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decorating by the book!

have you ever considered BOOKS to be a decorative element?

for an inexpensive way to bring color into your decor each season, 
try looking at what's on your bookshelves.

the shelves shown above show a few books chosen by color for the display:
  green and yellow covers coordinate with a few simple accessories
to express the seasonal freshness of Spring,
while everything else on the shelves is white and neutral.

[no, i didn't get rid of all of my other books! i just left them in my office!]

another easy way to use books in your decor is to choose them by subject for a display:

the stack shown in these photos includes books about the garden and flowers
[with a few decor books thrown in for good measure - and because they were green!]

adding them to a tabletop vignette of items from the garden
tells a story and brings Springtime inside...

having a book displayed open to a beautiful photo or poem 
never fails to make you stop and look, too!

here are a few more ideas for decorating with books this Spring:

* grab books cheap and do a good deed by shopping at your local library bookstore!
[your purchases of books for 50 cents to $5 helps provide library services]

* do you already have a bunch of books, but the covers aren't pretty enough to feature?
cover them up! grab scrapbook paper, gift wrap paper, or even fabric, 
and create 'envelope'-style book covers.
[we all did this back in junior high with grocery bags, remember?!]

* if you want to get really crazy, PAINT 'EM!
a wash of thin paint on a canvas book cover can change the look completely.
OBVIOUSLY I am not suggesting you do this to VALUABLE or RARE books!
we all have books we bought long ago and just don't use anymore...
this is a way to turn unused items into decorative elements.
[and if you paint carefully, the book itself is still readable]

you can also use a wash of paint to create a faux 'aged' effect

using my tutorial here

* create 'pedestals' using books by stacking them up and tying together with twine or ribbon.
then display a special item on top of each stack... 

* and finally, use your bookshelves as display opportunities!
check out this post for tips on how to arrange accessories and books
for balance and visual impact 


  1. I have always used books to decorate with since I was in my 20's. I really love them and think they add so much to a home and a vignette- xo Diana

  2. I too like adding books as part of my decor. Your blog is delicious! So pretty!

  3. I always find your tips so helpful. Thank you for your help in keeping our homes pretty and inviting.
