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Flower Frogs, My Way

vintage flower frogs homewardFOUNDdecor.com blog spring 2018
this apparatus is known as a 'flower frog'... and apparently, they are trending this spring!

continue reading to see what inspired me, and the ideas i came up with
for making flower frogs out of JUNK!

over the weekend, i perused the pages of Flea Market Style Gardens magazine, a special interest shelter mag for spring that is published by two of my talented friends...
Ki Nassauer and Celeste Shaw produce Flea Market Style Magazine
(and did you know you can SUBSCRIBE now?!)
make flower frogs from repurposed JUNK homewardFOUNDdecor.com blog spring 2018
while devouring all of the wonderfully inspiring stories and photos, 
and folding over page corners for return glances,
i came upon an article about flower frogs... and i remembered that i HAVE one of those!
vintage flower frogs homewardFOUNDdecor.com blog spring 2018
in truth, i used to have a big collection of flower frogs, most glass and ceramic.
now i only have THIS one, and i'll admit that it's worth just having ONE when it's so special.
the cool thing about this flower frog is that it is hinged to move into several different shapes.
by pressing or pulling on certain parts, i can get five different looks!
vintage flower frogs homewardFOUNDdecor.com blog spring 2018
the 'multi shape' benefit isn't just sculptural (tho i love that!) - with variations of width and height, 
it helps the frog fit into many containers, to hold various kinds of flowers.

i don't actually use this for its intended purpose, though - any surprise there?!
i could never submerge this gorgeous piece in water. so instead, i use it with decorative accessories:.
repurpose flower frogs to hold household items homewardFOUNDdecor.com blog spring 2018
you can see that i also call each configuration / shape by its own name. i made 'em up.

(i did debate calling the middle one 'flying saucer' instead of 'hat', tho ;) ) 

the low, flat shapes hold shorter items, while the taller & wider ones have more capacity for height.
from a faux flower arrangement to art & office supplies, even to bedside table conveniences, 
the frog itself serves as the container.

i know y'all love a great thrift store find as much as i do, so i'll share that 
this wire contraption cost me a grand total of $2.99 at Goodwill - 
because they had no idea what it was!

don't have your own collection or vintage piece? it's okay -
i've come up with a few options for repurposing JUNK as flower frogs:
make flower frogs from repurposed JUNK homewardFOUNDdecor.com blog spring 2018make flower frogs from repurposed JUNK homewardFOUNDdecor.com blog spring 2018

on the left above, that's a wire cage from a construction light from the hardware store.
pop that baby into a wide-mouth mason jar for a very farmhouse industrial look!

on the right above, yes that is exactly what you think it is - 
a plastic berry basket from the grocer, flipped upside down!
it makes a simple frog that will hold lightweight flowers + greens in a bowl. 
(i'd suggest you tape or hot glue it to the bowl, just to prevent overturning.) 

if you're working on LARGE arrangements of greens and florals, 
here's a trick i came up with when i was creating event decor at wineries:
make flower frogs from repurposed JUNK homewardFOUNDdecor.com blog spring 2018
those are wire hanging plant baskets from the nursery...
take out the cocoa mats that come in them, and flip the wire 'bowl' over.
stick it into a planter, cachepot, or other large container, going for a tight fit.
your large arrangement will have firm support beneath the flowers!
(you may need to add 'filler' to a large container to keep this near the top so it will work - 
try using empty plastic water bottles. they don't add weight.)

bonus: you can also use those wire hanging plant baskets as domes!
make flower frogs from repurposed JUNK homewardFOUNDdecor.com blog spring 2018

shared online:

my soulful home | sundays at home #39

yesterday on tuesday | project inspire{d} #263

1 comment:

  1. i don't publish 'Anonymous' comments (for many reasons!) but this one came in today and actually had some great ideas in it.... so I've copied it and will publish it this way. yeah, i'm sneaky like that!

    "Since I am not a great gardener, I too use mine around the house for other uses. Of course, pen & pencil holders, wire & taller glass [not the flat glass], little spikes hold old postcards, pictures, all cards like birthday, Christmas, quotes & Bible verses I like, etc. I have never seen the large shapes, but would love to find one. If used in a deep enough container the fruit baskets can be attached with floral tape. If using a flat glass frog on top of a glass container, I do tape them down - I am so clumsy that I am sure to tip it over & break something. I like stacking several different metal frogs to use for different art supplies - pens, pencils, scissors, brushes. Only reason I hate to see more articles on collecting them is the prices go up & more people are out there hunting for them! Getting too old to flea & junk hunt as much - ha ha!"

    and if the person who submitted this comment would do so again, using an identified account, i'll be happy to publish it that way!
