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Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts


WINTER: Scrap Paper Hearts Wreath

winter,Valentine's Day,paper crafts,vintage paper,diy decorating,DIY,home decor,colorful home,trash to treasure,up-cycling,re-purposed,wreaths,wall art,tutorial,hometalk,crafting,scrap paper hearts wreath
In a bit of a coincidence, I was notified on Wednesday that one of my past project posts for Valentine's Day decor would be featured on Thursday in the HomeTalk daily email and on social media... and that project just happens to be the original version of the one in this post, which I scheduled for Friday! I bumped it to publish a *bit* earlier, so I could link this new version to the original post that the HomeTalk link will lead to.

I offer a warm welcome to all of you who are visiting from HomeTalk!

As my beloved regular readers know, I love 'making something out of nothing'. In other words, turning the contents of my trash + recycle bins into seasonal home decor accents. Making my own decor this way costs me nothing, is a fun exercise in creativity, and gives me no guilt at all when I disassemble and re-use elements from one project to another!

Let me show you how I turned scraps into Valentine's Day home decor ...


faux terra cotta painted hearts

DIY,inspired by nature,home decor,decorating,winter,tutorial,re-purposed,diy decorating,up-cycling,Valentine's Day,painting,faux finish,faux painted hearts,Valentine heart decor,Valentine decor,faux terra cotta paint effect,matlasse' fabric hearts,chenille fabric hearts,matlasse' fabric wreath.
one last 'heart'-themed project for the month!
when i found four plastic hearts in my stash, i turned two of them
into faux moss covered topiary hearts (see my last post, linked below).

i held two back for this project - 
an easy faux paint treatment that turned two cheap plastic hearts
into something much more elegant and 'natural'.

using paint to change things is one of my favorite approaches
to seasonal decorating (and to not BUYING more stuff that i have to store)...

continue reading for my easy tutorial and a few more ideas!


'moss' heart topiary

winter,Valentine's Day,inspired by nature,home decor,diy decorating,up-cycling,DIY,tutorial,re-purposed,garden style,garden art,decorating,faux moss hearts,faux moss heart topiaries,yarn crafts,.
as i was creating the large faux 'moss' heart in my last post,
i unearthed some small plastic hearts that i had previously painted.
(those posts are linked below this one)
i decided to recreate them to coordinate with the larger 'moss' heart.

covering these lil' hearts with moss-like green yarn and fuzzy fabric was easy,
then i turned one of them into a tiny topiary.

continue reading for an easy tutorial...


plant a faux 'moss' heart

winter,wreaths,wall art,garden art,garden style,tutorial,Valentine's Day,spring,DIY,diy decorating,home decor,inspired by nature,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,moss,moss wreath,moss wall art,yarn crafts,crafting with yarn,painting.
this wood heart-shaped planting box is the perfect way
for me to incorporate nature-inspired elements in my winter decor. 

even though i'm not focused on creating for a specific 'holiday' now,
you've seen this element on the blog previously
as three different versions of wreaths perfect for February.
(previous posts linked below)

moss is a hot home decor trend this winter
and is showing up in many spring decor collections online...
from sculptures and floral designs to very large framed art pieces made of moss.
while i initially thought of using real moss for this project,
i found that one of my favorite 'faux' materials worked much easier
and with a lot less mess!

continue reading to see more details and my big 'secret' for moss...


use heart-shaped cake tins as decor!

Valentine's Day,winter,tutorial,DIY,diy decorating,home decor,sweaters,just for fun,seasonal,Valentine's Day decor, Valentine home decor,winter home decor,hearts,heart-shaped cake pans,heart-shaped cookie cutters,mantel decor,Valentine mantel decor
just in case you need a very last-minute Valentine's Day decorating idea,
here's a cute idea using heart-shaped baking pans and cookie cutters!

i mean, why NOT use what you have on hand to decorate?!

continue reading to see the details in this bonus post!


painted 'heart art'

Valentine's Day,winter,tutorial,painting,inspiration,DIY,diy decorating,home decor,seasonal,winter home decor, Valentine's Day decor,hearts,heart decor,inspired by art,painted hearts.
Valentine's Day is almost upon us...
 i had a 'Valentine' project idea, and started on it... then stopped. 
it just wasn't going the way i wanted. 
after taking a break and surfing Instagram, i had a NEW idea!

