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Showing posts with label seasonal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seasonal. Show all posts



homeward found decor,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,home decor,seasonal,re-purposed,up-cycling,trash to treasure,published,tutorial,creativity,Sweet Sweater Originals, 2024 WRAPPED,debs favorite projects.
as the holiday season comes to a close
and we are poised on the brink of a new year,
i'm taking stock of 2024 with a quick look back
at stats for the blog and my social media accounts.

as part of that, i want to share my favorite projects from the past year...
let's call it 'homeward found WRAPPED' (like Spotify ;) 

continue reading to see my favorites from 2024...


modern wood bowl mushrooms

autumn,fall,Thanksgiving,pumpkins,farmhouse style,rustic style,woodsy style,mid century modern style,DIY,diy decorating,seasonal,up-cycling,re-purposing,modern wood mushrooms,shrooms,mushrooms,tutorial,thrifted
yep, i'm stubbornly holding on to the fall season over here!
our triple-digit summer temps didn't drop until Halloween week,
so i am in no rush to hurry autumn along.
(i can actually sit outside now!)

after sourcing a few wood bowls at a local thrift shop,
i wanted to make fall decor from them, and
these incredibly easy mushrooms only took ten minutes to create.
and i love the woodsy vibe they have!

continue reading for a truly simple tutorial...


happy halloGREEN!

pumpkins,Sweet Sweater Pumpkins,foofoo Faux Food,painting,tutorial,DIY,diy decorating,fall,autumn,seasonal,Halloween,colorful home,home decor,ping pong paddle pumpkins,caramel apple pumpkins,fake pumpkin cake,shroomkins,
( you had to have known that was coming! )
it's Halloween day, and no one is reading blog posts...
but i thought i'd put this up, anyway, 
to give my green pumpkins one last bit of the spotlight.

it's been fun creating new versions of past projects
along with completely new original pumpkins this fall...

continue reading for a quick recap and links to all project tutorials


NEW! Faux Pumpkin Cake

pumpkins,beach towel pumpkins,fall,autumn,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,foofoo Faux Food,painting,re-purposed,up-cycling,thrifted,home decor,faux pumpkin cake,beach towel cake.
yes, Deb loves sweets - edible or not!
and since Halloween is all about the treats,
i just make my own calorie-free versions -
like faux caramel apple pumpkins and this faux pumpkin cake.

in trying to finish up my yearly 'pumpkin palooza' projects,
i had an idea for a pumpkin slathered with frosting to look like a cake,
but wasn't sure if i could make it look the way i wanted it to...

after searching online for images of 'pumpkin shaped cakes'
(click here to see what came up). 
i was scrolling Instagram and saw THIS:

but WAIT - that's not a cake. it's EMBROIDERED fabric!
artist Heather Rios is INSANELY talented at making fake look real.
she shares her astounding works of art on Insta at @heather_rios_arte

Heather's idea of showing the inside of the 'cake' 
impacted and changed my original plan -
and made me reach for a particular material in my stash
to approximate the texture she gets in her artwork.

continue reading to see how it all came together!


Faux 'Caramel Apple' Pumpkins, Take 2!

pumpkins,foofoo Faux Food,autumn,fall,DIY,diy decorating,seasonal,dollar store crafts,painting,take 2,faux caramel apple pumpkins,tutorial
this isn't actually a 're-do' of a past project - 
it's that i had so much fun coming up with this idea
to turn a green faux pumpkin into a green caramel apple
that i think this sweet faux food creation deserves
another fifteen minutes of time in the spotlight!

i've just changed the color accents and am sharing it again!

continue reading for my original tutorial...


'Shroomkins, Take 2!

seasonal,home decor,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,inspired by nature,re-purposed,up-cycling,project makeovers,'shroomkins,green mushrooms.
how many times have you stared into a seasonal decor storage bin
and thought "This stuff just isn't ME anymore"?? it happens to all of us!
preferences and style change over time,
but that doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune on new decor.

this year, i'm giving some of my existing fall decor elements
a new look that fits my current style - without spending any money.
i'm calling this approach 'Take 2'!

i first made these fun " 'shroomkins" back in 2022
by cutting styro pumpkins in half and adding stems made from pool noodles.
and of course, i painted them yellow back then:

seasonal,home decor,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,inspired by nature,re-purposed,up-cycling,project makeovers,'shroomkins,green mushrooms.
then i used my photo editing program to show them in other hues:

now, two years later and in my 'green era' (Deb's Version ;) ) 
i wanted to give them a new look. enter 'Take 2'!

continue reading for details of the new version...


