a miracle happened yesterday... a thrift store near us was OPEN!
so, masked up with sanitizing wipes in hand, Mom and i tiptoed through the door
and were welcomed by a cheerful young lady who was wiping down the register counter.
only one other person was in the store, so we felt quite safe.
and on the way to the back of the shop,
where there are many many bookshelves filled with many many books
- for just ten cents each, which is why we LOVE this thrift shop! -
i spied a brand new roll of vintage crepe paper (probably from the 70's)
and my weakness for vintage paper ephemera began nagging at me.
(spurred on by the fact that i haven't been out thrifting since February!)
yes, i bought it. i spent a whole TWENTY FIVE CENTS on it!
nope, i had NO IDEA what i was going to use it for. i just couldn't resist.
but then i came home, sat it on the sideboard in my studio,
next to a few small bottles holding old paper flags.
and an idea for a 'fast, cheap, & easy' accent for the Fourth of July was born!
click through to see the details...