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Showing posts with label rose gold obsession. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rose gold obsession. Show all posts


Pop! Fizz! Clink!

It's almost here - are you ready for the toasts?!

With the help of my friend Scott Carlson, wine specialist for BevMo
I'd like to share some helpful info to make your night the BUBBLIEST!

Continue Reading for some sparkling tips...


My Rose Gold Obsession

Just before Christmas, I was overtaken by a fever...
don't worry, I'm not sick. I'm just a bit obsessed with the color Rose Gold!
... forget what Pantone says, THIS is MY color of the year!

One day I dug through my files and drawers and cabinets and magazines,
and pulled out all kinds of tearsheets and miscellaneous 'stuff' 
that was in any way related to this warm, soft light pink/copper hue.
Then I put it all together and created a real 3-D 'mood board'
(remember how we used to do that BEFORE Pinterest?!)

I photographed the layouts, and turned them into Pinterest-worthy photos!

Then I re-designed every.last.brand.graphic that I use online
because this happy, sparkling, rosy hue just resonates with me right now...
you might say I've put on rose-gold colored glasses ;)

I had a lot of ideas for projects on my mind,
but no time at all to go out and get the paint or start anything. Until today!

Krylon rose gold metallic paint stock photo
 I got my hands on a few cans of THIS sweet stuff...
* I highly recommend Krylon Metallic Paints. They look REAL. *
(non-sponsored endorsement)
and then I went a little bit *mad*, actually:
I had this rough-surfaced metal laser-cut 'D' in a drawer, just waiting for paint.
One very thin coat and she's shining shimmering splendid!

continue reading for more...