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On Lucky Street

Welcome to Day 13!

as expected, the event i attended yesterday in the San Diego, California area

the building has been transformed from an old printing company warehouse to a vintage mecca,
the perfect location for vintage markets, craft classes, photo shoots, and event prop rentals.

here are just a few of my photos of the amazing sets, decor, and props:
the next event will be held February 22-24 and even more details will be in place then:
the interior is being built out to resemble a charming country hamlet!
the marketplace hosts @ 20 vendors of vintage and re-purposed furnishings, decor, and apparel.

i could LIVE there. seriously!

visit Lucky Street Productions on facebook for more information about events, classes, and rentals.


Pretty In Pink

Pin It

Welcome to Day 12!

 i am off on an adventure today, 
attending a local vintage show that promises to inspire me to no end!
this one:
while there, i'll be meeting up with a few friends 
who have all been vendors in the vintage industry...
[my peeps, my girls, my tribe!]
and i expect there will be a lot of great fun & laughter, 
as well as rapid shutter-clicking to capture it all in photos!

i can't wait to share it with you in an upcoming post!

in today's countdown post, you'll see some inspiring photos
of pretty pink Valentine's Day decor in my own home, from years ago.

you'll find today's post on


[click button above for link to the HOMEWARDfound facebook page,
and look for the link to the newly-posted photos in 
the Valentine's Day Countdown Album!]

 stay tuned for the next post in our daily countdown, coming up tomorrow
here on the blog or on ONE of these social networking sites:


Spell It Out!

wanna' share the love?
with a few straight cuts through wood and a sharpie marker,
you can create your own sweet giant lettered tiles!
before i share this tutorial.... 
remember this photo of my cement tile backerboard chalkboard from this previous post?
 see the part at the bottom that says
"use OLD WOOD GUTTER as chalk rail" ?

that's where this story begins!
we were hanging that chalkboard in our new home,
and discovered that the chalk rail just wasn't going to work there.
[it was in a hallway and the rail would have been ankle-height - need i say more?]

so i was holding the piece of old gutter, turned to walk into the family room...
and right on the enamel table in front of me was a Scrabble game tile holder with Scrabble letters in it.
they spelled out our last name. we've all seen this done, right?

i'd seen them sitting there every day,
with the big ol' wood gutter piece in my hands
a big light bulb went off in my head as i thought of something NEW:
"the gutter looks like the game tile holder. just - bigger.
why not make letter tiles - BIGGER!?"

and so, we did:
we sold a LOT of them at vintage shows in the Pacific Northwest that summer!
i still have some of my own, and have a lot of fun making different words for various seasons.

*nope, there are no numbers on my versionsthey are not called Scrabble tiles. 
this product is 'inspired by', not a copy.

now you can make your own versions of these giant letter tiles  
with my quick & easy tutorial!

a piece of wood (details below)
sandpaper (fine grit)
sanding sealer spray
a black Sharpie fine point marker
clear varnish spray

and then the notes under the photos...

 finish grade vertical grain douglas fir runs about $1.50 per linear foot - 
less than $10 for a 6 foot board, which yields 14 letter tiles.
[if you want to have a LOT of letters, grab two boards or a longer length]

quick note:
yes, you CAN use reclaimed lumber, old flooring, old fencing, 
or whatever you want to use to make your letter tiles.
the douglas fir grain & color gives the best 'just like the game pieces' look, though.

and yes, the guys in the lumber department at Lowes & Home Depot WILL cut it for you!
all you have to do is ask them to, and give them the 5" measurement. 
[you may be charged 50 cents per cut, but hey, it saves you the work!]

 sand the edges FIRST, then the tops - the tops look better that way.
then spray the sealer on the side that you will be lettering, and let dry.
[you can seal the whole thing if you want, but it's only necessary to keep the Sharpie marker ink from bleeding into the woodgrain.]

figure out what you want your letters to spell out, 
and add a letter to each tile using the black Sharpie marker.
 a straight ruler and a smooth curved jar lid will help keep your lettering crisp.

seriously, let the marker dry - if you don't, it will run when you spray the varnish on!

let the varnish dry 30 minutes, then flip & spray the back. spray the edges, too.
let dry at least an hour in a warm place to 'cure' the varnish before you use them.
now you have letters to make a sign with, or a trivet, or coasters
you can adhere hooks to the back and hang them up, or....?

and if you head to a salvage yard or the ReStore, you might just find a length of old wooden gutter to display them in:

feel free to PIN this image below for the whole tutorial!

shared online:


Sweets for the Sweet

welcome to Day 10!

 the image up above is a 'sneak peek' of a project that i completed
15 years ago!
i just came across a photo of it and thought it was the perfect inspiration piece for you.
fifteen years ago, i was creating custom-painted furniture and accessories,
and this item was commissioned by a mother of twin girls
as their Valentine's Day gift.