Easy Yarn & Twine Pumpkins

autumn,pumpkins,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,home decor,neutrals,re-purposed,up-cycling,crafting,dollar store crafts,twine and yarn pumpkins,homeward found decor,tutorial
fall has not yet 'fallen' here in Southern California,
 but it's definitely pumpkin season for me!

first up, i'm sharing this incredibly easy way
to turn everyday items into pumpkins for your autumn decor...
these were made using yarn / twine skeins and thread spools.

i've embellished them a bit using elements
that go along with the 'sewing/knitting supply' theme
because i just can't leave well enough alone - 
yet there is NO sewing or knitting needed for this project!

continue reading to see how to make these in just minutes...


going green (in every way) with my fall decor

autumn,fall,home decor,pumpkins,decorating,diy decorating,DIY,re-purposing,up-cycling,thrifted,seasonal,colorful home,
fall is coming....

yes, that sounds ominous to me! maybe to you, too.
as hot as it has been in So Cal this summer,
i'm enjoying long days of being off the grid.
i'm not remotely ready for it to end.

but that encroaching seasonal change is motivating me!
so i've been giving some thought to this year's autumn theme
for my projects and content,
and i've come up with a plan that i can live with...

<<< continue reading


NEW: Sweet Sweater Sprouts!

spring,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Sprouts,sweaters,garden style,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,home decor,seasonal,re-purposing,up-cycling,inspired by nature,faux potted plants,tutorial
i know. i said that i really wanted to create seasonal home decor that wasn't CUTE. 
but my muses keep giving me ideas for CUTE projects. 
at THREE in the morning. sigh.
the muses have no regard for our schedules -
 they want what they want WHEN they want it.
so when deb can't sleep, deb sketches. and the muses inspire.

and so, i proudly present
my NEWEST 'Sweet Sweater Original' creation: 'Sprouts'!

perfect for springtime and cute as can be,
these lil' guys make me smile. and they couldn't be easier to create...
continue reading for my tutorial!


it's time to talk about my pot addiction.

spring,home decor,seasonal,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,garden style,terra cotta pots ,inspired by nature,neutrals,terra cotta pot collection,terra cotta flower pots,terra cotta pot crafts.
no, that post title ISN'T an April Fools Day joke -
and it doesn't mean what you THINK It means!
in case you haven't noticed, i just love terra cotta pots!
they are such a versatile decorative element...
i can ALWAYS find a way to use them, in every season:

gather them on a platter or in a crate, sit them on a miniature chair,
add a little moss, tuck in a blooming primrose or tulip (fake is okay!),
dome them under glass, set the table with them,
make mushrooms out of them, turn them into Christmas decor,
and generally use them in ways they were never intended to be used!
i don't think i'll ever run out of ideas...

there was this ONE incident, however, that launched me into
the terra cotta pot stratosphere...


create a living nest

spring,garden style,inspired by nature,wreaths,nests,DIY,diy decorating,home decor,seasonal,tutorial,outdoors,rustic style,natural elements,neutrals,garden art,on the porch,re-purposed,farmhouse style,living nest,wreath as nest,spring nest,spring plants.
i thought this project up months ago and am so happy to finally share it!
this 'living nest' idea was spurred by a photo i saw online:
my thought was, why not take the 'living wreath' topiary
and turn it on its side?! would it resemble a nest?

so then i had to experiment a bit to see if that idea would work out in reality. 
continue reading to see how it did!


easy-peasy twine nest

spring,nests,DIY,diy decorating,tutorial,home decor,seasonal,re-purposed,up-cycling,dollar store crafts,inspired by nature,garden style,twine nest,diy nest,diy spring nest.
i dropped a ball of twine on the floor in my studio, it unraveled...
and this nest was the result!

i love it when something happens that makes me look at a material
in a new way, with a new use in a new seasonal accent.
and this one couldn't have been easier!

wanna' turn a ball of dollar store twine into a nest in less than five minutes?
continue reading! 


ease into spring with a faux moss wreath

spring,winter,wreaths,decorating,diy decorating,DIY,wall art,seasonal,transitional,winter to spring decor,home decor,tutorial,white,crafting,dollar store crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,.

spring's arrival is just around the corner!
here's an easy way to ease into it...

i'm pairing my white fabric wreath that i created this winter
with a new element for spring - along with a few other items -
and i love how it bridges this 'winter into spring' time of year. 

even the smallest changes can reflect nature
and refresh your home decor in just minutes.
big changes are good - but they don't ALL have to be big.

continue reading for an easy wreath + decor tutorial!


moss-filled bookend | wall art

spring,inspired by nature,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,wreaths,wall art,faux moss,moss wall art,bookend,spring moss,tutorial
how many times can Deb re-use something?!
it's okay if you ask that... i ask myself that question a lot!

i love re-using elements in my decor, making them look
as different as i can from season to season.
or, in this case, from color obsession to color obsession...

while i do still love yellow, i wanted a change of course this year
and am embracing all of the shades of green i can find in my projects.
while i was taking one project apart, another presented itself 
and it's so easy i just had to share it with you.

continue reading for an easy way to personalize your decor! 


welcome, winter...

found objects,natural elements,DIY,seasonal,home decor,decorating,winter,original designs,tutorial,diy decorating,new year,color palettes,neutrals,
my personal word for this next year is light 
along with the many meanings that word encompasses.

