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a sunny bunny Easter table

color, color palettes, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, entertaining, fast cheap and easy, flowers, gift wrapping, spring, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, tablescapes, Easter table decor, Easter decorating
 i dunno' what the weather is like where you live, but here, it's positively murky.
gray, rainy, COLD (relatively speaking - it's cold for us!), and dismal.
this whole isolation/quarantine/stay home order would be a LOT easier
if the sun would shine and the weather would warm up 
so we could spend time outside in our yard!

sometimes, we can't wait for the sunshine - or spring - to come to us. 
we have to go to it.
and since we can't go anywhere right now, we have to CREATE a sunny spring.

that's what i did for our Easter table - i created some sunshine!
i grabbed everything yellow i could find and put together a simple, easy, happy tablescape
that's made up of just 'everyday' stuff, coordinated by color.

my homebound friends, you can do this in just minutes with ANY color you have on hand!
don't let being stuck inside the house because of weather or quarantine stop your celebration.

continue reading to see more details that i hope will inspire you to 'get to spring'...

color, color palettes, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, entertaining, fast cheap and easy, flowers, gift wrapping, spring, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, tablescapes, Easter table decor, Easter decorating
i know you're not at all surprised to see my white dishes AGAIN.
they work in every season, and when i add color to them, it changes their look so easily.
i've had them for 20 years, proof that classics never go out of style.

beneath them is a table runner, a simple length of yellow high-gloss gift wrapping paper.
which reminds me of this Easter tablescape using wrapping paper
color, color palettes, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, entertaining, fast cheap and easy, flowers, gift wrapping, spring, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, tablescapes, Easter table decor, Easter decorating
[that decor was necessitated by a horrific last-minute realization that
i had forgotten to decorate the table for our family's Easter dinner.
i had an hour before everyone arrived to come up with something.
Martha Stewart and the back of some birthday wrapping paper saved the day,
along with the fact that i lived just a few miles from hundreds of acres of daffodils...]

this time, with bright happy yellow wrapping paper as the backdrop,
i gathered white accessories, then added in some fun yellow details...
like these bunny napkins:
color, color palettes, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, entertaining, fast cheap and easy, flowers, gift wrapping, spring, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, tablescapes, Easter table decor, Easter decorating
here's the napkin that i used on the table:
bunny ears napkin fold with a pom pom tail. (yes, you can put an egg in there, too)

color, color palettes, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, entertaining, fast cheap and easy, flowers, gift wrapping, spring, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, tablescapes, Easter table decor, Easter decorating
and here's an alternative look: 
wrap the napkin around the coffee cup and tuck the ends through the handle to make ears.
then put a small Sweet Sweater Bunny Tail creation into the cup, tail stickin' up.
cute, right?!

color, color palettes, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, entertaining, fast cheap and easy, flowers, gift wrapping, spring, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, tablescapes, Easter table decor, Easter decorating
yellow details include four 'paint chip'-inspired Easter eggs, along with some tiny lemon drops.
 a quick centerpiece is simply some white ceramic and milk glass vases gathered on a huge platter,
 filled with yellow silk daffodils.
color, color palettes, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, entertaining, fast cheap and easy, flowers, gift wrapping, spring, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, tablescapes, Easter table decor, Easter decorating
yes, i used fake flowers. i know, some think of this as tacky.
but i'm just not going out into the world to try and get real yellow daffodils or tulips at stores
(rare here in So Cal at the best of times - this year? nada.)
because that is not an essential need. it's just not. 
sadly, nothing is blooming in our yard yet so i made do with the stuff in the bins in the garage.
and you know what? it works.
it's sunny and bright and happy, and i don't care a FIG that it's not real flowers. 
it still adds a smile to our room on these gray, cloudy, rainy days - and a smile to my face.

color, color palettes, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, entertaining, fast cheap and easy, flowers, gift wrapping, spring, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, tablescapes, Easter table decor, Easter decorating
on the console table at the end of the room, i added a few fun accessories in yellow
to the white dishes with faux grass that were already there.

pulling this together took me all of half an hour. 
the result cheered ME up, cheered up our home, and cheered up my Mom
(she is lamenting the fact that we won't be going to church,
won't be gathering with family or friends, and that she won't be cooking a big holiday meal.
those things are important to her... so i wanted to cheer her up.)

now we have a sunny happy table to start our Easter Sunday at,
breakfasting on orange rolls, eggs, fruit, coffee - and mimosas!


the truth is, though, as much fun as it is to decorate,
it's really not about the tablescape, the bunny or the eggs, or the church building,
or the ham and ambrosia salad and mimosas.
Easter is about celebrating the 'reason for the season': Jesus. 
His sacrifice. death. resurrection. victory. and the hope and faith that we have because of Him.

if you'd like to hear more about my feelings regarding that hope, click here.
and may your Easter be blessed, no matter how you celebrate it this year...

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funky junk interiors | diy salvaged junk projects #522


  1. The napkin ears through the cup handle is genius! Pinned!

    1. why thank you, Lora! (for the kind compliment AND the Pin!) this was honestly just a last minute idea... isn't it funny how the question 'is there any other way i can DO this?' can result in such a simple, easy way to get a fun result?! Happy Easter!
