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Salvaged Tabletop Herb Garden

salvaged junk project spring herb garden
you've all heard that phrase 'best laid plans', riiiiight? sigh.

last Thursday morning, as i was loading up my truck to restock the homewardFOUND shop, 
i cut a very deep gash in my finger...
and it was immediately apparent that no bandaid would suffice.
it required a visit to the ER and five stitches, then being immobilized for several days.
as a result, i've been working on things behind the scenes here on the blog
(with one hand. do you know how hard it is to type with one hand?!!!)

much as i don't like accidents, there was that time a happy accident 
became a spur-of-the-moment project: a tabletop herb garden...

continue reading to find out how this happened!

i was setting up at a vintage show, moving things all over the booth,
trying to find a place to put the last industrial bread-baking pan (i had 30 to sell).
a small metal wheelbarrow frame was sitting on the ground, 
waiting for a wood crate to be placed into it.
then i had a better idea! 
springtime planting ideas with rustic industrial style
i placed the metal frame up ON the table 
[on a burlap feedsack so it wouldn't scratch the wood of the table for sale]
and then sat the metal bread pan in the wheelbarrow frame.
it didn't fit perfectly... but it was unique!

i added some potted herbs, handfulls of straw from the ground,
along with the vintage jelly jars that were slated to sit on a tray on the table.
and the look was decidedly more interesting than my original plan!

it's a great idea for a move-able herb garden centerpiece in your home, too -
here's how to put one together:

* line a metal baking pan of any size/shape with plastic or foil

* place pots of herbs or spring flowers into each section (they hold a LOT)
you could also plant the herbs in the pan - just add rocks before soil, for drainage.
add straw or moss, if you wish.

* sit the pan on something that it's not supposed to go with -
a wire lampshade frame, for example. or the silver base of a fancy warming tray.
mix rustic with refined, simple with ornate, rough with smooth!

* place your planter on the table as a centerpiece, or at your entry, or on the kitchen island.

it makes for a great conversation piece,
and is an easy move from table to kitchen counter to backyard
for watering and sun exposure.

here's another one of my 'unusual' planter ideas: soup tureen planters!
repurposed tabletop planters for your spring tablescapes from homewardfound decor

shared online:

the how-to home | project inspire{d} #262


  1. First of all- I am really sorry about the cut on your hand-NOT a good kind of accident! However, your display turned out to be a happy accident! xo Diana

    1. thank you, sweet Diana! it's definitely NOT 'a good thing' as Martha would say, but thankfully it's healing.

  2. I really love your idea for the herb planter! Something about the rusty look that I love with everything. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Milena

    1. thank you so much, Milena! i would agree with you... rusty metal and chipped paint are two of my favorite finishes!
