so many fabulous egg-related decor ideas are floating around the internets right now:
literally hundreds of ideas for coloring Easter eggs and making patterned Easter eggs
and ideas for making wreaths and topiaries from plastic Easter eggs.
LOVE the creativity i see out there!
but.... what if you don't celebrate Easter?
or what if you just want a more subdued palette?
you're in luck!
(and good company, to be honest... pastel eggs are NOT my thing.
the closest i got to them was when i brought home
two dozen brightly-colored 'Cascarones' from a visit to Texas one spring.)
so today, i offer up some inspiration
for creating spring decor with un-decorated eggs!
some are real, and some aren't.... use papier mache', clay, wood, or ceramic eggs.
first up, an ostrich egg (HUGE) embellished with a strip of vintage sheet music.
[the title 'Song of the Bird' was a perfect fit!]
i nestled the finished egg into a handmade birdsnest,
then sat the nest on a 'pedestal' of an upside-down milk glass lamp shade (with the narrow end up).
here's a photo of the same egg standing UP in the nest, without the glass base:
another idea is to create a small vignette inside a glass jar...
and this works perfectly when you are using real (blown) eggs, because they are protected.
[note: do not - under any circumstances -
forget to blow the eggs, and then seal them in a jar.
BAAAAAAAD side effects :( ]
a little nest of grass is placed in the jar and an egg nestled into it.
a scrap of vintage sheet music or a poem with a Spring theme might be inserted as a 'backdrop',
and a strip with an appropriately 'Spring-y' title is glued onto the jar as a label.
i also covered the jar tops with a scrap of burlap, tied with twine.
[i use pickle or olive jars from thrift stores.
they come in medium and large sizes, are wider than mason jars, and have no embossing on the sides to blur the contents]
this LARGE handmade nest sits atop an aged garden urn.
[i used ivy and hops vines from the yard to make it]
moss from a corner of the yard fills the center of the nest, providing a soft resting place for a few eggs.
a glass garden cloche finishes off the look perfectly.
[you could also tuck in some gardener's gloves, hand tools, and some bulbs
for a perfect Spring gift!]
then again, you don't really have to have a nest...
a simple egg presentation:
a glass salt cellar or napkin ring can hold an egg,
and a clear stemless wineglass as a 'dome' will finish it off with style.
if you write each guests' name on the egg, these are perfect place cards!
those last two shots are a bit of a sneak-peek -
they are part of a garden-theme project and photoshoot last winter in Seattle
that i'll be sharing here on the HOMEWARDfound blog later this week.
i am delighted that photos from that shoot are featured