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[simple solutions] spray it!

Here's a simple solution for your old seasonal decor items...

a few years ago, I found jack, a charming orange ceramic pumpkin, at a thrift store.
I jumped up and down with excitement when I saw him, ran over, grabbed him off the shelf,
and wouldn't even put him in the cart - I just carried him through the store!

You see, my mom had one JUST LIKE HIM when I was a kid 
and I used it as a nightlight in my tiny little hall closet 'art studio'. 
Somehow, somewhere along the way, that pumpkin got lost.
And I've been looking for over 40 years to replace him.

I was honestly prepared to fork over any amount of money for him.
He was mine, and he wasn't going anywhere but home with me.

FAB FIND alert:  jack was just $5.99!
 but then when i brought jack home, he didn't fit in with the other 'kids':
[you can see a little discrepancy in the photo above...
'one of these things is not like the other', right?!]

well, it took me all of five minutes to fix that.
grabbed a spray can of Krylon gloss white appliance paint and jack orange became jack white:
now he looks for all the world like he came from some chic shop or pottery barn
but he's from goodwill. i love that! [and he ROCKS, so i guess the name fits!]

white ceramic accents are really  hot in decorating, 
and can add a very current, stylish look to your home no matter what your style is
for just the cost of a can of spray paint [and that Krylon stuff is MAGIC, I tell you...]

simply white-out your own ceramic pumpkins,
and you've got the makings of some swanky-chic fall decor!
[and yes, BLACK works, too!]

welcome fall!

FALL is just around the corner!
it's already august, and while we are all enjoying lazy summer days poolside, 
 the stores are putting up Halloween displays and Pinterest is rampant with inspiration for fall decorating! 
(check out my 'september decor: fall harvest' Pinterest board here)

so get ready for a lineup of inspiring FALL content that will help you create some AMAZING fall decor...
no matter what your style is, you'll find ideas to make your OWN!


did you just call me fast, cheap and easy?!

what seasonal decorating is to me....
it's recognizing and celebrating and enjoying 
the changes of the world around us each season
and reflecting those changes in our rooms.

in fall, it's turning the sofa toward the fireplace and putting down rugs,
capitalizing on that golden light that pours through the windows,
surrounding ourselves with coziness in knit blankets and pillows, 
and bringing the beauty of the season inside.

in summer, it's baring the floors and windows,
lightening up the color scheme, and 
bringing in touches of the beach or the garden (wherever you love to vacation)
so that you bring that relaxing 'getaway' feeling HOME to enjoy every. single. day.

i'm not advocating a whole-room paint job here, just a little detail work.
[all husbands can breathe easier now!]
there are so many things you can do to change, update, and freshen up your rooms
so that they reflect seasonal changes... really simple, affordable, and easy things...
using materials you already have (stuffed in the attic and garage and cabinets)
or can pick up inexpensively at thrift shops and garage sales.
or for free on the side of the road.
yes, really!

i call this my trademark 'fast cheap & easy'TM decorating theory
(which i have shared in my seminars at retail trade shows and published articles for over a decade)
i don't mind being called that, either, as long as it pertains to DECORATING. ;0)

and here on HOMEWARDfound Decor,
i'm going to be sharing all of my tips & tricks with you
all year 'round, 
to inspire your own Seasonal Style at Home !

thanks for joining me! 

follow me on facebook . hometalk . pinterest