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the Gift of Sharing

I'm celebrating my birthday by declaring today
'the Gift of Sharing' Day 
over on the
 HOMEWARDfound facebook page!

Click the green link above to join me there, and
share the links to YOUR favorite facebook pages...
They can be your own page, or a page belonging to a friend
or a page that is a business you love and would like others to know about: 
Shops, shows, events, movies, vacation spots, cafe's, anything at all!
( let's keep it PG-rated, though, okay?!!! )
All I ask is that you please don't post the links in your comments here on this blog -
Only on the facebook page.
Thank you!

for more decorating
inspiration for every season of the year,
  visit HOMEWARDfound on these social networking sites:

1 comment:

  1. I am a little late... Happy Birthday, Deb. Hope it was a wonderful day... Cathy
