every autumn, i get a huge uptick in blog traffic
searching for my Original Sweet Sweater Pumpkin tutorial.
they're a fun bit of seasonal decor that i am proud of creating back in 2007,
they've been published in major shelter magazines a few times,
and i love that people want to make their own versions of my babies!
every year i make new versions of them, and create a new post
just to make it easier for the tutorial to be found.
and yes, this year, i have green pumpkins!
but i didn't make them this year... i RE-made them.
because they weren't originally pumpkins...
back in 2019, i created my Original Sweet Sweater Succulents,
back in 2019, i created my Original Sweet Sweater Succulents,
using my 2007 Original Sweet Sweater Pumpkin method...

this year, i've made two simple changes to them
to turn them into pumpkins!

this year, i've made two simple changes to them
to turn them into pumpkins!
continue reading to see how easy this was...
and for links to both tutorials.
and for links to both tutorials.