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Published: My 'Living Nest' in Farmhouse Style Magazine

spring,winter to spring decor,garden style,farmhouse style, inspired by nature,Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine,published,natural elements,nests,DIY,diy decorating,. 
Last Spring, I made a 'Living Nest', and shared it here on the blog. Shortly after that, I was contacted by Editor Lisa Sloan at Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine to ask if they could include my project in their next Spring issue.

Of course I was thrilled, said yes, and sent in some images. The issue has just released, so let's hear a little commotion for a previous project!

continue reading for more details...
spring,winter to spring decor,garden style,farmhouse style, inspired by nature,Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine,published,natural elements,nests,DIY,diy decorating,.
The 'nest' I created is simply a different way to plant herbs in a pot...

It came about as I viewed a photo of a classic topiary: ivy trained around a circular wire form in a terra cotta pot. It's a time-honored way to pot up ivy or other trailing plants. 

But of course me being ME, I wanted to create something different.
And then I remembered the many 'NeSts' I have made over the past few decades, woven from thin branches and plant stems in my yard. If I put those two ideas together, could I build and plant a living nest? Yes!

Using a framework of twigs pruned from my yard, I made a round 'frame' - half the branches are anchored in the dirt, the others woven into them in a circle. Then I planted vining herbs (rosemary and lemon thyme) along the edges of the pot and wound their long stems through the branch structure. This created the appearance of a nest built from twigs and greens, and the branch structure supported them herbs as they grew longer and thicker.

The center of the nest is not planted, so I filled it in with some of the leaf stems that fall from my Brazilian Mesquite tree in the backyard. You can see a peek of them in the photo above - they look a LOT like pine needles (SUCH a pain to clean up!) and giving more nest-like detail to the planting.

spring,winter to spring decor,garden style,farmhouse style, inspired by nature,Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine,published,natural elements,nests,DIY,diy decorating,.spring,winter to spring decor,garden style,farmhouse style, inspired by nature,Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine,published,natural elements,nests,DIY,diy decorating,.
Still, it seemed a bit empty - so I painted some ceramic eggs to look like terra cotta, and placed them in the center of the nest. Another option was to use the green gingham check eggs I painted for Easter a few years ago... I'll be adding them in this spring!

Making it isn't hard - but there are a lot of steps. Rather than adding to this already lengthy post, you can find my full tutorial for making a living nest in this post from Spring, 2024

spring,winter to spring decor,garden style,farmhouse style, inspired by nature,Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine,published,natural elements,nests,DIY,diy decorating,.
The issue includes a section titled 'Indoor Mini Gardens' on pages 90 through 97. There are so many lovely ideas for small planting projects with personality!

spring,winter to spring decor,garden style,farmhouse style, inspired by nature,Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine,published,natural elements,nests,DIY,diy decorating,.
You'll find my Living Nest project on page 94, along with a magical fairy garden in a cup.

spring,winter to spring decor,garden style,farmhouse style, inspired by nature,Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine,published,natural elements,nests,DIY,diy decorating,.
Here's an 'out-take', an image I sent to the magazine that they didn't use.
(I'm kinda' sad they didn't, because I like this photo best!) I am honored to have my project included in their magazine... this is my fourth project they've published in just the past few years! 

My other projects published in Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine:

Galvanized Bucket Fountain - Summer 2023

Glass Globe Pumpkins - Fall 2024

Rustic Porch Post Pegrack - Fall 2024

spring,winter to spring decor,garden style,farmhouse style, inspired by nature,Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine,published,natural elements,nests,DIY,diy decorating,.
The Spring 2025 issue of Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine is now available on news stands, or subscribe here


I published this post a day early to give me time to link it to my socials.
Friday morning I will be in Newport Beach, California for a family friend's memorial service, and I am honored to be taking my Mom and joining my 'honorary' Aunt Diane to remember and honor her brother, with hearts filled with love and a room filled with laughter as stories of his comedic exploits are shared. Colorful Hawaiian attire has been requested - very fitting for the surfer boy who made everyone smile.

While I am in the area, I will also be visiting the beautiful Roger's Gardens Nursery nearby - I've been inspired by them every season of the year since I was 18 (that's a LOT of years!) and I expect I'll be walking out with more spring decorating ideas!

spring,winter to spring decor,garden style,farmhouse style, inspired by nature,Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Magazine,published,natural elements,nests,DIY,diy decorating,.

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