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winter inspiration

winter,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,home decor,tutorial,winter wreaths,winter crafts, winter home decor, winter decor,winter foraging,winter mood.
the new year beckons with possibilities...
if you're looking for winter home decor tutorials and projects
to inspire you to create a home you love to live in,

new winter content posts begin in january!

winter,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,home decor,tutorial,winter wreaths,winter crafts, winter home decor, winter decor,winter foraging,winter mood.


wishing you the happiest holidays

terra cotta Christmas 2023,Christmas,What Matters,holiday,new year,home decor,decorating,diy decorating,DIY,winter,
Christmas arrives in just a few days,
with a New Year on the horizon...

as we wrap up 2023,
i want to express my deep gratitude for your visits, likes, and comments
on my seasonal home decor content across social media platforms,
as well as to the generous bloggers and home publications
who have featured my projects over the past year.

i love the creative community we have all built together,
and truly appreciate your support & encouragement. it means the world to me.
and i really LOVE it when you tell me that i inspired you to make something new!

terra cotta Christmas 2023,Christmas,What Matters,holiday,new year,home decor,decorating,diy decorating,DIY,winter,
i so enjoyed your happy responses to my 'terra cotta Christmas' themed posts,
and you can imagine my smile when i spied these items on the Terrain website:
apparently i wasn't the only one obsessed with terra cotta pots this holiday season!

i'd love to hear from you what your favorite homewardFOUND post was this year,
and what you hope to see from me in 2024...
some fun project images are already sent off for publication,
with ideas for new winter-into-spring decor projects percolating in my brain.

terra cotta Christmas 2023,Christmas,What Matters,holiday,new year,home decor,decorating,diy decorating,DIY,winter,

i'm currently enjoying the end of this year and the dawning of the new one
while embracing some quiet time and 'artist dates'
to refresh and refuel my creativity as i plan for 2024 projects + content.

i hope you find time to do the same - 
disconnect, rest, renew, and revive yourself
in whatever ways you need to.

wishing you the merriest of Christmases
and happiness in the new year!

creatively, deb

terra cotta Christmas 2023,Christmas,What Matters,holiday,new year,home decor,decorating,diy decorating,DIY,winter,


terra cotta Christmas: a simply natural table

terra cotta Christmas 2023,Christmas,Christmas Decor Themes,thrifted,ornaments,Christmas Decor,holiday,up-cycling,re-purposed,Christmas tree,tablescapes,holiday,entertaining,terra cotta pots,natural elements,Pottery Barn,West Elm,Terrain,Christmas table decor
i'm gonna' be honest, i got stuck on this one.
just how do you incorporate terra cotta pots into a tablescape?

keep it simple.

as always, i used what i had on hand,
combined some varied colors and textures and elements,
and didn't try to do anything that YOU can't do in your home, too.

continue reading for a few easy ideas...


terra cotta Christmas: 2 nativity scenes

terra cotta Christmas 2023,Christmas,Christmas Decor Themes,thrifted,ornaments,Christmas Decor,holiday,up-cycling,re-purposed,painting,faux finish,tutorial,terra cotta pot nativity,terra cotta pots,nativity scenes,Christmas nativity.
when i was thinking about ideas for a terra cotta pot nativity,
i looked online - and every rendition i saw was 'cute'. and painted.
not what i wanted, which is good -
it means what i've created is different than what other people have done!
(always my goal)

i wanted the same kind of simple, modern/contemporary style i've done before
that would coordinate with the other terra cotta decor elements i've made this year.

then i grabbed a traditional nativity scene
and shzooshed it up a bit with paint ;) 

continue reading to see how easy it is to transform something
into something ELSE ...


terra cotta Christmas: faux painted tree ornaments

terra cotta Christmas 2023,faux finish,Christmas,Christmas Decor Themes,thrifted,Christmas Decor,holiday,up-cycling,painting,dollar store crafts,tutorial,re-purposed,Christmas tree,ornaments, tree decorating,tree decor,diy ornaments,terra cotta flower pot decor,Terrain,Pottery Barn,West Elm
while i'm having fun finding all kinds of ways
to use terra cotta flower pots in my theme this holiday season,
i needed to expand the scope... enter my favorite tool: PAINT!

i rounded up some unused ornaments from my stash
and transformed them using my faux terra cotta paint technique.
it's easy, cheap, and a great way to revive unused items!

continue reading for the details and some of my top tree decorating tips...