(do you have any idea how MANY 'ideas' never make it to the blog?!!!
creating is a process - and sometimes, that process doesn't work as planned!)

the original project plan became THIS and i'm much happier with the results.
i owe that to two other people - continue reading to find out why!


'gilded' hearts

Valentine's Day,hearts,winter,painting,tutorial,DIY,diy decorating,crafting,dollar store crafts,re-purposed,makeover,faux finish,home decor,winter home decor, Valentine's decorating,diy Valentine's Day decor,paint tricks,faux finish paint tutorial.
i guess i'm just different.
while the majority of people i see on social media are rushing to Target
for the release of new items every season and holiday,
i'm over here digging thru bins in my garage and studio
to find things i can revitalize and reuse to decorate my home.

case in point: these painted hearts.

i had an idea rolling around in my head to try to replicate gold leaf,
so i pulled these out and found two ways to try out my idea.
it cost me nothing at all! i had everything i needed on hand already.
and i didn't need any more storage space to keep a new project in!
(can you imagine if i kept every.last.project. i have ever made???
i'd have far more bins and boxes and shelves filled than i already do.
i'd have spent a lot more money, too!)

continue reading to see how i got these effects...


show 'em some love!

art, color, color palettes, colorful home, DIY, diy decorating, dollar store crafts, February 2021, Pantone color of the year, Valentine's Day, winter, paper, paper crafts, love notes, love letters, valentines, valentines mailbox, vintage mailbox, hearts, paper hearts.
just poppin' in with a recent discovery in my files...
this project didn't make the blog last winter
and since I'm not currently making new things,
 I thought I'd share it for your Valentine's Day inspiration!

we've all become familiar with offering a little 'thank you' to the many service people
who deliver food and goods to our homes - especially during a pandemic.
our isolation is made more comfortable by them bringing us what we order online.

last year, I created one with a Valentine theme
from an old wall mailbox, all 'shooszhed' up with hearts
to express my gratitude to our USPS, UPS, FedEx, and Instacart delivery people...

continue reading to see how!


more embellished hearts!

art,painting,crafting,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,Valentine's Day,winter,junk makeover,colorful home,color palettes,Pantone color of the year,dollar store crafts,Pantone 2021,Illuminating Yellow,Ultimate Gray,yellow and gray decor,home decor,home decorating, winter decorating,Valentine decor,junk,use what you have decorating,Dollar Tree crafts,hearts,painted hearts,heart decor.
the last two 'embellished' hearts i have to show you are quite simply
 'junk makeovers' of an old glass heart-shaped dish and another heart-shaped tin.
and one of those includes an easy-peasy way to add glitter to ANYTHING!

a tiered tray (made by stacking white dishes from the kitchen!)
holds a pretty yellow and white assortment of hearts - with a touch of gray -
and i love how cheerful it is in my studio 'photo spot' by the faux fireplace.

enjoy my last Valentine decor post!

continue reading to see a few 'before' and 'afters'...


bee mine scrap wood sign

art,wall art,decorating,DIY,diy decorating,painting,woodcrafts,Valentine's Day,crafting,color palettes,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,re-purposing,trash to treasure,up-cycling,winter,create a BUZZ,BEE my Valentine,Valentine's Day decor,bee decor,diy Valentine decor,winter home decor,winter mantel decor,yellow and gray,Pantone 2021,Illuminating Yellow,Ultimate Gray.
my unusual yellow palette for Valentine's Day combines with a honey of a theme
in this third of three related projects...

a small piece of scrap wood found in my garage became this cute sign,
which could hang on a wall or sit on a tiered tray or mantel.
the addition of dimensional elements makes it special - and still so easy to create!

paired with my last two projects, it forms a sweet vignette on my mantel.

you can do this! continue reading for the easy how-to...


