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Upcycled glass lamp globe Snowmen!

OhMyGoodness could you just DIE????!!!
I LOVE these little guys! 

I was working this week on my NEW Sweet Sweater Snowmen,
and in the process, I unearthed two vintage glass lamp globes in a closet.

Now, y'all KNOW that I have a 'thing' for using these in my decor...
for my Original glass lamp globe Pumpkins
and my winter glass lamp globe Snowballs

Right now, I have cute containers for the snowmen sitting everywhere
and so my mind made the connection in an instant:
glass lamp globe snowmen!

I sat the globes on two of the containers
and they could not fit more perfectly!
After a bit of embellishment with vintage buttons
and some leftover bits of sweaters, they turned out like this:
 I used the lid from the container as a hat - to me, it looks rather like a beret.
That and the jaunty scarf just make me want to give this lil' guy a French name...
How about 'Noel' ?

And his friend? Maybe she looks a leetle like a French clown, or Pierrot,
and clowns make us laugh, and that's happy and joyful - 
so let's call her 'Joy'. As in, 'Joyeux'.

Joyeux et Noel. Yep, that works!

Love, Love, LOVE them - and I already have ideas for more!

If you'd like to make your own versions of my new original design,

remember that regular smooth glass globes are available at hardware stores.

Take a peek at how I FOOFED one of these up for VALENTINE'S Day!
I present 'Valentina' the glass globe snowman,
Cup O' LOVE snowmen, and SWEETheart Snowmen!

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OPC / TBH | The Humble Brag #45

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  1. Even cuter than sweet sweater pumpkins, if that is possible!!

  2. I am so thankful you stopped by www.recipesforourdailybread.com and linking up. I look forward to following all of your social medias. I truly need decor help.
    Diane Roark

    1. Thank you for the invitation to participate, Diane!
