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sunny paint palette wall art

summer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021, summer crafts,summer paper crafts
bored yet?
no, not you - your KIDS!
i know, we're barely into summer vacay. but i know kids!
if you're looking for simple, cheap, 'trash to treasure' craft projects to keep 'em busy,
this post will show kids how to make their OWN sunshine!

last fall, i played around with some of my disposable paper & plastic plate paint palettes
and made paint palette pumpkins (link at end of post)
today i grabbed a few palettes that i've used as i paint all.the.things yellow,
and found ways to turn them into happy sunshine art!

continue reading for a few easy scrap paper crafts to brighten up your days...

[i've put together two simple tutorials to share how i made these - 
that being said, you needn't copy these exactly.
look around and find scraps you have on hand, and get creative!]

the first one is made from a plastic plate paint palette and paint chips
NOTE: i got several old paint fan decks from my local Sherwin Williams dealer last fall.
i do NOT advocate raiding the displays at home improvement centers.
summer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021, summer crafts,summer paper crafts

summer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021, summer crafts,summer paper crafts
1. cut the center out of a paper plate - smaller than the plastic paint palette plate.
2. glue paint chip strips to the back side of that paper plate -
3. then clip a small binder clip on the back side of the plate, as a hanger.
now flip the whole shebang over...

summer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021, summer crafts,summer paper crafts
...and 4. hot glue the plastic plate paint palette to the FRONT side (right over the paint strips).
[ you could also use cute paper party plates! ] 

 and done! boom! sunshine!

the second one is made from a paper plate paint palette,
some posterboard / cardboard, scrap paper (i used recycled wrapping paper),
and shaggy yarn.
summer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021, summer crafts,summer paper crafts

summer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021, summer crafts,summer paper crafts
1. cut a piece of posterboard / cardboard (use an old box!) in a circle larger than the paper plate.
2. cover it with scrap paper and adhere with a glue stick.
3. cut more pieces of a different scrap paper to create 'sun rays' - mine are solid yellow.
4. glue them onto the large circle with a glue stick.

summer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021, summer crafts,summer paper crafts
1. cut a 'donut' from scrap paper - making sure that the center hole is SMALLER than the paper plate paint palette.
2. cut and add 'sun rays' to that circle, too.
3. hot glue the 'donut' to the front edge of the paper plate paint palette.
4. then hot glue the paper plate to the large circle.
summer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021, summer crafts,summer paper crafts
1. wrap & tie some shaggy ('eyelash') yarn around the paper plate for some fun texture.
2. cut triangles from more scrap paper
3. then adhere to the back side of the large circle with a glue stick.
flip over and bask in the sunshine!

summer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021, summer crafts,summer paper craftssummer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021, summer crafts,summer paper crafts
i've displayed these sunny guys in two different ways on the faux mantel in my studio,
paired up with bright yellow tissue paper party decor fans, flowers, and sunbursts.

i used to love hanging my four kids' art
in a gallery wall arrangement in the hallway, and on their bedroom doors...
where do you display art made by the children in your life?

see more easy summer decor ideas on my
  June 'Sunny Days Ahead' Pinterest board!

links to previous related posts:

painterly pumpkins

create a gallery of your kid's art

shared online:

funky junk interiors | upcycled projects to make #583

summer,art class,wall art,color,colorful home,Pantone color of the year,crafting,crafting with kids,DIY,diy decorating,gift wrapping,paper,paper crafts,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,re-purposing,salvaged,sunshine theme,sunny day crafts,sunny day decor,summer home decor,kids crafts,yellow,Pantone Illuminating yellow,Pantone 2021

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