diy decorative honey pot

art,crafting,painting,DIY,diy decorating,re-purposing,up-cycling,trash to treasure,Valentine's Day,winter,decorating,color palettes,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,tutorial,Valentine decor,Valentines Day decorating,mantel decor,yellow and gray palette,Illuminating Yellow,Ultimate Gray,Pantone 2021,BEE my Valentine theme
my last post shared the darling buzzing bees shown above, along with the honeycomb heart.
those were created as part of an entire 'story' for my mantel...

in this post i'm sharing the second element, a honey pot -
and the easy, clever way i made that honey look SO realistic!

continue reading and join me in creating a BUZZ this Valentine's Day!


create a valentine's day buzz!

crafting,DIY,diy decorating,painting,re-purposing,junk makeover,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,Valentine's Day,winter,garden art,Illuminating Yellow,Ultimate Gray,yellow and gray decor,gray and yellow palette,home decor, winter home decor, Valentines Day home decor,Valentines Day mantel decor,BEE mine Valentine,bee theme Valentines Day decor, Valentine heart decor.
you've seen my unusual yellow heart decor in previous posts.
now that it's February, i'm taking the Valentine's theme a BIT further... 

BEE my Valentine, won't you?!
i'm having fun with this and can't wait for you to see what i made...

continue reading to see what inspired this happy theme, and how to make those buzzin' bees! 


'house of love' salvaged sign

art,wall art,woodcrafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,salvaged,white,Pantone color of the year,colorful home,Valentine's Day,DIY,diy decorating,crafting,trash to treasure,winter,Illuminating Yellow,Ultimate Gray,gray and yellow decor,home decor,winter home decor, Valentines home decor,scrap wood crafts,painted,diy Valentine decor.
every time i look at this project, i hear the song 'House of Love' in my head...

[if you're not old like me, you may not remember that song from the 90's,
recorded by friends (who later married) Amy Grant and Vince Gill.
it's an earworm, so if you want to hear it, there's a link after the post!]

this project is a re-use of something i first created last January - 
i've just changed it a bit and added to it. i love re-making old projects!

continue reading to see the before/after...


diy paper hearts wall art + garland

art,wall art,paper,paper crafts,vintage paper,re-purposing,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,color palettes,Valentine's Day,wreaths,winter,trash to treasure,hearts,valentine hearts,valentine decor,valentines wreath,heart decor,paper hearts,Pantone color of the year 2021,Illuminating Yellow,Ultimate Gray,yellow and gray decorating,yellow and gray palette, vintage Disneyland tickets
the wreath in my last post isn't the only way i am using paper hearts!
the freebie hearts cut from magazine pages and other scrap paper in my studio
have also become wall art and a mantel garland.

this is a really easy way to add a fun seasonal touch to your home
using what you have on hand already
(that's really been my Modus Operandi through this whole pandemic)

continue reading to see how easy it is to make home decor from scrap paper...


Scrap Paper Heart Wreath

art,wall art,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,paper,vintage paper,Valentine's Day,re-purposing,up-cycling,trash to treasure,wreaths,winter,color,color palettes,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,Illuminating Yellow,Ultimate Gray,Pantone 2021,yellow and gray,hearts, heart decor,decorating with hearts,Valentine's Day decor,Valentine hearts,heart wreath,paper hearts, Disney decor, Disneyland tickets
Welcome to all who are visiting in February 2025 from HomeTalk!
This post from 2021 has been updated for you,
with links to a NEW post plus other related projects on my blog...
You'll find them at the end of this post.

my penchant for paper often pays off... which is good, because i keep EVERYTHING.
  old magazines. brochures. cards. shopping bags. even business cards if they're cute!
this past year, i've been a bit better about tearing pages out of mags instead of keeping them.
(i almost broke a drawer in my studio because it was overloaded with heavy magazines.) 

so when my brain comes up with an idea for using said scrap paper
(usually at 3 in the morning)
i have a stash on hand that i can dig into, and it costs me nuthin'.
and you all know how i love making art & decor with everyday stuff!

in December, i shared a wreath like this made from old Christmas cards cut into circles.
this time, i cut paper into heart shapes - you could certainly make a heart-shaped wreath, too!
i even brought out a piece of paper that is one of the most valuable i have:
vintage. Disney. and i CUT IT UP. yeah, call me crazy.
but it's my fave part of this wreath!

continue reading to see how scrap paper becomes art...


