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painting books... again!

art, art class, color, crafting, DIY, garden, gift wrapping, books, painting, spring, trash to treasure, #MAYkeovers, painted flowers, flowers, gift giving, gift books, book covers
this post wasn't planned and i am not on a book-painting bender.
(just in case you are concerned about where my creativity is taking me these days!)
but when the muse strikes, i try to comply...

i'm sending this book to my little sister (it's ok, she doesn't read my blog ;) )
and while the content of the book is encouraging, uplifting, and faith-building,
i didn't like the look of the dust jacket cover. so i took it off.
the plain white cover and dark burgundy binding weren't pretty, either.
not the mood i was going for.

so i decided to send my sister flowers... painted flowers... painted ON the book! 

continue reading for more of this creative MAYkeover... 

painting a book cover. crazy? maybe. artful? definitely. fun? yes!
journals have been artfully embellished for years - so why not book covers?
art, art class, color, crafting, DIY, garden, gift wrapping, books, painting, spring, trash to treasure, #MAYkeovers, painted flowers, flowers, gift giving, gift books, book covers
the process wasn't hard or time consuming... and i didn't have a real plan when i began.
the only idea was for a 'garden of joy' on the cover to go along with the joyful content.
these are a few of my Sissy's favorite flowers, and some butterflies because...

well, let's just say there's a story attached to butterflies in our family and it means a lot.

laying the book open while painting made it much easier to do both sides at once.
basic craft paints were used to create a simple, slightly childlike rendering of flowers.

i did make a mistake by painting all of the butterflies upside down. 
(maybe they are all heading for the lovely pollen inside each pretty bloom!)

art, art class, color, crafting, DIY, garden, gift wrapping, books, painting, spring, trash to treasure, #MAYkeovers, painted flowers, flowers, gift giving, gift books, book coversart, art class, color, crafting, DIY, garden, gift wrapping, books, painting, spring, trash to treasure, #MAYkeovers, painted flowers, flowers, gift giving, gift books, book covers
after the paint dried,  a very thin black marker adds details and outlines,
and a white paint pen made easy work of the dots on the butterflies.

by sheer coincidence, i found some floral + butterfly wrapping paper
that could not have been more perfect for this gift
tucked away in our 'gift closet' (which is actually an armoire in the guest room).
that plus a few painted posies on the flat rate shipping box
finished this off perfectly:

flowers, butterflies, painted flowers, painting, art, artful gifts, gifts, wrapping paper, spring, pretty packagesflowers, garden, painted flowers, painting, artwork, art, USPS flat rate boxes, gifts, pretty packages

i like this idea of painting happy stuff on everyday things!
it would also work on the cover of a book that is special to you

that sits on your bookshelf or bedside table.
(a childhood favorite that's seen better days? a collection of verses?)
or simply on a book that's been sitting around looking dull, but COULD look fabulous -
kind of like the ratty encyclopedias that i painted in simple color blocks

there's always something to decorate! ;) 

and in case you are curious about this book:

authors Patsy Clairmont, Barbara Johnson, Marilyn Meberg, Luci Swindoll, Joy, womens ministries, womens books, womens devotions, Bible study, womens humor, Christian books
(the dust jacket cover looks like this)

'Joy Breaks' is an upbeat devotional with a light-hearted twist, 
that motivates and supports women who want to renew and deepen their spiritual commitment. 
themes include finding true friendship, relishing life's surprises, 
celebrating hidden blessings and developing a merry heart.
 90 devotionals illustrate practical ways to deepen joy amidst all the complexities, 
contradictions, and challenges of being a woman today.

authors Patsy Clairmont, Barbara Johnson, Marilyn Meberg, and Luci Swindoll 
know the value of mirth and the wisdom of a laugh. 
their refreshing mix of infectious fun, entertaining wit, and down-to-earth common sense 
has inspired thousands of women (including my Mom and i!)

every story will make you laugh, smile, sometimes even guffaw.
the women who wrote this book are the Christian equivalent to Norma Bombeck:
funny, hilarious storytellers, filled with joy, and just slightly less sarcastic than Norma!

published by Zondervan Books in 2002; hardback and paperback versions available.

btw, you can buy it online! and i highly recommend it!

 ps: this is not a sponsored post. i'm just sharing the book info
so that it might bring joy to more women who need a bit more of that in their days...

shared online:

funky junk interiors | diy salvaged junk projects #526


  1. Your book cover is so cheerful. love it! I have been doing some oil painting on old book covers. And your comment about your sister not reading your blog made me laugh - my sister doesn't read mine either

    1. thank you so much! oh, i would love to see what you are painting! i'll come visit ;)

      ...and yeah, my sissy is busy still raising two kids, homeschooling (even before the quarantine), cooking up a storm, gardening, homesteading. she doesn't have time for reading a decorating blog! LOL

  2. What a great idea. I love it. I haven't painted in years but used to do a lot of folk-art painting and sold tons at craft fairs. I might have to pick up a brush again one of these days. xo Diana

  3. oh Diana, i think you should! i find painting - whether it's something more defined like flowers, or just a faux finish on something - to be very relaxing and therapeutic. i've always wanted to paint on canvas, but have only done that a few times. this past weekend i did a painting on canvas for my mom, very simple, but it was a fun process! i think we need to honor those creative urges. and i'd love to see what you create! thank you for visiting and commenting, my dear!
