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more sweet sweater trees!

today i was moving some things around my studio/office, and discovered some 'forgotten' trees!
i made them awhile back.... and loved them, 
but they don't go with the current brightly colorful scheme in this room.
so, i came up with a quick idea to CAMOUFLAGE them - with sweaters! 

continue reading to see the before & after...

the 'trees' that i made two years ago are bristle brushes that i couldn't resist at a thrift shop.
i hot glued the end of the wire handle down inside some white glass cups, 
then filled them with fiber batting and sprinkled some vintage glitter on top.
(i shared them in this blog post )

THIS year, my studio/office decor is very bright and colorful,
so these didn't work. i needed a way to re-vamp them. 

i simply made two cones out of paper, 
then covered those with the remnants of a green sweater used for my
Sweet Sweater Succulents this past fall.

i found the tiny little white 'flowers' in a baggie - they are from a lace doily
that i cut apart to make lace snowflakes last year.
yes, i save EVERYTHING!!!
then i simply popped those sweater-covered cones OVER the bristle brush trees.
colorful cuteness overload. easy-peasy. not glued on, so i can remove them if i wish. 

(so technically, i up-cycled an up-cycled junk decor project. wink.)
psssst... don't miss my past post with another style of Sweet Sweater Trees!

shared online:

funky junk interiors
| diy salvaged junk projects #505

oh my goodness, thank you Miss Donna - TWO features!
diy salvaged junk projects #506

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