diy floral painted hearts

 art,painting,boho style,color,color palettes,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,dollar store crafts,DIY,diy decorating,flowers,Valentine's Day,winter,hearts,painted hearts,floral hearts,Valentine Decor,winter decorating,decorating with hearts,hearts,Dollar Tree crafts,Dollar Tree hearts makeover,yellow and gray,Illuminating Yellow,Ultimate Gray,Pantone 2021,boho home
there's no LAW that says Valentine's decor has to be pink and red, right?

in keeping with my current infatuation with the Pantone Colors of the Year 2021,
i've decided to adapt them to fit this sweet holiday!
eternally optimistic Illuminating Yellow and soothing, cozy Ultimate Gray
pair up with white in this painted diy project,
while the floral designs impart a romantic, country-fresh, sort of boho vibe.

the inspiration for this technique was inspired by two projects from last fall...
and by something of my Mom's that has always been in my life.

continue reading to see what inspired the patterns AND the before shot!


a quick Valentine's Day table to love

hearts, valentines, home decor, tablescape, red, sweet sweater snowmen, gift wrap wall art, diy, party, winter
the truth is, incorporating seasonal decor in my home
all started for the simple reason of making my four children smile.
i loved doing things each month that would delight them, and make them feel special...

every month of the year, there is a holiday - some are major, some are minor.
and if there wasn't one on the calendar, i'd make one up: "It's SUNSHINE day!"
on the 'big day' (whatever that was - including birthdays), 
the kitchen table would be decked out colorfully in the theme for the day.

a fun breakfast table and a special treat like cookies, stickers, or a tiny stuffie from the dollar store
started their day off in a happy mood and let them know that they were special to ME... 
worth the effort to make things fun just for them.
(what can i say? decorating is my love language!)

now, i'm not ashamed to say that we had very little money while raising our four kids.
so i didn't run to the store and grab a bunch of new decor each month...
i simply looked around the house and pulled together things we had that were the right color
(toys, books, crafts made by the kids, decor accessories, flowers, etc)
and made little decor elements out of scraps (sweaters!) and trash (paper!) to coordinate.
i literally 'shopped the house' to create a fun atmosphere for my kids.

today, i'm sharing how i did exactly that with what i have on hand right now!

 continue reading to see how to simply pull together a few items from your home
and instantly create a sweet table to enjoy on Valentine's Day...


gift bag wall art tutorial

dollar store, dollar store crafts, valentine's day, valentine's day crafts, home decor, seasonal decor, gift wrapping, gift bags, wall art, make art, papercrafts, re-purposing, hearts
i love making somethin' outta' nuthin'! using inexpensive or free supplies is my jam.
and i love sharing those kinds of ideas here.
we all know that crazy-cheap retailers like Dollar Tree have loads of paper gift bags every season:
(Dollar Tree photo)

did you ever think of those as not just gift bags but craft supplies?
doing something unexpected with things is my jam, too...
like turning gift bags into wall art that echoes the current 'handlettered sign' trend! 

continue reading for this super 'fast, cheap & easy' project tutorial


heart of glass

 if you're as old as me, you might know that this blog post's title is actually a song title.
(by the band Blondie, waaaaaaay back in the late 70's)
in the song, a heart of glass gets broken.
around here, there are some glass hearts that have been in our stash SINCE the late 70's -
and the fact that they haven't broken yet is kinda' amazing, if you ask me!

by incorporating those small-ish glass hearts into our existing winter decor,
they instantly bring a Valentine's Day vibe for the month of February.

continue reading to see how...


heart-felt decor - in an instant!

valentine's day, decorating, diy, diy home decor, red, hearts, papercrafts, crafting, wall art, rustic style, farmhouse style, salvaged wood, chalkboard art, chalkboard lettering
we incorporated the color RED (for the first time) into our home decor this winter,
and it has truly warmed up the visual look of our rooms.
(i've linked up those posts at the bottom of this post)

the bonus is that this color made the transition to February SO easy:
all i did was add in a few red hearts... BOOM! done!
one of the ways i did that was by using a completely unconventional method 
that i just had to share!

continue reading for my crazy crafty decorating exploits...