that's a pretty sweet gift, if you ask me!

sometimes, it really pays to go over the top 
when you look at the whole image when you click through,
i hope it inspires you to look for something you already have
that you can transform in a similar way... with a little bit of paint
and a whole lot of LOVE
and you just might develop a sweet tooth!

today's post is on


[click button above for link to pinboard,
and look for the '30 day countdown' logo on the newest pin!]

 stay tuned for the next post in our daily countdown, coming up tomorrow
here on the blog or on ONE of these social networking sites:


Creating Vintage Charm

Welcome to Day 9! 

 today I'd like to share an inspiring resource with you:
Creating Vintage Charm Magazine

this is an absolutely beautiful publication released bi-monthly
from the creative soul of writer, photographer, stylist, and editor Sonia Crouse.
Sonia has assembled a group of creative regular contributors for her magazine
that embody the many styles and moods of romantic decor with a feminine voice...

* photographer & stylist Janet Coons of Shabbyfufu
* photographer & designer Victoria Hayden of Whimsy by Victoria
* photographer Anne Christian Lorys of Fiona & Twig
* artist & stylist Sonia Crouse of Creating Vintage Charm
* designer & decorator Siobhan Volkanovski of The Vintage Dormer
 * designer & artisan Heather Anderson of Post Road Vintage
 and me,
* designer & stylist Debi Ward Kennedy of HOMEWARDfound Decor

each issue also features lovely guest features by and about women
who are traveling, cooking, creating, building businesses, decorating their homes -
all living with vintage charm...
women like Karen Hillman, who hosts the Queens of Art event

the magazine is available in print via MagCloud,
in single copies or an annual subscription.

 these photos are just a petite taste of the content inside each issue...

and NOW,

you can find the same beautiful kinds of inspiring images that appear in the magazine
on a new Pinterest board:"Creative Vintage Contributors"
features images of the original projects, work, creations, homes, and styling
pinned by the contributors to the magazine
 follow by clicking here for sneak peeks of upcoming issues! 
Creating Vintage Charm Links

 stay tuned for the next post in our daily countdown, coming up tomorrow
here on the blog or on ONE of these social networking sites:


Lovin' the Leftovers...

Welcome to Day 7!

let's talk about holiday leftovers.
[um, no... not the dried out turkey / soggy potatoes kind!]

ever since December 26, stores everywhere have been reducing prices 
on their leftover [ahem - unsold] holiday merchandise.
from Gimbels to Goodwill, stuff is marked WAY down - and yet it's not selling
because at this point in January, 
we think any holiday decor that is left in a store is broken or ugly and unusable.

or IS it?
today, we're looking at leftover holiday decor as a cheap way to create a sweet Valentine treat!
you can re-think what you see to make something out of 'nothing'

this broken and battered box of vintage bottlebrush bell Christmas ornaments
was shoved to the back of the bottom shelf in a Goodwill store.
it had been crushed - and probably thrown a few times -
but i found it and it made me smile.

and in a storyline not unlike Charlie Brown and his forlorn little Christmas tree,
i decided that i could make something of it
 because i LOVE making something out of bits and pieces of nothing.

i removed the UGLY green bows and the flimsy thread hangers,
 and the pink and red colors looked more like Valentine's Day to me than Christmas.
so i grabbed some pink and red plastic beads [dollar store]
and hot glued them onto the ends of the wire that already ran through the middle of the bells.

the yellow chenille trim that was on the bottom of the bells isn't exactly a Valentine color,
but it was bright and happy, so i decided to leave it on them.

i grabbed a small red heart-shaped box of candy that i had picked up [dollar store]
and ate all the chocolate in it.

what??? i needed an empty box! 
[i was a woman on a crafting mission and nothing was going to stop me]

 i cut two hearts the same size as the box lid and bottom
from pink and white striped gift wrapping paper
and lined the inside of the box with it, hot-gluing it into place.
i glued a pink and white polkadot ribbon around the outside of the box.

a small rectangle of the wrapping paper 
was embellished with hot pink velvet sticker letters [dollar store] that spelled out SWEET.
i attached that to the inside of the lid, and stood the lid up inside the bottom of the box.

and then i tucked the little formerly-bell-ornaments inside the box...

and helLO BonBons!

 this is no big fancy decor idea,
just the inspiration to create something with the bits and pieces that YOU already have -
maybe with the kids, maybe using pieces of broken toys or old blocks
or something you find in the thrift store or on the clearance aisle at Target.

look at those holiday leftovers a little differently...
maybe with the kind of hope that Charlie Brown had for his scrawny tree.
because it could be that those leftovers
just need a little love