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deb's top tree lighting tip

When it comes to lighting the Christmas tree at home, I'm a purist...
I like white lights: Mini, C7, C9, bubble, whatever kind I use, they are white.
Maybe you like multicolor - or ONE color!

Whatever your preference is,
I have a tip for you when it comes to lighting the tree
(and how many of you are tackling THAT job this weekend?!)
that is guaranteed to up the sparkle factor!

continue reading to see what my ONE STEP TRICK is!


frosted fall leaves tutorial

"autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower..." ~ Albert Camus
that's one of my favorite quotes about autumn.
i saw something the other day that caused that poetic line to spring to my mind:
isn't it pretty? i love the 'fall-into-winter' feel of the leaves shown here.
this image on writer Ann Voskamp's website inspired me to create
my own 'frosted fall leaves' for a simple Thanksgiving tablescape...
it's a really easy project, and it turned out perfectly.
continue reading for the easy tutorial if you need a last-minute Thanksgiving idea
that won't take much time at all...


friendsgiving fun

i just found these photos from a fall event that i attended several years ago, 
where i spotted some pretty & easy ideas for a simple and rustic dessert table
perfect for a gathering of friends on Thanksgiving!

the setup was simple: wood crates provide levels,
and food is presented in bushel baskets and arranged on wood slabs.
a few large branches with fall leaves add scale in the background (without requiring any work at all),
and a handful of small pumpkins scattered along the table add color.

<<< click 'continue reading' to see more tasty details!


thanksgiving tablescape round-up

well, here we are again, my friends... running at full speed toward the holiday season!

things can be pretty crazy this time of year, so to help prepare you for Thanksgiving, 
here's a round-up of my past posts sharing some tips, tricks, and ideas
for creating lovely table settings without a lot of prep & work...  

 click on each title to read the entire post, 
where you'll find all the details and resources to help you out!

i don't know about you, but sometimes 
it seems that Thanksgiving gets lost in the rush of the holidays, 
receiving little attention and not much preparation
(yes, i DO 'fess up to totally forgetting the table decor one year!)
for me, setting a welcoming table to enhance the delicious food
is a simple way that we can encourage our guests to 
slow down and focus on the people who are most important to us...

may your Thanksgiving be a day of gratitude, generosity, and connection this year, 
surrounded by family, friends, or family AND friends...
and thank you so much for dropping in here for a visit!