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happy May Day flowers

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.
May Day is just a few days away,
and i'm ready to add some happy spring vibes with some small flower baskets.

first created back in 2013, i'm sharing them again this spring,
and i think you'll LOVE how easy my tutorial is.
and you might just laugh when you see what they are made of!

continue reading for my easy tutorial...

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.

when i was a kid, we would make flower 'buckets' using small paper cups
then fill them with simple wildflowers to share with friends and neighbors...
simple materials turned into new decor & gifts.
those childhood memories spur so many of my project ideas.

from that past project, i came up with this easy paper cone flower basket
(as well as 'posie pails' made from tin cans!) -
so let's make some, shall we?!

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.

cut and glue a piece of gift wrapping paper to a paper party hat - 
i get mine at the dollar store.
start by gluing one edge of the paper at the seam of the hat, roll it around the hat,
and glue in place at the seam again. 

then fold paper over the edge, into the inside of the hat, 'pleating' it neatly as you go.

poke a hole through the gift wrap and the hat on each side - 
the holes need to go all the way through.

to create a hanging loop,
pull both ends of the ribbon through both holes,
so that the ribbon forms a large loop above the cone.
tie the ends of the ribbon together so that they sit inside the cone.

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.

I added a special embellished collar to the cone, 
using two of these fancy laser-cut paper cupcake wrappers.

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.
i glued two laser-cut cupcake wrappers together, end to end, to form a circle.
then placed them on the inside edge of the cone, and glued them into place.
a bit of gathered ribbon or tulle would work, too!

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.
it's easy as pie to fill the cone with faux flowers (paper, fabric, felt, buttons).

if you wish to use real flowers, simply add a plastic cup or bag inside the cone,
add an inch or so of water, then add fresh flowers or greens.
you could also pop a tiny pot of real blooms into a plastic cup
and then insert it into the cone.

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.

display the flower baskets upright in beverage glasses, vases, 
or hang them on a door or cabinet knob.
and share them with your neighbors!!

happy May Day, everyone!

ps: watch for a special blog post on Sunday, May 1st 2022 - 
i'll be sharing info about something you just might want to take part in!

links to previous related content:

original May Day basket tutorial

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.
[ this project photo was shared by homebnc 

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.

shared online:

homebnc best spring porch decor ideas

creatively beth | creative crafts linky party #91

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper,
flower gifts.

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