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Showing posts with label contributor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contributor. Show all posts


Fabric Hearts Tutorial

fast cheap and easy,decorating,winter,published,diy decorating,up-cycling,Creating Vintage Charm magazine,contributor,DIY,tutorial,JOYful Home & Life,re-purposed,Valentine's Day,winter, fabric hearts tutorial
 Many years ago, I used up some small scraps of fabrics left in my 'stash',
making little stuffed fabric hearts for my winter + Valentine's Day decor.

Created from remnants of 
a matlasse' bedspread, burlap,
and a chenille bedspread that reminds me of my Grandma,
I've displayed them in many ways over the years...
fast cheap and easy,decorating,winter,published,diy decorating,up-cycling,Creating Vintage Charm magazine,contributor,DIY,tutorial,JOYful Home & Life,re-purposed,Valentine's Day,winter, fabric hearts tutorialfast cheap and easy,decorating,winter,published,diy decorating,up-cycling,Creating Vintage Charm magazine,contributor,DIY,tutorial,JOYful Home & Life,re-purposed,Valentine's Day,winter, fabric hearts tutorialfast cheap and easy,decorating,winter,published,diy decorating,up-cycling,Creating Vintage Charm magazine,contributor,DIY,tutorial,JOYful Home & Life,re-purposed,Valentine's Day,winter, fabric hearts tutorial
These hearts were featured in 2014 in my seasonal decor columns
in two lovely home decorating publications,
Creating Vintage Charm Magazine and JOYful Home & Life online.
(Also in the Winter 2012 issue of FOLK Magazine)

 I'm sharing my simple tutorial for making stuffed fabric hearts
for the month of February here on the blog, too...
fast cheap and easy,decorating,winter,published,diy decorating,up-cycling,Creating Vintage Charm magazine,contributor,DIY,tutorial,JOYful Home & Life,re-purposed,Valentine's Day,winter, fabric hearts tutorial
Enjoy this 'fast, cheap & easy' TM craft project!

continue reading for tutorial...


The Wintered Garden

I've always been amazed at the way a landscape transforms 
when covered with the simplicity of pure white snow...

Monday morning, I sent off some of my photographs of a snowy garden landscape
[snapped in Seattle in Winter, 2012 before I moved away]
to Broadway+Thresher Magazine editor David Gobeli, 
and he's turned them into a blog post today!

See the B+T blog post here

Black & white images like those inspire a perfect decor combination for winter...

Mixed with warm wood tones, black and white create a fresh, crisp color palette
 that reflects the snowy landscape outdoors...

Find more black & white decor inspiration:  
* office
* living & dining rooms
* chalkboard-inspired


Who Knows? SHEknows!

I am pleased to share with you an article on the SHEknows.ca website, 
a DIY resource for a largely Canadian readership. 
Writer Jessica Padykula contacted me a few months ago, and asked me to contribute
some of my creative ideas 
for decorating with pumpkins AND decorating pumpkins... 
I was happy to oblige!

Thank you, Jessica, for creating a great story with my content,
and for sending your readers here to my blog. Welcome, girls!

I invite you to peruse the tabs up above and the links on my sidebar,
which will take you to the most popular posts and projects that I've shared here,
as well as to creative decorating ideas for every season of the year!

I've shared even MORE content on my Pinterest boards and Facebook Page -
come on over!

Here at HOMEWARDfound Decor, it's ALL about using what you have on hand ;)
[You'll find more about that philosophy, and me, on my 'Start Here' page]


JOYful Home & Life

I am a woman of faith.
I don't bring much of that onto this blog,
but I am a girl who grew up singing at church, and later worked with youth groups and womens ministries.
And I can say with all honesty that I have come to where I am in life only because
I am absolutely certain that God loves me,
 and that my relationship with Him is my balance point in life.

I have been praying for an opportunity to contribute to a faith-based publication,
and a few months ago, an opportunity came right to my [digital] doorstep!
[ I just love it when that happens...]

Today, the new JOYful Home & Life website launches,
featuring a marvelously gifted group of writers, bloggers, and photographers
each sharing wonderfully inspiring and educational ideas - with a focus on faith. 
With content covering the subjects of home decor, entertaining, DIY, crafts,
recipes, holidays, organizing, family life, and even organic foods,
it's a wonderful new community and resource for families.

I am honored to be a regular contributor to this new site, 
and will be sharing simple seasonal decor and DIY ideas on the first of every month.
[maybe more in the future... but for right now, that's what I can handle!]

I invite you to visit JOYful Home & Life today!
You can also find additional content on Facebook and Twitter


Creating Vintage Charm

Welcome to Day 9! 

 today I'd like to share an inspiring resource with you:
Creating Vintage Charm Magazine

this is an absolutely beautiful publication released bi-monthly
from the creative soul of writer, photographer, stylist, and editor Sonia Crouse.
Sonia has assembled a group of creative regular contributors for her magazine
that embody the many styles and moods of romantic decor with a feminine voice...

* photographer & stylist Janet Coons of Shabbyfufu
* photographer & designer Victoria Hayden of Whimsy by Victoria
* photographer Anne Christian Lorys of Fiona & Twig
* artist & stylist Sonia Crouse of Creating Vintage Charm
* designer & decorator Siobhan Volkanovski of The Vintage Dormer
 * designer & artisan Heather Anderson of Post Road Vintage
 and me,
* designer & stylist Debi Ward Kennedy of HOMEWARDfound Decor

each issue also features lovely guest features by and about women
who are traveling, cooking, creating, building businesses, decorating their homes -
all living with vintage charm...
women like Karen Hillman, who hosts the Queens of Art event

the magazine is available in print via MagCloud,
in single copies or an annual subscription.

 these photos are just a petite taste of the content inside each issue...

and NOW,

you can find the same beautiful kinds of inspiring images that appear in the magazine
on a new Pinterest board:"Creative Vintage Contributors"
features images of the original projects, work, creations, homes, and styling
pinned by the contributors to the magazine
 follow by clicking here for sneak peeks of upcoming issues! 
Creating Vintage Charm Links

 stay tuned for the next post in our daily countdown, coming up tomorrow
here on the blog or on ONE of these social networking sites:



debuting today is the new BROADWAY+THRESHER website and blog

this new publication (premiers in 2013)
will focus on the blend of urban sensibility and rural lifestyle
exploring the cutting edge of architecture, art, fashion, food and artisanal manufacturing 
and the untold stories of the people who have made it possible.

this publication was developed by a talented and hardworking team of writers 
whom I have had the pleasure to meet and work with on another publication:
David Gobeli and Andrew Kohn.
their staff of expert curators and contributing writers reflect the diversity of city-meets-country style.
this promises to be a sophisticated rural perspective like nothing you've seen before.

it's literally a crossroads of downtown and down home
this vintage street sign was the inspiration for the magazine's name...
head over to their website to read the whole story!

NOV 14: a guest blog post by 
Debi Ward Kennedy of HOMEWARDfound Decor

Also in November, a guest post by BROADWAY+THRESHER 
here on HOMEWARDfound