,paper crafts,vintage paper,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,re-purposing,up-cycling,trash to treasure,create a paper nest for Easter,tutorial.
how did we get to the end of MARCH already?!!

this last post for the month - though certainly not my last spring project - 
was a thought that occurred to me as i was working on my
new 'Sweet Sweater Nest' creations late last month (post linked below)...

this nest is made using the same basic method as the sweater nest,
but with a different material: paper strips.
i've chosen to use some of my 'painted paint chip paper' strips to make mine - 
remember back in 2020 when my theme was paint chip crafts ALLL year long??!

to fit your own style, this project could easily be done using vintage sheet music,
elegant gift wrapping paper, or even colorful comic pages.
it's a fun way to up-cycle any paper you have on hand!

continue reading for a great last-minute spring project
PLUS a tip for filling your Easter baskets easily! 


create a living nest

spring,garden style,inspired by nature,wreaths,nests,DIY,diy decorating,home decor,seasonal,tutorial,outdoors,rustic style,natural elements,neutrals,garden art,on the porch,re-purposed,farmhouse style,living nest,wreath as nest,spring nest,spring plants.
i thought this project up months ago and am so happy to finally share it!
this 'living nest' idea was spurred by a photo i saw online:
my thought was, why not take the 'living wreath' topiary
and turn it on its side?! would it resemble a nest?

so then i had to experiment a bit to see if that idea would work out in reality. 
continue reading to see how it did!


easy-peasy twine nest

spring,nests,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,home decor,seasonal,re-purposed,up-cycling,dollar store crafts,inspired by nature,garden style,twine nest,diy nest,diy spring nest.
i dropped a ball of twine on the floor in my studio, it unraveled...
and this nest was the result!

i love it when something happens that makes me look at a material
in a new way, with a new use in a new seasonal accent.
and this one couldn't have been easier!

wanna' turn a ball of dollar store twine into a nest in less than five minutes?
continue reading!