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NEW! Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails!

crafting, crafting with kids, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, spring decorating, Easter, original designs, re-purposing, seasonal, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, up-cycling, tutorial, trash to treasure, Easter decorating, sweater decor
just when you thought i had made everything possible with upcycled sweaters...
introducing the springtime creation that has evaded me for years:
Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails! 

this happy spring project made use of some sweater remnants found in a bin in the garage -
including a pink sweater Santa hat!
using the same method as my famous Sweet Sweater Pumpkins, it all came together fast.
i actually spent more time snapping photos and editing them than making the bunny tails!

continue reading to see just how quickly you can make these for Easter...

let's begin with the first one i made... from a pink sweater Santa hat!
it has been lying in a bin of winter decor for a few years, so i grabbed it and...
crafting, crafting with kids, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, spring decorating, Easter, original designs, re-purposing, seasonal, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, up-cycling, tutorial, trash to treasure, Easter decorating, sweater decor
1. cut off the fur trim on the bottom edge of the hat.
2. filled it with polyfill & closed the open end with a rubber band, and 3, cut off the excess.
when it's displayed, 4., you don't see the rubber-banded end...
tuck it into a plant and you have a cute lil' bunny tail peeking out at you:
crafting, crafting with kids, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, spring decorating, Easter, original designs, re-purposing, seasonal, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, up-cycling, tutorial, trash to treasure, Easter decorating, sweater decorcrafting, crafting with kids, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, spring decorating, Easter, original designs, re-purposing, seasonal, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, up-cycling, tutorial, trash to treasure, Easter decorating, sweater decor
 ready to make your own?
to start this project from scratch, you'll need:
a white, pink, or ivory sweater sleeve (the larger the sleeve, the bigger your bunny tail!)
some polyfill stuffing . two wide rubber bands . some fuzzy trim (or pompoms)

the process is similar to my original Sweet Sweater Pumpkins:
crafting, crafting with kids, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, spring decorating, Easter, original designs, re-purposing, seasonal, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, up-cycling, tutorial, trash to treasure, Easter decorating, sweater decor
1. turn a sleeve section inside out, and close off one end tightly with a rubber band.
2. turn it right-side out, and fill it to overflowing with polyfill stuffing.
3. gather up the open end, pushing the polyfill inside as you go, and close with a rubber band.
4. cut off extra sweater fabric - but leave enough to not let the rubber band slip off!
5. cut a piece of furry fabric (i used the trim from the Santa hat) to cover that end. hot glue on.
6. cut a strip of furry fabric long enough to curl around the edges of the end,
and hot glue into place. then fluff the fur.

crafting, crafting with kids, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, spring decorating, Easter, original designs, re-purposing, seasonal, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, up-cycling, tutorial, trash to treasure, Easter decorating, sweater decor
make them in several sizes, as i did, and create a bunny family!

find places to hide them in your home & yard, 
and wait for the squeals of delight when they are discovered...
crafting, crafting with kids, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, spring decorating, Easter, original designs, re-purposing, seasonal, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, up-cycling, tutorial, trash to treasure, Easter decorating, sweater decor
crafting, crafting with kids, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, spring decorating, Easter, original designs, re-purposing, seasonal, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, up-cycling, tutorial, trash to treasure, Easter decorating, sweater decor
while i love them in the garden, it's supposed to rain again next week -
so i popped them into our living room decor:
crafting, crafting with kids, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, spring decorating, Easter, original designs, re-purposing, seasonal, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, up-cycling, tutorial, trash to treasure, Easter decorating, sweater decorcrafting, crafting with kids, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, spring decorating, Easter, original designs, re-purposing, seasonal, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Bunny Tails, up-cycling, tutorial, trash to treasure, Easter decorating, sweater decor
i really wish i had grandkids coming for Easter to laugh at these...
at least we can enjoy them every day. i hope you enjoy them, too!

(full disclosure: i wanted to call them BunnyButts.
something told me that might not be a good idea. so Bunny Tails it is!)

shared online:

funky junk interiors | diy salvaged junk projects #521


  1. OMG, those are SO CUTE!!! I have to make one and I think I have just what I need already!!


    1. thank you so much, Miss Tania! i hope you DO have everything you need - and i would LOVE to see what you make! once you make one (or twenty!), please do come on over to the homewardFOUND facebook page and post a photo in a comment on this post: https://www.facebook.com/homewardfounddecor/photos/a.187044511427205/1805475666250740/?type=3&theater

      ... and have fun hoppin' to it! ;)
