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Showing posts with label glass bowl mushrooms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glass bowl mushrooms. Show all posts


pyrex glass bowl mushrooms

spring,DIY,diy decorating,re-purposed,up-cycling,just for fun,vintage style,vintage,color,colorful home,home decor,glass bowl mushrooms,decorating,garden art,outdoors,mushroom decor,diy glass bowl mushrooms,Pyrex,Pyrex glass bowl mushrooms,Pyrex decor,vintage Pyrex

more mushrooms have been 'springing' to life in my studio,
so let's continue with my

March Mushroom Madness!

last fall, my sweet friend Kim (she of the Farmhouse MAYkeover)
sent me a surprise package containing two darling vintage-inspired versions
of Pyrex' 'Butterfly Gold' pattern.

I LOVE THEM! i love them so much they became 'Pyrex Pumpkins' last fall.
and this spring, they've been transformed into Pyrex Mushrooms!

there's not a lot of technical 'tutorial' involved, but
continue reading to see some of my tips for making your own versions...