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vintage bowl mushrooms!

spring,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,colorful home,re-purposed,thrifted,vintage,vintage style,farmhouse style,vintage bowl mushrooms,diy vintage bowl mushrooms,tutorial.

this project may not 'bowl you over' (geeze, i'm old)
but i hope it will inspire you to use things differently in your home decor.
in this case, i've gathered up some kitchen items
to create spring decor elements that work in many other places.

continue reading for the easy tutorial...


spring,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,colorful home,re-purposed,thrifted,vintage,vintage style,farmhouse style,vintage bowl mushrooms,diy vintage bowl mushrooms,tutorial.
this project is a variation of another, shared during my 'yellow era' ;)
since i have a stash of green vintage bowls that i use in our green Shasta trailer,
i brought them home and played around in my studio.

confessions of a vintage hoarder:
i USED to buy a 'new to me' minty green item EVERY time we took the trailer camping.
(we camp at beach resorts with nearby thrift shops!)
there are these bowls plus a covered ramekin, an old ice cream sign, 
a match box holder, a straw cannister, a napkin holder, serving trays, 
various linens, pillows galore, and a clock and signs that hang on the walls.

you can see why, after adding a lot of stuff - and weight - to the trailer, i had to stop.
i honestly load more decor items into the trailer than food and clothes. sigh. 

okay, sorry, on with the project! 

spring,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,colorful home,re-purposed,thrifted,vintage,vintage style,farmhouse style,vintage bowl mushrooms,diy vintage bowl mushrooms,tutorial.
here's the 'how-to':
i gathered up the green bowls and one green ceramic mug
along with various sizes of white ceramic and milk glass vases...
then i pulled in a few small elements to help with the sizing:

from left to right:

the tiny 'vase' is actually the inner piece of a butter bell, inverted,
and i added two small ceramic bowls that raised the minty cup up
high enough to reveal the 'stem' below it.

a small urn-shaped vase was the perfect size to pair with
one of my two Pyrex bowls - just flip it over, sit the bowl on, and voila!

a taller urn-shaped milk glass vase was also perfect for a duplicate Pyrex bowl -
and the fact that this one sits up higher makes the composition even better.

the largest bowl (Bauer) sits on two stacked and then upturned flower pots
that i found at the Dollar Tree, and topped with two more small bowls
so the large bowl and 'stem' had better proportions.

(note: there's a teal green/blue McCoy bowl shown in other photos up above - 
it was just too different in hue from these green bowls, so i didn't include it.)

spring,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,colorful home,re-purposed,thrifted,vintage,vintage style,farmhouse style,vintage bowl mushrooms,diy vintage bowl mushrooms,tutorial.
here's what they look like after assembly...
below, a closer look at each:

spring,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,colorful home,re-purposed,thrifted,vintage,vintage style,farmhouse style,vintage bowl mushrooms,diy vintage bowl mushrooms,tutorial.spring,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,colorful home,re-purposed,thrifted,vintage,vintage style,farmhouse style,vintage bowl mushrooms,diy vintage bowl mushrooms,tutorial.

spring,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,colorful home,re-purposed,thrifted,vintage,vintage style,farmhouse style,vintage bowl mushrooms,diy vintage bowl mushrooms,tutorial.spring,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,colorful home,re-purposed,thrifted,vintage,vintage style,farmhouse style,vintage bowl mushrooms,diy vintage bowl mushrooms,tutorial.

pulling together a cute vignette on the credenza in my studio was easy,
with the addition of a white vintage kitchen scale, two metal trays that LOOK vintage,
and a few vintage kitchen linens sitting in that one off-color large bowl...
spring,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,colorful home,re-purposed,thrifted,vintage,vintage style,farmhouse style,vintage bowl mushrooms,diy vintage bowl mushrooms,tutorial.
these would look equally happy placed in a flower border, in an herb garden,
or in a centerpiece on a brunch table paired with some moss and potted plants.
(note: for those uses, i'd use a few drops of hot glue or museum putty
to hold all of the elements in place, in case they get bumped.)

inspired by the charming art of Mary Engelbreit's  
'Life is a Chair of Bowlies',
i think of these happy creations as 'bowlies'!

related content:

shared online:

funky junk interiors | new upcycle ideas #727

thank you for featuring my project, Donna! 

spring,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,colorful home,re-purposed,thrifted,vintage,vintage style,farmhouse style,vintage bowl mushrooms,diy vintage bowl mushrooms,tutorial.


  1. Oh my goodness... not only are your vintage vibe green mushrooms adorable, they give me so many memories of the green bowl we had growing up! Love these for garden art too!

    1. thank you, Donna! my grandmas both had bowls like this - one had yellow, one had PINK that matched her Franciscan china and her FRIDGE! - in their kitchens, on the table, filled with fruit all year long. the reason i love vintage things is because of those kitchens!
