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welcome winter...

it's time to clear out the Christmas decor and freshen our rooms for time spent indoors...
let's cozy them up and make them inviting with stuff you probably already have!
let's greet the new year with a happy home and a happy heart

homewardFOUND is ideas, inspiration, tutorials, tips & tricks 
for easy seasonal decorating using everyday finds...


Winter Decorating: Glass Lamp Globe 'Snowballs'!

back in a post last fall, i shared a tutorial for my original Glass Globe Pumpkins with you
[thank you for making that post my all-time #1 post, by the way!]

but i use those glass light globes in different ways all year long!

here's what i do with them in the winter:

* take the simple clear glass ones, 
and make them into snowglobes...

* find small figurines at thrift shops or the dollar store
* spray paint them gloss white
* hot glue them inside a shallow white bowl or pedestal
[i like using hot glue  - 
because if i want to change it all later, i can!]
*flip the globe upside down with the opening facing up - 
then add some snow flakes or glitter inside.
* then put a bead of hot glue all along the rim of the globe, 
and place the base upside down onto the glass globe's opening.
* trim the edge of the base with vintage trims, ribbon, jewelry if you like.

 * in the globe shown below, i also glued a clear plastic snowflake behind the little angel figure.

You can use glass fishbowls, too!


* nestle them into arrangements of greens and cones,
in urns and buckets and boxes...
put night lights on an extension cord inside them so they'll glow!

You can use a strand of mini-lights for outdoor use, as well...

* another easy way to use these is just to fill up a beautiful urn, bowl, wire basket, or other container.
the sunshine pouring in the windows is enough to light them up
and show off the beautiful patterns in the glass...

my wire urn below was one of my favorite display pieces for these!

 they work inside and out -
try heaping them into a wheelbarrow in the garden
and lit them with mini-lights!

... and no, that's NOT all!
i'll have more ideas for these when SPRING comes!


I'm Dreaming of a ....

 just a few last images of White Christmas decor to send us off to dreamland tonight!
may your days be merry and bright... and may all your Christmases be white!

i want to thank you all so much 
for joining me here at HOMEWARDfound this year...
i truly appreciate the amazing encouragement and support
that you have all offered through your comments, likes, shares, pins, 
and purchases of the original products i offer.

i look forward to all of the decorating inspiration
to share with you for the seasons to come in 2013!
~ Debi Ward Kennedy


'Fast, Cheap & Easy' Last Minute Wrapping

we're down to the last-minute shopping and wrapping, aren't we?!
here's a Fast, Cheap & Easy solution for decorating your packages:
bows? schmoes. let's be more creative!

forget bows and ribbons. find something FUN to put on the front of your packages!
shown here are styrofoam and plastic snowflakes
[from the dollar store, naturally!]
a dot of hot glue or a sticky glue dot holds them onto the paper securely
then add a sticky label on top of the snowflake
and use stickers to spell out the recipient's name.
[ALL available at the dollar store, WalMart, etc]
 this little trick works on bags and on wrapping paper
and through it's a bit late, is a perfect solution for gifts to be shipped - there are no bows to squash!

what else could be used?
paper or felt cutouts, photographs, pages from a coloring book, a pair of fuzzy sox....
what can YOU find?

Elegant Swellegant Trees

when two twin boys were young, their mom let them choose what to put on one of the trees...
and of course, boys being boys, they chose colored lights and bright colorful ornaments! 
the tree was set up every year in the family room, towering over the family activities each day of the season.

one year, this brilliant mom discovered some soft, adorable stuffed teddy bears - 
and bought a truckload of them.
they were, of course, immediately added to the tree decor!
when they boys came running in from school that year, 
they stopped in their tracks and smiled. and giggled. and laughed. 
they really loved the bears!

and so every year, before 'the boys' would come home from school on the last day before Break, 
we'd get that 'Bear Tree' up and decorated and lit just for them.
 we had a LOT of fun doing different things with the bears each year...

