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homewardFOUND holiday shop

 I've been extremely blessed to have found a HAUL of vintage and handmade holiday goods
that I am thrilled to offer you in my homewardFOUND shop this month...
as a matter of fact, I ended up with SO MUCH STUFF that it wouldn't fit in Room #1!

 so shop owner Stephani came up with Plan B, and I worked some magic! 

(click on 'read more' to see what I did....)


Happy HAULidays!

 Jingle & Jangle are getting excited!
These darling vintage elves will be in my shop soon - along with a lot more!

I've been pricing and making and prepping my huge HAULiday stash
to go into my homewardFOUND shop in Room #1 at Needful Things Addiction.
(there is SO MUCH MORE than I can even photograph right now)
and then.... Plan B happened.
The store owner asked for my help with a project - and OH am I glad I said yes!!!

Today I spent a few hours down at the store, prowling through some storage rooms
that are FILLED with amazing furniture and accessories, 
selecting some for fixtures and then getting to work turning an empty room
into a setting for a holiday happening!

That room is Room #3, and it's right next to my regular spot, Room #1...
I'll be filling it with my haul of handmade originals and vintage finds in bright happy colors
the BIG EVENT this coming Saturday:
Some new holiday things in soft neutrals will be headed into my 'regular' shop in Room #1, too!

I'll share some 'sneak peeks' here and on my social media pages
as soon as it's all set up and ready... and I hope you can make it out on Saturday -
I'll be at the store in the afternoon and evening to help out, 
and I'd love to meet you!


oh, Christmas tree!

 my friends, I just don't 'do' Black Friday.
that one horrifying trip to the mall for a Cabbage Patch Doll back in the early 80's was enough.
I was an 19 year old new mommy and was seriously traumatized by it all.
ever since, I've spent the day after Thanksgiving 
happily hiding from the world and decorating my house for Christmas...
and then that turned into decorating other people's homes and businesses.
in the course of decorating all those trees
(about 25 trees each year, give or take - that's a lotta' tree decorating!)
I've learned some helpful tips and come up with some ideas:

i also turned a really cheap material into fun 'tomato cage' Christmas trees!

this year, I've been making some trees
 'found' materials have been a big part of that process...
 last year, I created and shared a 'vintage lace Christmas tree' on a tomato cage
this year, I shrunk the idea down to size!

recently I found some funky old bristle brushes in a thrift shop, 
and of course I don't SEE them as that - I saw TREES!
they turned out exactly as I envisioned them, and I really like 'em!
I mean, REALLY like them. I am torn about selling them.... 

I've shared a lot of Christmas tree decor themes over the years,
and I hope they continue to inspire you!

The tree is up and fluffed and lit in our living room, but I have NO IDEA
what the theme will be this year... we'll see what I come up with
as soon as I get alllllll those decor boxes out of the garage and into the house!
(The only tip I have for that is 'get help!')

to all who are visiting from the Funky Junk Interiors DIY Salvage Junk link party, welcome!


Happy Thanksgiving!

wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving, a wonderful holiday weekend,
and a meaningful gathering of hearts and memories.
I am so grateful for each one of you who visit my blog and social media pages,
and for your encouraging and supportive comments & likes.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my love of 'do-able decorating' with you!

if you're looking for some last-minute table decorating inspiration, click here!

if you'd like some ideas for which wine to serve with your turkey, click here!

if you'd like some sage words for a toast at the table, try these:

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, 
and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward
“Remember God’s bounty in the year. String the pearls of His favor. 
Hide the dark parts, except so far as they are breaking out in light! 
Give this one day to thanks, to joy, to gratitude!” – Henry Ward Beecher 
“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” – Aesop

“Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes 
as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.” – Edward Sandford Martin
“Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast.” – William Shakespeare
“For each new morning with its light. For rest and shelter of the night. 
For health and food, for love and friends. For everything Thy goodness sends.” 
– Ralph Waldo Emerson



For the past 3 weeks, I've been sharing archived posts from this blog on other social media,
as a series I titled #21daysofinspiringthanksgivingtables .
I hope that somewhere in there, you've found some tips, tricks, and ideas
that will inspire you to create a lovely table setting for your Thanksgiving gathering!

Just in case you've missed any, here's the recap - 

Wishing you and yours a Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, love, and gratitude...