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a different kind of sand castle...

art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.
bringing sand and shells home from a beach vacation is do-able.
a sand castle? not so much.

unless, of course, you find a new way to make a sand castle ;) 

and i did. 

continue reading to see the everyday material that inspired me and how i used it...

art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.
i started with a ceramic castle from my collection...
using it, i drew each section of the castle separately on a sheet of heavy paper.
each piece was cut out individually, and assembled into a collage on my worktable -
they formed the pattern that i would work with for the project.

next, i grabbed that 'everyday' material that inspired this project in the first place:art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.
used sheets of sandpaper!
(new sheets would certainly work, as well, but i use what i have on hand!)
i had three different grits and colors to work with,
so i decided how to use them to add dimension to the castle shapes:
the medium shade would be the main walls, the lightest would be the towers,
and the darkest would be the roofing.art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.the white paper shape was glued onto the back of the sandpaper in a chosen color,
then cut out.

art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.
as i cut more pieces, i began stacking and layering them to form the castle,
simply taping them to hold them in position...

art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.
after all of the pieces were taped into place,
i used a pencil to add very light lines in several places as detail
that would add more dimension.

art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.
it's not an exact replica of the ceramic castle, but that's ok.
it's close enough! and it's a bit smaller, so that it would fit where i wanted to use it...
art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.
i mounted the castle inside a small box frame, lined with striped paper
(that reminds me of a beach towel!)
two small pieces of foam behind the castle hold it out about 1/2 inch,
creating a shadow that makes the whole thing look better.

art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.
sitting on my faux mantel or hung on the wall, it's a fun summer touch.

oh, does that castle maybe look familiar to some of you?

art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.
yeah, it's Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland!
paired up with a few pieces of memorabilia from my Disneyland collection,
it makes a pretty magical composition.

another idea for creating a sand castle
(though it is a bit messier...)
is to cover a castle figure (ceramic, wood, plastic) with glue, and then dip it into sand.

art,wall art,beach style,coastal style,crafting,Disney,Disneyland,DIY,diy decorating,paper crafts,re-purposing,up-cycling,summer,seasonal,summer home decorating,sand castle,sand castles,beach living,Disneyland castle,Sleeping Beauty Castle Disneyland.

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