wishing you the happiest holidays
how i see Easter... an essay
with love,
a sweet 'gingerbread' creche & nativity
summer break
this was unplanned, but is necessary:
i'm taking a break from 'content creation' for the rest of the summer.
if you care to know why, continue reading...
the old rugged cross
and in the background of a few shots you saw a small collection of wood crosses.
today, i'm focusing on those and how they are made from 'everyday' materials.
Easter arrives in just a few days, and it is one of the most important days of the year to me.
my faith is built on the miraculous events celebrated on this day centuries ago,
and my hope resides in the promises God made about what it all means for the future.
Easter is also the day that my sweet Dad went home to Heaven seven years ago,
just as the sun was rising and beaming through the windows onto his peaceful face...
a precious reminder about what is really important in this life.
having a cross (or collection of crosses) in my decor is important to me,
and i love being able to make them unique and personal.
i hope these ideas inspire you!
continue reading for details...
faux painted 'kintsugi' easter eggs
a quiet beginning...
as i open a new calendar and stare at the month of January,
i see a fresh start. possibility. space. time. freedom. opportunity.
i like the idea of letting go of the old and embracing the new -
even when it's sometimes scary to make big changes.
in mid-December, i read a post by one of my favorite authors, Ann Voskamp,
Let go of Plan A — Go with 'Plan Be.'
and i most definitely gauge my worth and value on my output and productivity.
i always have - long before social media made it a daily goal visible to the world.
and it's a very bad habit. it drives me into burnout in every area of my life.
i've been struggling with that since October.
but after spending much of December not creating online content,
and thinking about what i can do to remedy the predicament i find myself in,
i know what to do now...
continue reading
Sweet Sweater Nativity
i've made a lot of things this year,
and this project ended up being my very favorite one.
i've selected it as my very first 'official' holiday decor post
because for me, this is the 'reason for the season' -
observing and celebrating the birth of Jesus.
it is at the foundation of my faith, and fills my soul with joy.
this project began with the beautiful blown glass art of artist Helle Mardahl...
i was so inspired by the luminous colors and soft forms of her art in photos on Instagram
and they immediately made me think of human forms.
i turned a few small ceramic vessels and some tiny tree ornaments
into a charmingly sweet and simple nativity scene that reflects her art.
after i added sweater scraps to the mix, i HAD to call this a 'Sweet Sweater Nativity'!
continue reading for the very easy details...
Merry Christmas!
i want to thank you so much for joining me over the past two months
as i have shared a lot of crazy colorful 'merry and bright!' inspiration for the holidays!
see all of my merry and bright! posts here
with a few paint chips quickly glued together in a house shape.
the figures you see are decades old, set up in our home when i was a little Debby.
saved, protected, and passed down, i set them up when my kids were small
and then watched my first grandson play with them when he was two.
they are an enduring reminder of my many memories of Christmas...
i chose a 'merry and bright!' theme this year not just because of the need for merriment,
but as my homage to creativity, to imagination, to childlike wonder.
staying creative this year has helped me more than i can explain,
to stay in a grateful and positive mindset during this pandemic.
my goal has been to use and REuse as much 'stuff' from home as i can,
shop for as little as possible, and just PLAY. it's been a fun creative exercise!
i hope that you are finding ways to express your creativity -
and everyone is creative, in so many different ways -
and that you've discovered how much joy you can create in your own life and home,
even when the world outside those doors is going a bit haywire.
let's carry that attitude into 2021, shall we?!
i wish you all a very merry (and bright!) Christmas
and a new year that holds hope, joy, and faith in your heart.
see you in January!
paint chip advent calendar
i've used paint chip squares, since they coordinate with my theme this year,
but other easy ways to create something similar include manila tags and post-it notes!
the process is very easy - everyone can get in on the fun!
continue reading for the how-to and suggestions for personalizing an advent calendar...
colorful office makeover
the truth is that this project was the result of color overload...
continue reading for the story of how i got from there, to here, and what happened in between!
and isn't it good that we can make our homes a retreat from the worlds' chaos?
in the midst of the current sense of uncertainty, i hope that you can all
focus your mind and your thoughts on still seeing beauty in the world around you,
extend patience and kindness to others (but not your hands! LOL),
and fill up your homes with a daily celebration of life:
music, cleanliness, and a calmness of spirit built on gratitude for what we DO have.
we have a choice, and our choices affect others around us and in our homes...
we can still shine the light of hopefulness and BE the bright side of life right now.
we can still pull together here on social media and encourage & uplift one another.
i invite you to share your social media links in a comment on this post:
facebook page, blog, instagram, pinterest, twitter. you can share someone else's, too!
