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faux wood 'junk' trees

faux wood, wood-look, junk trees, junking, diy, handmade, crafts, home decor, Christmas
 this is not a collection of trees made from wood. nope.
it's a collection of trees made from wood-printed PAPER! 

'continue reading' to see more details of this easy and kid-friendly craft
that can be made with new or reclaimed materials -
a simple, inexpensive way to get a 'junk project' look for your holiday & winter decor!

the triangular shapes are simply cut from wood-printed paper from the craft store...
some of the large trees used two sheets of the 12" X 12" paper stock.
cut the triangles out, use a glue stick to attach them to poster board cut the same size
(adds firmness so they will stand up!),
and then find some fun 'junk' to use as bases.

i gotta' give credit where credit is due:
i was in the throes of making these trees last year, planning to just have them stand on their own -
and then was completely inspired by Miss Donna at Funky Junk Interiors
when she posted a photo of some wood scrap trees she had made with old metal junk bases!

i immediately went out into the garage and started scrounging for wood & metal junk.

above you'll see that i used a vintage 'pant hemming ruler', an old heavy antique iron,
a bit of fencepost with a rusty nail, and a block of wood with hardware on it from a barn door
as bases - all simply taped or glued on with a dot of hot glue.

faux wood, wood-look, junk trees, junking, diy, handmade, crafts, home decor, Christmas
 in this photo, you can see some bases made from rolls of twine, a set of wood block stamps,
and tall sections of table legs.

faux wood, wood-look, junk trees, junking, diy, handmade, crafts, home decor, Christmas

varied wood finishes and glass completed the 'contemporary rustic' feel of this decor theme...
sometimes, you just gotta' do something different
but different doesn't have to mean expensive.
it can be just mixing in a new color or element (like wood-printed paper) with what you have.
(and when i found the Christmas cards that were a white tree printed over a woodgrain background, well.... i bought 'em!)

faux wood, wood-look, junk trees, junking, diy, handmade, crafts, home decor, Christmas
these tiny versions, made with the last scraps of that printed paper,
stand on their own by way of a small triangle of poster board folded in half and glued to the bottom.
adding my version of the ubiquitous 'Christmas tree in a truck' and a rustic wood slice
finished off this display on the giant industrial scale on our island.

(i did a few more projects to fit this theme, as well... coming soon!)
ps: you can see these and many more fun Christmas tree ideas on my December Pinterest board

shared online:

funky junk interiors | diy salvaged junk projects #504


  1. Shut up, that's paper!!!!! Seriously, they look like the real thing. Clever idea and love the rustic charm!

    1. LOL i KNOW, right?!!! that's why i love them - i got the rustic wood look i wanted without power tools! just scissors and glue! thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, Marie - happy holidays!

  2. You are killing me with this!!! ❤️
