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Thank You, Friends...

Hello, my friends... 
I want to thank you for hanging in here with me lately. I know there haven't been any new blog posts, and there have been scant few posts on the fb page, as well.
Life has just been hard lately, with a LOT of stress and frustration. I don't know about you, but for me, I find it hard to be creative when I am stressed out! I TRY, but my mind wanders and my heart just isn't in it... that's where I've been lately. My Mom has had a huge burden on her shoulders and there hasn't been a single thing I've been able to do to help solve the problem, and it's been wearing us both down... we've just been 'surviving', not really living.
Thankfully, that big, ugly situation was resolved last Thursday: Mom & Dad's old house FINALLY closed escrow and sold! She's endured seven long months of situations you would not believe if I told you - including FIVE failed escrows! - and has had to deal with an agent and broker that have been far less than forthcoming and pro-active. It's taken a huge toll on her, but at last it is over.
She is free now to move forward with a new life after Dad's passing, with a clean slate and hope for a joyful future. I see a huge difference in her spirit just over the weekend, which brings peace to MY heart - I was really REALLY worried about her. Our family gathered this weekend to celebrate and 'christen' the new house, and it made her so happy to have everyone here together. Memories were shared and made, of course a few tears were shed, but the time together was good for all of us. Loss is hard, grief is hard, but love heals. We also celebrated the engagement of my nephew to his wonderful girlfriend, and that added to the joy of our day.
With the stress of the old house mess behind us, I hope to find my enthusiasm and energy return so that I can take on projects around the new house again. I am ready to get back to creating and sharing decor ideas that will inspire you as you decorate your own homes! I am ready for JOY - which is our theme for Christmas this year, btw ;) I'm ready to find joy in my creativity, in daily life, in our home, in seeing things in a fresh new way... and I hope you will join me!
<3 Hugs to you, my 'HOMEees', for your continued support and kindness - I appreciate you more than I could ever express <3
With Love and Gratitude, 


  1. so happy for ya'll. now you can live and enjoy every moment and your creativity will be revived. wishing both of you great Joy and Peace.

  2. Blessings and warm wishes for this "new" chapter of your life. Milena

    1. Thank you for your kind words and sweet blessings, Milena! You are a part of what makes this blogging community so wonderful <3

  3. Debi, another situation which confirms that "if momma ain't happy, nobody's happy!" I'm so glad that this burden has been lifted from her and you were there to share the weight. Your mom and dad raised you right! And you can tell her I said so! I helped my mom after dad died, and although it was the most stressful part of my life, I realize now that it was a blessing in disguise. I pray that you will also find it so. It sounds as if you have. Have a sweet day!

    1. Patty, you made me smile! Thank you so much for your understanding and encouragement <3 I couldn't agree more that while this is sometimes a hard situation to be in, it is a huge blessing to have this time with my Mom. Our Moms do so much for us during our lives, it's wonderful to have the opportunity to return the love.
