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NEW! Sweet Sweater Pops!

DIY, Fourth of July, original designs, re-purposing, red white and blue, summer, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Pops, Sweet Sweater Sandbabies, Sweet Sweater Scoops, Sweet Sweater Snowmen, foofoo Faux Food
so a funny thing happened while i was creating my last blog post...
i was typing in additional ideas for accessories that one might use
on one's own versions of my Sweet Sweater Sandbabies.
things like ball caps popped into my mind. and THAT led me down a rabbit hole...
it went something like this:

"yeah! ball caps! ball caps?! baseball! hot dogs! beer! popcorn! 
POPCORN??!! waaaaaiiiiiiiit a minute... i have...."
at which point i ran out of my studio to the garage, to the party supply bins,
where i found the paper and plastic popcorn containers i knew were in there.

i returned to my studio and dragged out the box with sweater remnants,
and there was a bag filled with wonky fuzzy yarn that is the color of UNbuttered popcorn.
my crazy brain puts two and two together and the result is those guys up above:
Sweet Sweater Pops!
Red, White, and Blue PATRIOTIC Pops.

and then the ideas REALLY started poppin'... continue reading to see!

a couple of small sweater arm scraps became the two lil' pops shown up above,
then a larger sweater body piece became Pops...
DIY, Fourth of July, original designs, re-purposing, red white and blue, summer, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Pops, Sweet Sweater Sandbabies, Sweet Sweater Scoops, Sweet Sweater Snowmen, foofoo Faux FoodDIY, Fourth of July, original designs, re-purposing, red white and blue, summer, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Pops, Sweet Sweater Sandbabies, Sweet Sweater Scoops, Sweet Sweater Snowmen, foofoo Faux Food
Pops got photos with two different hats because i wanted a ball cap on one
but i HAD to do a Disney ears version, too. because.... Disney. duh. 

Pops is sitting in a wire waste basket (Dollar Tree) lined with red & white striped fabric.
the lil' pops are wearing tiny hats made from patriotic cupcake papers,
and their 'eyes' are just round blue map pins stuck into the sweaters.
that funky yarn is spilling out of all of the containers, kinda' like popped corn!

then i remembered a gift my Mom got for Christmas from a neighbor:
a gift card to the local theater plus some candy bars. in a popcorn bucket.
after a lengthy search (and a few words i prob'ly shouldn'ta' said),
the still-unused bucket was located tucked waaaaay back in a low cabinet in the kitchen.
i grabbed a sizable cashmere pumpkin (from my infamous bin in the garage),

...and PopPop was born:
DIY, Fourth of July, original designs, re-purposing, red white and blue, summer, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Pops, Sweet Sweater Sandbabies, Sweet Sweater Scoops, Sweet Sweater Snowmen, foofoo Faux Food
 PopPop's hat is a paper popcorn container cut short and with the ends bent outward.
he's wearing an old pair of spectacles that my friend Kim sent me,
and those with that 'stashe makes me think of actor Wilford Brimley!

 may i introduce the esteemed gentlemen of the Corn family, 
Pops, PopPop, and the lil' pop twins:
(should we call them Orville and Redenbacher? or Kernel and Corny?)

DIY, Fourth of July, original designs, re-purposing, red white and blue, summer, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Pops, Sweet Sweater Sandbabies, Sweet Sweater Scoops, Sweet Sweater Snowmen, foofoo Faux Food
the boys are ready for a ballgame, and are
the perfect patriotic decor accent for the Fourth of July week & weekend!

just a reminder that i didn't buy anything for these...
i just used what was on hand at home and re-purposed some of my previous creations.
making something outta' nothing sure is fun!

follow the first few steps of my famous no-sew 
Original Sweet Sweater Pumpkin tutorial
to make the round 'head' forms for Pops!

while these fun creations were thought up during a summer crafting session
(with me ensconced in my air-conditioned studio while it reached 98 degrees outside),
they really have more in common with one of my winter creations:
Sweet Sweater Snowmen.
back in the winter of 2013/2014, i created a slew of those to sell...
some created in food containers like these:
DIY, Fourth of July, original designs, re-purposing, red white and blue, summer, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Pops, Sweet Sweater Sandbabies, Sweet Sweater Scoops, Sweet Sweater Snowmen, foofoo Faux Food
bases of cookie & candy tins (with lids as hats!), milk glass coffee mugs, and cupcake papers
turned little stuffed snowman heads into tiny treats to warm your heart on cold winter days.
not necessarily sweet sweater FOOD, but.... many years before those
 i used scraps of a chenille bedspread and fluffy yarn to create a line of products
that i called 'Foo Foo Faux Food' TM :
DIY, Fourth of July, original designs, re-purposing, red white and blue, summer, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Pops, Sweet Sweater Sandbabies, Sweet Sweater Scoops, Sweet Sweater Snowmen, foofoo Faux Food
the chenille fabric was simply glued over thrifted cookie tins and upcycled fruit cans,
then embellished with its own fringe, rickrack, and a frosting-like fluffy 'caterpillar' yarn.
i just love those cakes. but they need ice cream.
ICE CREAM???!!!! waaaaaiiiiiit a minute.....

oh nooooooooooo ... here we go again!
DIY, Fourth of July, original designs, re-purposing, red white and blue, summer, sweaters, Sweet Sweater Pops, Sweet Sweater Sandbabies, Sweet Sweater Scoops, Sweet Sweater Snowmen, foofoo Faux Food
what do you think of Sweet Sweater Scoops?!

i chose the striped sweater pumpkins to repurpose for this creation
because they remind me of Neapolitan ice cream (without the pink)!

i better go eat somethin' before my imagination goes haywire again...
stay cool, my friends!

shared online:

funky junk interiors | diy salvaged junk projects #533

thank you for featuring my project, Miss Donna!

2023: modern on monticello | home matters link party #434


an important note:
these are just cute, fun ideas i'm sharing with you so you can enjoy making your own versions...

but if you make them for sale
please know that my names for them are proprietary and protected by copyright.
you can't call your copies of my work/ideas 'sweet sweater' ANYTHING.
that brand name is mine. and i do protect it! 

thank you for respecting my proprietary property.


  1. just awesome! I love how you think outside the box!

    1. or inside the popcorn box, as the case may be! LOL
      thanks for visiting, and for your kind comment.... i generally don't publish anonymous /unknown user comments, but then that's because they usually contain extraneous links.

  2. I can't even grasp how adorable this sweater popcorn idea is! You kill it with staging, my friend!

    And yeah... laughing through your post. I understand that kinda brain... Creativity is the best friend one can have!

    Thanks for bringing this to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects... featured it in 534 this weekend!

    1. thank you so much for the feature and your very kind compliments, Miss Donna!
      yeah, my brain is just.... well..... a flitterdegibbet. it goes where the wind and my creative muses take it. (i DO wonder, though, why those muses keep leading me in the direction of FOOD-themed creations!!!)
