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[simple solutions] spray it!

Here's a simple solution for your old seasonal decor items...

a few years ago, I found jack, a charming orange ceramic pumpkin, at a thrift store.
I jumped up and down with excitement when I saw him, ran over, grabbed him off the shelf,
and wouldn't even put him in the cart - I just carried him through the store!

You see, my mom had one JUST LIKE HIM when I was a kid 
and I used it as a nightlight in my tiny little hall closet 'art studio'. 
Somehow, somewhere along the way, that pumpkin got lost.
And I've been looking for over 40 years to replace him.

I was honestly prepared to fork over any amount of money for him.
He was mine, and he wasn't going anywhere but home with me.

FAB FIND alert:  jack was just $5.99!
 but then when i brought jack home, he didn't fit in with the other 'kids':
[you can see a little discrepancy in the photo above...
'one of these things is not like the other', right?!]

well, it took me all of five minutes to fix that.
grabbed a spray can of Krylon gloss white appliance paint and jack orange became jack white:
now he looks for all the world like he came from some chic shop or pottery barn
but he's from goodwill. i love that! [and he ROCKS, so i guess the name fits!]

white ceramic accents are really  hot in decorating, 
and can add a very current, stylish look to your home no matter what your style is
for just the cost of a can of spray paint [and that Krylon stuff is MAGIC, I tell you...]

simply white-out your own ceramic pumpkins,
and you've got the makings of some swanky-chic fall decor!
[and yes, BLACK works, too!]


  1. Oooh, Debi,
    I just now discovered your blog. Immediately put it on my "favorites" list. I will be checking in often!

    Would truly love to win this giveaway!

  2. love jack white!! thanks for sharing the paint tip - here's hoping I can find some jacks at my thrift store for fall.....

  3. I think I have a new project to add to my list! Thanks for the inspiration!
