spring's arrival is just around the corner!
here's an easy way to ease into it...
view ALL winter content click here
ease into spring with a faux moss wreath
moss-filled bookend | wall art
faux terra cotta painted hearts
one last 'heart'-themed project for the month!
when i found four plastic hearts in my stash, i turned two of them
into faux moss covered topiary hearts (see my last post, linked below).
i held two back for this project -
an easy faux paint treatment that turned two cheap plastic hearts
into something much more elegant and 'natural'.
using paint to change things is one of my favorite approaches
to seasonal decorating (and to not BUYING more stuff that i have to store)...
continue reading for my easy tutorial and a few more ideas!
'moss' heart topiary
as i was creating the large faux 'moss' heart in my last post,
i unearthed some small plastic hearts that i had previously painted.
(those posts are linked below this one)
i decided to recreate them to coordinate with the larger 'moss' heart.
covering these lil' hearts with moss-like green yarn and fuzzy fabric was easy,
then i turned one of them into a tiny topiary.
continue reading for an easy tutorial...
a serene winter wreath
i love a seasonal wreath, don't you?!
this simple winter season wreath
is created from remnants of an old white matlasse' bedspread
and adorned with natural elements from my yard,
reflecting the way winter looks and feels where i live.
time for a change... a new 'mantel'!
(and those sharp dark shadows from the 'firebox' drove me mad!)
welcome, winter...
(and yes, some say emptier.)
why not welcome the new year with the lightness of a refreshed home?
as i plan and create new projects for the upcoming season,
i'm asking myself questions about how i want my home to feel,
how i want to feel IN my home, and how i can inspire you
to create a home you love to live in.
winter inspiration
wishing you the happiest holidays
woodsy brown Thanksgiving tablescape + 25 more!
painted 'chocolate' pumpkins on a sweet sweater cake
which made me start thinking about making a very REAL cake
easy 'dot' candy pumpkins
faux food 'caramel apple' pumpkins
spurred my 'fall feels' - and my taste buds for all things caramel.
it's my favorite fall flavor, and i love indulging it...
from scarfing down Werther's Original caramel cremes
to sipping a caramel apple martini on a cool but sunny late afternoon.
with those thoughts already swirling in my head,
seeing a photo of a green apple being dipped into melted caramel
inspired something else... this fun 'faux food' bit of sweet fall home decor!
how it started:
would work for the glossy dimensional caramel effect,
so i proceeded with this project as i had with that one.
(my faux honey jar is linked below this post)
... continue reading to see how it's going, and how you can make them, too!
have a ball with these pumpkins!
faux 'jadeite' pumpkin paint tutorial
the pretty seafoam - mint - jade greens of jadeite dishes and cookware
remind me of the color of our Shasta trailer (see my last post!)
and because of that, i've found these greens combine well with ANY color.
in late August i picked up a ceramic pumpkin mug at Dollar Tree,
and decided to try my hand at re-creating the luminous look of jadeite -
with paint.
and it worked!
continue reading for my color-matching process and paint tutorial...
repurposed crochet hat pumpkin
and have a pretty big collection of hats for every season.
i have thick straight hair and on the many days when it won't cooperate,
i just pop a ballcap or sunhat or cloche on my head and fuhgeddaboutit.
the only hats i don't like on my head are beanies. my forehead's too big.
but when i found THIS beanie, i fell in love with it and had to buy it...
here i am using things in ways they weren't intended to be used again LOL
continue reading for my tutorial (which is much like my sweet sweater pumpkin tute)...
NEW: beach towel pumpkins!
easy raffia-wrapped TROPI-fall pumpkins
continue reading to find out my secret...
TROPI-fall decor in our Shasta trailer!
i wanted to time-travel back to last September and show you
my 'TROPI-fall' pumpkins in a different kind of setting!
though i don't share many photos of our home here on the blog,
all of our rooms and decor have a tropical vibe.
since we are unable to travel to Hawai'i now, we 'live Aloha' here at home.
as summer wanes and autumn approaches,
i bridge the seasons with pumpkins that i create in beachy, tropical styles...
faux painted bamboo and sand, coconut tiki mugs with stems, and more.
so would it surprise you to learn that i ALSO use tropical decor
in our Shasta camping trailer, Miss Dot?!!!
i 'shop the house' for decor elements that fit the season or theme
of the campout we're going to
(we are members of three different trailer groups),
put them into a storage bin, load it up, and then
have as much fun decorating Miss Dot as i do decorating our home...
easy tropical-style light cover
so i've been busy completing some fun new EASY projects around our home
continue reading to see what i did!