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thanksgiving tablescape round-up

well, here we are again, my friends... running at full speed toward the holiday season!

things can be pretty crazy this time of year, so to help prepare you for Thanksgiving, 
here's a round-up of my past posts sharing some tips, tricks, and ideas
for creating lovely table settings without a lot of prep & work...  

 click on each title to read the entire post, 
where you'll find all the details and resources to help you out!

i don't know about you, but sometimes 
it seems that Thanksgiving gets lost in the rush of the holidays, 
receiving little attention and not much preparation
(yes, i DO 'fess up to totally forgetting the table decor one year!)
for me, setting a welcoming table to enhance the delicious food
is a simple way that we can encourage our guests to 
slow down and focus on the people who are most important to us...

may your Thanksgiving be a day of gratitude, generosity, and connection this year, 
surrounded by family, friends, or family AND friends...
and thank you so much for dropping in here for a visit!

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