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a quiet beginning...

What Matters,winter,inspiration,new year,new year resolutions, word for the year, one word, new year goals, new year motto, 2022 motto
the beginning of a new year is like an empty room or a blank canvas or page to me...
as i open a new calendar and stare at the month of January,
i see a fresh start. possibility. space. time. freedom. opportunity. 
i like the idea of letting go of the old and embracing the new - 
even when it's sometimes scary to make big changes.

in mid-December, i read a post by one of my favorite authors, Ann Voskamp,
and felt a great weight lift from my soul when i scrolled down and saw these words:

Let go of Plan A — Go with 'Plan Be.'

it hit home because Deb is a planner, my friends. a list-maker. a 'DO-er'.
and i most definitely gauge my worth and value on my output and productivity.
i always have - long before social media made it a daily goal visible to the world.
and it's a very bad habit. it drives me into burnout in every area of my life.
i've been struggling with that since October.
 but after spending much of December not creating online content,
and thinking about what i can do to remedy the predicament i find myself in,
i know what to do now...

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What Matters,winter,inspiration,new year,new year resolutions, word for the year, one word, new year goals, new year motto, 2022 motto
i'm going to just 'be'.
i'm going to take some time for myself
so that i can become quiet in every way that i possibly can.

to do those things, i need to create space in my schedule and life.
i'm stepping away from my computer and phone for awhile.

i want to keep creating and sharing -  on my terms. (NOT an algorithm's terms)
first, though, i need to refill my heart and soul and mind
to fuel my imagination and creativity.
i want to experience and learn new things, and develop new skills,
and i want to embrace opportunities for fun and growth and connection.
i just want to 'be' in a kind of quiet anonymity, with less lists and plans.

What Matters,winter,inspiration,new year,new year resolutions, word for the year, one word, new year goals, new year motto, 2022 motto
so, for me, 2022 begins quietly,
taking care of myself with a new story unfolding in my heart and head.
i have no idea how long this sabbatical will last, or where it will lead me...
the possibilities are endless, and that's an exciting way to start a new year!

i hope you will write a new story for yourself this year, too, my friends...

visit Courtney Carver at 'Be More With Less' for 5 helpful tips.

read Ann Voskamp's post about Plan A and Plan BE 

read my post about what's really important to me now.

~ Deb


  1. What a wonderful idea- to let go and just BE. I need to adopt this for myself. I am a list maker and base my worth on what I accomplish. Sad but true. Hoping for a wonderful 2022 for you and yours. xo Diana

    1. Isn't it, though?! This is what my heart and soul and mind and body need right now, after two years of high stress and pushing myself to 'just keep going'. Much as I love creating, designing, decorating, and making things, as well as sharing them, I need to change things up so that I am living life in a more healthy way - especially mentally. There are so many of us out here who do - I hope you can adopt this concept this year, Diana, and know that your worth and value are based on the unchanging love and worth God says you have <3 (I'm working on believing that, too!) May this year bring you and yours many blessings, and thank you so much for your encouragement and support!
