friends, i just want to offer an encouraging note to you today...
i know things are scary in this world right now. i feel it, too.
in the midst of all of it, i am purposing to choose to keep my mind in a place of faith not fear,
a place of peace not panic, a place of still finding things in everyday life to be grateful for.
to find simple, comforting ways to be creative and content at home.
to make home a place of respite, refuge, and happiness.
and isn't it good that we can make our homes a retreat from the worlds' chaos?
in the midst of the current sense of uncertainty, i hope that you can all
focus your mind and your thoughts on still seeing beauty in the world around you,
extend patience and kindness to others (but not your hands! LOL),
and fill up your homes with a daily celebration of life:
music, cleanliness, and a calmness of spirit built on gratitude for what we DO have.
we have a choice, and our choices affect others around us and in our homes...
we can still shine the light of hopefulness and BE the bright side of life right now.
we can still pull together here on social media and encourage & uplift one another.
.as a way of sharing good news and encouraging messages & images,
i invite you to share your social media links in a comment on this post:
facebook page, blog, instagram, pinterest, twitter. you can share someone else's, too!
this is a way we can 'visit' some new people, find uplifting content, and let it brighten our days! 😘
oh, and that project pictured above?
i've had a few questions about it, so i'll share the details...
continue reading to see more!