 i often hear people talk about how dark winters are -
yet after we remove the holiday decor, our homes feel lighter. cleaner.
(and yes, some say emptier.) 
but do we really want to fill them up again with a lot of stuff? 
why not welcome the new year with the lightness of a refreshed home?

i'm embracing the aesthetic of lightness and simplicity this year,
as well as a renewed focus on the beauty of nature in every season.
that's going to affect the way i approach my own home decor
and by extension the content i share here to inspire you.

as i plan and create new projects for the upcoming season,
i'm asking myself questions about how i want my home to feel,
how i want to feel IN my home, and how i can inspire you
to create a home you love to live in.

continue reading to see where i'm heading...


painted 'chocolate' pumpkins on a sweet sweater cake

fall,pumpkins,foofoo Faux Food,sweaters,home decor,DIY,diy decorating,seasonal,decorating,painting,tutorial,Thanksgiving,Halloween,re-purposed,thrifted,dollar store crafts,faux cake with faux chocolate pumpkins,Dollar Tree pumpkins.
a fitting conclusion to my recent faux food project posts,
this one really takes the cake....

this project came about because i had some tiny styro pumpkins,
which made me start thinking about making a very REAL cake
like my Mom used to make every fall when i was a kid.
it was always a round two-layer chocolate cake with chocolate icing
and adorned with tiny orange candy pumpkins all along the top edge.
i loved that cake.
we took them to school fall celebrations and church harvest festivals.
we took mini versions - cupcakes - to friend's houses.
we never brought any of it home, either!!! everyone loved it.

instead, i decided to make a fall 'cake' in my own style...
because deb does NOT need more calories!

continue reading for the before and after...


faux food 'caramel apple' pumpkins

fall,pumpkins,foofoo Faux Food,painting,tutorial,dollar store crafts,just for fun,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,home decor,faux caramel apple pumpkins,fake food.
a recent rainstorm and cool temps (that have long since vanished!)
spurred my 'fall feels' - and my taste buds for all things caramel.
it's my favorite fall flavor, and i love indulging it...
from scarfing down Werther's Original caramel cremes
to sipping a caramel apple martini on a cool but sunny late afternoon.

with those thoughts already swirling in my head, 
seeing a photo of a green apple being dipped into melted caramel
inspired something else... this fun 'faux food' bit of sweet fall home decor!

how it started:
fall,pumpkins,foofoo Faux Food,painting,tutorial,dollar store crafts,just for fun,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,home decor,faux caramel apple pumpkins,fake food.fall,pumpkins,foofoo Faux Food,painting,tutorial,dollar store crafts,just for fun,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,home decor,faux caramel apple pumpkins,fake food.
i knew that a method i had previously used to make faux honey
would work for the glossy dimensional caramel effect,
so i proceeded with this project as i had with that one.
(my faux honey jar is linked below this post)

... continue reading to see how it's going, and how you can make them, too!


glass pumpkin gumball machine

fall,pumpkins,home decor,diy decorating,DIY,colorful home,entertaining,seasonal,tutorial,glass pumpkin gumball machine, glass pumpkin decor,pumpkin decor,
my mom has owned this glass pumpkin since the 1980's... she bought me one then, too!
she says they were filled with Dunkin' or Winchell's Doughnut holes - 
but i don't recall getting any doughnut holes with mine! LOL
(Target has them for $10.00! not an ad)

i've always loved filling them with candy in the fall
(faves include Kraft caramels, Werther's caramels, and chocolate pumpkins!)
but things took a TURN this year...

i was shifting things around in my studio to photograph new creations
and when i emptied out the seashells from my gumball machine,
i sat the glass globe from it next to this glass pumpkin...
and my brain started asking questions like
 'wait... would the pumpkin fit on.... could it work.... ???'
so i played around and found out!

follow along as i show you how easy this one is...


fourth of july decor roundup!

Fourth of July, summer, DIY, diy decorating, decorating, seasonal, red white and blue, patriotic decor, fourth of july decor, summer home decor, American flag, starts and stripes, independence day decor, post roundup.
 i'm being lazy right now and NOT creating any new summer decor content
for the Fourth of July.
but that doesn't mean i don't have loads of previous projects
to inspire your celebrations!

click HERE to see ALL of my past fourth of july blog posts & projects
(the first four are yellow - but they'd be perfect in red, white and blue!)

see more inspo on my
July Pinterest board

continue viewing post...


sandy castles

summer,seashells,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,beach style,coastal style,painting,just for fun,neutrals,tutorial,painted sand castles,summer mantel decor,seashell displays.
long gone are the days when i hauled four kids and a carload of toys to the beach...
the chaos was worth it to spend long summer days
on the shores of Lake Tahoe or Puget Sound,
walking the waterline searching for beautiful seashells
and building sand castles (IF there was sand and not broken seashell grapple!).
those memories live on, especially in summertime,
and i've come up with an easy way to add a fun beachy touch to summer decor.

you can create these 'sandy castles' , too -
and it might just be as relaxing as making the real thing!

continue reading to see my sneaky trick...