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Ping Pong Paddle Pumpkins, Take 2!

pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.

yes, I'm still over here re-imagining alla' my pumpkins!
this time, i dug into some boxes and found a past project
that's been on my mind...

i originally made the ping pong paddle pumpkins in 2019
(i'm linking the original post & tutorial below)
and it just felt like time to find them 
and give them a fresh new look - in green!

continue reading to see how they looked before,
and how easily i changed them...
(because i bet you have something you could do this to!)

pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.

yes, they really ARE made from ping pong paddles!

the original version of this idea looked like this:
pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.
... and then i cheated with my graphics program and did THIS:
pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.
so that i could use it in the banner on the hwF facebook page!
then i decided that i wanted to actually re-paint them... 

pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.

the method is just a simple painting technique and use of color hues...

i began by choosing two green paints -
one with cool tones, one with warm tones.

then i grabbed my white paint, to mix with them as i worked...
pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.
first i painted the darkest green color onto the whole surface
(except the handles/stems, which were already brown) -
one pumpkin with the cool green, one the warm green.

after adding a touch of white to the base coat to get a lighter hue,
i created the rounded pumpkin ridge shapes.

more white added to that lighter color created a bright tone,
which i used on the tops and centers of each ridge
to give them a more rounded dimensional effect.

i use soft, long-bristled brushes for work like this -
it seems to make the paint blend together better
for a soft final look.

NOTE: this worked best letting each color coat dry in between - 
sometimes you can paint 'wet on wet', but it just smeared. boooooo!

pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.
those additional pumpkins? Dollar Tree. and paint:
pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.
i used the same colors on them as on the ping pong paddles
and painted them in exactly the same way. i also painted the stems gold.
they add 3-D interest to the flat pumpkins in the display
and i love them together!
pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.
(i'm actually painting MORE pumpkins green,
and will share them soon...
they're all going with me and Miss Dot on a glamping trip!)

wanna' try it?
the original 2019 project is here

pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.
and includes the textured BACK side of the paddles painted as cacti!

wanna' pin it?

pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.

what else could you paint on ping pong paddles?
(there are a few seasonal ideas in the linked post!)

shared online:

funky junk interiors | new upcycle ideas #745

thank you for including my project in your feature, Donna!

pumpkins,painting,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,take 2,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,ping pong paddle pumpkins.


  1. I loved your ping pong paddle pumpkins the first time, and this time is no different! Love the green vibe, PLUS how you implemented the same paint treatment on the 3D version! I think this paint treatment has such a fun comic-book vibe to it! Adore!

    1. thank you so much, Donna! your description of a 'comic book look' is SPOT ON - I didn't see that before and I LOVE it!!! I just had them in the trailer (with a lot of other green pumpkins) during a rally at the beach, and several people said they were going to try to make their own - that makes me SO happy!!!