one year, the bears became gymnasts, 
flipping, cartwheeling, somersaulting, and hanging upside down
all over the tree above
the giggles that year were even better ;0)

another year, the bears formed a 'bear chain', holding hands and feet
to create a garland of furry cuteness swirling up the tree...
shown below
and one year, i found the perfect gift for the family...
a HUGE stuffed dog that looked just like the very live very large dogs that they owned!
the stuffed Bernese Mountain Dog was 'wrapped' up in the red velvet tree skirt and tucked next to the tree
and when the boys came home that day,
the smiles were pretty big, too!
 the tree was placed in such a way that it sat in front of this oval window, 
which faced the front entry
[you can see it in the photo in a post below, with the eight foot tall nutcracker guard]

so each year, i would find a way to put a few of the bears in position on the tree
so that they were visible through that window...
anyone coming up to the front door was treated to the bear acrobatics!
those two young men have since graduated from high school and are off to college,
and i am sure they still remember their 'Bear Tree' with smiles.

and isn't that why we do amazing things with our Holiday decor? 
for the Memories...

across the entry hall from the Bear Tree was a stately half-round wood-paneled office
with gorgeous antique furnishings,
which was home to a most elegant and regal tree...
 the white lights on the tree radiated through the windows to illuminate the front of the house
as it held some very beautiful and meaningful treasures...

this elegant tree was adorned with
gold and velvet ribbons, silk tassels, bunches of 'sugared' faux fruit, velvet poinsettias,
velvet and glass ball ornaments, gold musical instruments, dripping glass crystals and fruit,
beaded gold moroccan ornaments, gold beaded garland, and topped with a majestic mache' angel
it really was truly breathtaking
and a joy to create each year...

this wonderful family and the incredible woman at the helm of it
is actually the reason i spent seven years decorating executive homes...

she approached me and a co-worker one day at a famous Seattle nursery, 
where we were decorating trees for retail displays, 
and asked 'Can you make MY tree look like that?'
without a second's hesitation, i said 'Yes we can!' and passed her my phone number.
a few days later, we went to her beautiful home and made plans for her decor.
she was the first of some very special clients that we decorated for...

over seven years, she and her family welcomed us in to help create their Holiday memories
and in the process, we became part of the memories.

i can't thank Linda's family enough,
and Fran, or Marco & Fritzi, Karen/Penny, Cindy, and Marion - our other special clients...
and my friend Karen and my daughters B & B for working so hard each year
to help to create such wonderful memories


Swanky Black & White Holiday Decor

 in one MORE take on mixing up my basic white decor,
this time we've thrown a stark contrast into the recipe: BLACK!
so the crisp whites, warm ivories, and sparkling crystal now has a deeper side ;0)

enjoy the inspiration of this almost Hollywood-chic look,
created using everyday items combined with a few ornaments and very few greens.
it's crisp, clean, and classic...

on the chandelier, above, i loaded up clear crystal and glass ornaments, black beaded garland,
sprayed some resin crystal drops BLACK, and also found some smoky gray crystals just for fun
bringing out my mismatched collection of black and white platters, plates, and cups added to the look
even the wire mannequin in my office got into the 
'Black & White' party spirit...
and on the tree... which looks in this shot to be bare, but really isn't! 
there are a lot of white, ivory and crystal ornaments that aren't showing up from this far away...
 solid black, solid white, and black & white dotted ribbons cascade from the top, 
where a sparkling crystal snowflake sits
 those velvet-embossed ornaments AGAIN (see how many ways they work?!)
and a laser-cut Tord Boontje garland from Tar-Jay
 these are vintage medallions that have been hand-beaded. 
i have no idea what they were originally made for, but they work PERFECTLY as tree ornaments!
[i paid 50 cents each for them at a yard sale!]
 the black shape that you see is printed onto clear acetate pages. 
i bought them at the scrapbooking store, then cut them apart. 
they simply hang from a hook, adding sharp black detail on the white tree...
 ivory ornaments have our family initial drawn on with a black acrylic paint pen. 
i did each of twelve ornaments with a different font...
 dozens of long rectangular acrylic crystals from the most hideous 1970's era chandelier EVER
(we're talking Liberace in Vegas here, kids.... but it was free! )
became beautiful ornaments 
with the addition of black & white scrapbook paper glued to the flat backside.