oh, and that project pictured above?
i've had a few questions about it, so i'll share the details...
continue reading to see more!
creatively speaking...
you see, a while back, i lost my joy in creating.
oh there was still the undertaking of projects and posting about them online,
but really it was pretty much just a lot of going through the motions
and hoping that my mojo would return.
nothing about my creative process was easy or flowing or remotely satisfying.
add in the pressure of keeping up with what's happening on social media,
and the result was complete overwhelm and a shutdown of the creative cycle.
something had to change.
i began to journal and read and spend time in nature, getting away from screens
that were filled with the results of other people's imagination and creativity,
taking time to consider what my aching heart was trying to teach me.
and then... an epiphany....
Salvaged Cross Wall Art
he smiled a mile wide - then he handed the planters to me.
'hey, good news needs to be shared, and celebrated!'
when i was creating a gallery wall arrangement, i grabbed the cross planter from the potting bench,
Thank You, Friends...
the Language of Love
the truly important things in life aren't decorating or crafting.
The decorating and crafting have always been - for me, anyway -
the way I show people that I love them...
The kids' rooms were always cute and fun and bright and happy, with handpainted furniture and murals that expressed their own style. The house was always clean (ish!) and decorated because I wanted my family to be proud of where they lived. The birthdays and special days of the year were greeted with simple decorations and fun food at the breakfast table (like pink milk and pancakes on Valentine's Day). The 'big' holidays like Halloween, Christmas, and Easter were celebrated with fun traditions and decorating.
ALL of those efforts on my part resulted not just in happy moments and lasting memories, but in a deeper meaning that leads my now-adult offspring to do the same things for their own kids.
This has become a 'language of love' for our whole family,
and nothing could make me happier.
Sometimes, the simplest things can mean the most.
There's another 'hand made' gift that is the very best one I ever received:
Valentine's Day 2015 came in the midst of some very hard days.
My Dad was fighting the battle of his life - FOR his life - against cancer.
He was weak, and tired, and spent a lot of time in his comfy chair downstairs. He wasn't going out of the house anymore, so I asked him if I could find a card for him to give to my Mom on Valentine's Day... he said yes, and I did. (I ended up overwhelmed by tears in the card department of the local CVS store, on the phone with my little sister to give me the strength to find a card expressing the love of a dying man for his wife of 35 years...) I gave him the card, he signed it, and gave it to her a few days later.
She loved it. She still reads it from time to time.
And then, when I awoke on Valentine's Day, I found little notes taped to my bedroom door, my office door, my bathroom mirror, and my laptop:
... little love notes for me, from my Dad.
He had written them on scrap paper and come upstairs to tape them where I would find them.
Handwritten love notes from my Daddy...
there isn't anything more precious to me now,
no other Valentine that could mean more than these.
Just a few short weeks later, on Easter morning, my Dad passed away.
I moved those notes to the back of my bedroom door, and I see them every single day. They are a constant reminder of his love, and of the effort it took him to climb the stairs to put them there for me.
He gave me all he had to give... his love. And it is more than enough.
The language of love is time. It's effort. It's thoughtfulness.
Maybe to you, it's a cupcake, or a card, or a perfect door wreath and mantel. Maybe it's a date, or a diamond, or chocolate and champagne. We all want to be shown love in the way that makes us feel special and loved, and to show love to those who are special to us.
For me, it's the little things done with a caring heart that mean the most
Whatever you do to show your love this year on Valentine's Day,
may it be from the heart.
Words Matter.
Re-Framing Your Dreams
Launch Your Creativity.
If you were one of the guests in attendance,
I would like to thank you from my heart for your warm reception, your trust, your attention,
(more about my message later in this post...)
I am one of those women, too.
Well, all that changed in the fall of 2011.
Without sharing the 'Lifetime Movie' details of what happened,
I attended this beautiful event last April as a guest.
This year, I was able to finally accept her request to speak at the event!
those are the lessons that I shared in my presentation on Saturday.
Titled 'Re-Framing Your Dream', my presentation asked this question:
“What do you DO when your dreams don't work out the way you planned?”
And as we do, that 'canvas' finds itself in many different 'frames'...
With the visual aid of eight very different picture frames,
Not every journey is the same, but the cycle is similar and most people can relate...
(there's a WORLD of possibility in those two little words!)
The frame is tiny, but valuable and beautiful.
The frame is more detailed, a little bit bigger, more clear.
At right about this point, you want to tell everyone about it.
Protect this little dream! It's like a baby bump...
All of that will overwhelm you and confuse you. It will make you question every choice and decision.
Don't let strangers touch the baby!
