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Guest Designer: Amy Thayer

Today I am thrilled to introduce you all to my friend Amy Thayer!
Amy is a very talented stylist and photographer... and writer.. and cook... and mom...
[I think she has a WonderWoman cape in her wardrobe, I really do...]
We met through our work for FOLK Magazine last year,
and she really is as sweet and darling as she looks.

Amy is guest posting today on HOMEWARDfound
to share some of her fall decorating tips with you -  and I know you will LOVE them!

So, please welcome AMY!
It's no secret that Fall is my favorite time of year. I've said many of times that myself and extreme weather are not the best of friends. I tend to "hibernate" during those times. However, when the air begins to crisp and the leaves begin to Fall, I come out of hiding and go on a decorating frenzy. I often get asked, "Where do you get your inspiration to create your Fall vignettes?" Well, I get inspired in lots of places, but I have found that my vignettes really are created by a few simple steps and inspiration is only a very small part. I want to share with you a few of my steps and you, too, can create a stunning Fall vignette or a vignette for any season!

Before I start, I want to say that decorating is an art. You have to work towards it. If you don't love something, keep trying! You will eventually find your groove and style. We don't always get it on the first try either.

  • Step 1: Gather supplies- Use what you have.
You don't need an arsenal of Fall decor cramping your organized life. Walk around your house and pull things that have texture (wood, metal, chippy paint,) empty vessels (jars, baskets, trays, etc,) color appropriate things (pink and green, orange and aqua, black and silver, brown and gold- Don't be afraid to step away from the typical black and orange combo!) Be sure to grab some interesting things for height- you don't want every thing on one level. Use what you have!
Look at items for what they can become, not for what they are.
  •  Step 2: Create a background or backdrop 
This could be a fence, old door, corn fodder, hey bales, brick wall....anything. Your vignette needs it's "canvas" or a place for the eye to stop and focus on your vignette.
fence as backdrop
fence as backdrop
  • Step 3: This is where you start filling in your gathered supplies or your props. 
Create a balanced placement of your props by using my yin-yang method. Now, I call it "mine," but really it's just a simple method of creating balance. The reason we like a vignette or setting is because it's easy for us to look at. If it makes our eyes work because it is cluttered or unbalanced we don't want to look at it- it's too much work for our eyes. (stubborn, lazy little things. Aren't they!)
MommaHen's yin-yang method
It's kind of ironic that my above presentation is not exactly yin-yang, but let me break it down for you and describe what you are looking at. Yin-yang is, very simply put, forces working together to create one equal balance. You can achieve this by using triangles and odd numbers. I don't really know the science behind why we appeal to odd numbers, but it's true. 
When in doubt, always use groupings of three or odd numbers.
If you go through the image above you will see that as a whole there are a ton of aspects. The reason it works is because of all the small grouping using my yin-yang method. Notice each of the triangle groupings, meaning they are grouped in the shape of a triangle. Also, notice that the groupings are in groups of odd numbers. 
Try it! Walk around your house. Do you have an even number of groupings in a vignette? Break it down to three or another odd number. Place them in a triangular setting. What do you think? I told you it works!
  • Step 4: Bring in your natural Fall items.
Meaning leaves, pumpkins, gourds, corn, corn husks, anything that is naturally occurring in nature during this season.  This step gives your entire vignette a meaning. It will define your purpose of the vignette.
Fill your vessels, baskets, jars, etc. that you have collected and arranged from previous steps.

  • Step 5: add "creepies"
This is sort of an optional step, but crucial to be authentically MommaHen style. I always stop by my local Dollar Tree and stock up on black crows, spiders, spider webs, and little rubber rats. 
Don't go overboard! Just add a few randomly placed (small bits!) of web and a spider. Crows tend to hang together so have them lurking in or on a pumpkin. This just adds a fun and unexpected aspect.

Now, stand back and look at what you have created. What do you think? 
If there is something that you don't like, move it. Continue to not love it? Remove it! 
Just play with around with your new vignette until it's something you are proud of. Enjoy!

 I want to say a big giant thank you to Deb for having me over to HOMEWARDfound for a visit...
I greatly appreciate it and am so honored. I hope you all enjoy my style, and jump in and get creative!  
I invite you to stop over and visit me on my blog, anytime.
Amy Thayer of mommahenscoop.com



  1. Gorgeous fall vignettes! I love the natural qualities! I'm definitely going over to visit with Amy. Thanks for sharing Deb!

  2. Love this. It inspires me for sure to get my fall decorating going. Have a great day!

  3. Thank you for a fantastic article. I thought it was very helpful and well written.
