'nesting' is kind of the mood of the moment, isn't it?
as part of our newly-required 'social distancing' practices,
we're all spending more time at home right now.
the organizing & purging that we began with gusto in January
has become a flurry of cleaning & disinfecting in March.
confession: i am not a person who loves cleaning. i DO it, of course,
but my main motivation has always been that i clean the house so i can decorate the house.
restyling. refreshing. we sometimes call this 'nesting'.
mama's about to have babies do this. newlyweds do this.
and sometimes, angry/frustrated people do this.
(deb raises her hand).
yeah, i'm one o' THOSE people. i clean like a banshee when i am mad or feel out of control.
the physical activity - and the loud music i play as i engage in it - really can help re-set my mood.
plus it accomplishes something good (a clean house), so it isn't wasted energy.
i think this applies when we are a bit scared and uncertain, too...
cleaning, conquering clutter, completing a project, expressing some creativity
are positive things we can do with the pent-up energy that threatens to overwhelm us.
in times of stress (like we're all experiencing right now), it can be helpful
to set ourselves to the task of gaining some control over a part of our lives, like our homes.
and yes, that includes crafting and creating and decorating -
all facets of 'the art of nesting'.
these pursuits can re-set our mindset and give us a respite in the midst of chaos.
it can help us engage our brains in a positive thought pattern -
and if you have littles at home, you can teach them how to focus on what is possible
rather than on limitations.
in light of that, i've been puttering around the house as i clean,
and decided to update & refresh a few projects from the past.
since my whole 'thing' here at homewardFOUND is 'use what you already have'
i looked around at my stash and found a way to freshen up an original project
that i created over a decade ago. it needed a facelift. and so did i!
the creative process made me smile (the best kind of facelift) as i was working on this,
and now the finished product makes our home smile with its presence...
a good reminder that old can be made new, new approaches can be taken,
new things can be accomplished. at any time.
i think NOW is a good time to put those principles into practice, don't you?
continue reading for a colorful re-furb and a link to my nest-making tutorial...