Your way to share what you value with others, with the world.
The frame is larger, very detailed, elegant, beautiful, and ready to be revealed.
Whether it's a product or a service, small or large,
But now, it's strong enough to hold up under the questions and doubts and opinions of others.
Sometimes, other people even share it FOR you...
because the focus of any spotlight needs to be what it is SHINING ON.
Here's what happens:
Your facebook LIKES and Twitter followers are growing astronomically.
Popular magazines start calling and want to run feature stories on your or your business or your home.
Ellen wants you on her show!
Yes, the spotlight is FUN! It can be a great experience,
Never exhaust yourself pursuing the spotlight.
Never let reaching or being in the spotlight be the focus of your dream.
(unless your dream involves acting!)
The frame that I used here has a great story:
It was gold when I bought it at a thrift store.
I brought it home and spray painted it white, so it would match the other white frames I already had.
I don't know if you can tell from the photo above, but that frame is not white.
After my momentary frustration over the dismal results,
I realized that it was the perfect visual for this part of the presentation...
Life, business, and dreams can - WILL - get that way, too.
Bad marketing campaigns, products that are ill-timed (or copied!),
Need I say more?
What do you do? You clean up the mess the best you can.
You fix it, spin it, recall it, refund it, repair it...
eat crow if you have to.
live, learn, apply, go forward.
forward to the next phase:
Have you ever heard of an 'underpainting'?
That's when an artist paints OVER an existing work with gesso
to create a clean canvas.
And then they start over...
There are points in the growth of a dream and business
Perhaps you've spread yourself too thin and are overwhelmed.
Maybe your sales are down and you don't know why.
Maybe this dream just doesn't reflect your vision anymore.
what do you DO?
Get those trusted advisors together for a pow-wow.
Look objectively and honestly at what's happened and why.
Then make hard choices and necessary changes...
Usually, that means scaling back. Cutting things away. Slowing down.
A step back or a step sideways is NOT FAILURE! It's EXPERIENCE!
The frame is smaller than the frame around your Grand dream, but it's more valuable.
You can see the swirls and curves that reflect the Grand dream frame, even though it is smaller.
What you can't really see is that it's made from a far more valuable material!
Redefining and restructuring your dream may just make it more valuable.
our dreams are destroyed...
A natural or other disaster. A pile-up of factors that just can't be cleaned up.
The choices and actions of others who impact our lives and our dreams.
Unbidden, those things come like missiles from out of nowhere, and destroy our dream.
(And sometimes US in the process.)
The frame is broken, cracked, damaged,
There comes a point, my friends, that you have to stop fighting for it.
A point where you have to accept that the dream is no longer breathing.
It's gone.
And that is the point when you have to release it. Let go.
Grieve the loss, celebrate the memories, learn from the experience,
My own story is that my cracked, broken, and unrepairable frame
Moving on is hard work... but you can do it.
It may just turn out that the new dream you dream -
the frame is larger, more beautiful, more detailed, and more substantial
At the end of my presentation, I shared this:
Although I have grieved and released my former dream and my former life,
though I have learned so much that has allowed me to understand why much of it happened
and though I am ready for and excited about the new life that lies in front of me now...
I have NO IDEA yet what my NEXT dream will be!
I truly don't. I have ideas, I have some things I am going to pursue and see how they 'pan out',
but I don't have a huge vision and goal in mind. YET.
But I know that I WILL have another Dream. It's just not time yet.
I know without doubt that my new dream will grow from my true passion
for finding simple ways to make spaces and environments beautiful and enjoyable,
and from my desire to share that with others to enrich their lives.
Whether it becomes creating sets for an entertainment giant,
or creating displays for a well-known retailer,
or opening a store of my own or starting another vintage show,
I know that the 'big picture' will come into focus soon.
I'm just going to keep on taking one step forward –
A masterpiece is made one brush stroke at a time.
I will never lose faith again – not in me, not in good, not in God.
And not in the fact that I am here to share my unique gifts and abilities and vision with the world –
This blog is where I have shared ideas, information, and inspiration that is all about how things LOOK.
This journey I am on has taught me to deal with the reality of how it really looks – inside and out.
homewardFOUND is where I share ideas about
Now it's my turn to re-think, re-imagine, re-define my life and my dream...
maybe it's your time for that, too.
so I thought that sharing this post here was appropriate...
The same principles apply to a dream as to found decor:
* Use what you have NOW - Look around you and see what's been overlooked that you can use.
* Work from your strengths, purpose, and passion - Use the skill set you have!
* Stay true to yourself and your style - Be Authentic.
I might just make my own frame out of reclaimed lumber