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Stop the Presses!

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Welcome to Day 27!

i had a completely different post ready for today...
then i went to Barnes & Noble yesterday, and spied something SO FABULOUS
that it is just too good NOT to share!

i don't know why they do it, 
but Barnes & Noble offers reprints of the original 
1800's - 1900's Sears, Roebuck & Company catalogs!
yes, the same ones that used to be dropped with a THUMP onto your porch each summer,
just in time to pick out 'back to school' clothes and dream over toys for Christmas. 

i spied that volume on the sales shelf and grabbed my phone to take a shot to share
[while an older gentleman on the same aisle looked at me suspiciously...]

inside the book are hundreds of pages with thousands of vintage images 
and words in antique typography
that would be PERFECT for paper crafts! 
do you create collages? mixed media art? 
are you like me and wrap everything that's boring in paper of the vintage variety?
this is just a fabulous solution that saves you the time and trouble
of rooting through boxes in barns, antique stores and thrift shops 
to find old magazines for your projects.

those paper crafts shown in yesterday's PARTY post
you could totally make that stuff with these catalog pages - instead of sheet music.
for any holiday or season!

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