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paint chip easter eggs - over easy!

art class, color, color palettes, crafting, crafting with kids, painting, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, fast cheap and easy, on the porch, original designs, paper crafts, paper, re-purposing, spring, tutorial, Easter decorating, Easter eggs, Easter egg decor
if you've been around here any length of time, 
you know that i like my decorating projects 'fast, cheap, & easy'TM. my trademark phrase.
in this case, the project is 'over easy'! 
yeah, it's a pun, but it's also true - because this is a super-fast craft idea for spring & Easter.
continue reading for the easy how-to and how i've used them...

of course, i started with my 'painted paint chip paper' -
which i may be a bit obsessed with at the moment.
it's my diy solution to using paint chips as craft supplies.
(because we are all 'sheltering in place' RIGHT?!
and because we're not snagging paint chips from store displays. noooooooo.)

art class, color, color palettes, crafting, crafting with kids, painting, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, fast cheap and easy, on the porch, original designs, paper crafts, paper, re-purposing, spring, tutorial, Easter decorating, Easter eggs, Easter egg decor
 paint some paper with the colors you prefer -  find my tutorial here - and let dry. 
glue the painted paper to stiff posterboard or thin cardboard. i use glue sticks.

art class, color, color palettes, crafting, crafting with kids, painting, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, fast cheap and easy, on the porch, original designs, paper crafts, paper, re-purposing, spring, tutorial, Easter decorating, Easter eggs, Easter egg decor
* draw some varied sizes of egg shapes onto the paper, using light pencil marks.
tip: make sure that you draw them in varied orientations,
so that the lines aren't all going the same direction on the eggs.
(you can see how mine are horizontal, vertical, and diagonal)

cut out those shapes with scissors or a cutting blade.
that's IT. seriously easy.

after mine were done, i used some in our entryway...
art class, color, color palettes, crafting, crafting with kids, painting, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, fast cheap and easy, on the porch, original designs, paper crafts, paper, re-purposing, spring, tutorial, Easter decorating, Easter eggs, Easter egg decor
i found this sign at Dollar Tree and snapped it up...
it's a very pale wood, and i like adding in light accents in this dark entryway.
a tiny scrap of green gingham fabric (yes, from that tablecloth!) serves as a 'scarf' for the bunny,
and yes, that's more faux grass scraps being used in my spring decor!
art class, color, color palettes, crafting, crafting with kids, painting, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, fast cheap and easy, on the porch, original designs, paper crafts, paper, re-purposing, spring, tutorial, Easter decorating, Easter eggs, Easter egg decorart class, color, color palettes, crafting, crafting with kids, painting, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, fast cheap and easy, on the porch, original designs, paper crafts, paper, re-purposing, spring, tutorial, Easter decorating, Easter eggs, Easter egg decor
along with the paint chip eggs, i made some eggs using woodgrain papers.
they carry through the lighter look of the 'happy easter' wood sign, reed wreaths, 
art class, color, color palettes, crafting, crafting with kids, painting, decorating, DIY, diy decorating, Easter, fast cheap and easy, on the porch, original designs, paper crafts, paper, re-purposing, spring, tutorial, Easter decorating, Easter eggs, Easter egg decor
i have to be honest, this front door entryway configuration makes me absolutely batty.
it's a long, dark, narrow hallway / alcove... SO hard to decorate. 
for three years, i had a narrow bench on that right side wall with various wreaths hung over it.

i became so BORED with that arrangement that i recently removed the bench
and placed a collection of old wood fruit crates on either side of the door instead - 
they stack up to create varied levels to place decor elements on.
 a few potted silk plants (because this area gets NO sunshine AT ALL) sit in front
to soften all of those hard edges.

it's different...but for now, it's ok. i'm not sure how long i'll keep them here. 
it's just a bear to photograph well with the weird light conditions!

spring decorating, spring entryway, spring doormat, spring front door decor, front door decor, doormats, entryway, home decorating
i just LOVE the doormat i found at Kirkland Home earlier this month...
even though the sentiment on it is now hopelessly out of date
because ain't nobody gathering anywhere anymore.

i placed a wide swath of burlap fabric beneath the doormat as a 'rug' - 
the crates and flowerpots hold it down and it's working great.
of course, the only people coming to my front door now are delivery people!
(speaking of which, i found a bonus to using those crates there:
delivery people have been placing small packages IN the crates, 
and they are totally hidden from the street!)

btw, this post isn't an ad or sponsored by any company mentioned... 
i just provide source info to help you.

stay tuned for more Easter decor ideas coming up in my next post!

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