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happy May Day flowers

spring,May Day,flowers,garden,garden art,garden style,paper crafts,re-purposed,up-cycling,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,tutorial,trash to treasure,dollar store crafts,on the porch,outdoors,crafting,crafting with kids,flower baskets,MayDay flower baskets,gift wrapping paper, flower gifts.
May Day is just a few days away,
and i'm ready to add some happy spring vibes with some small flower baskets.

first created back in 2013, i'm sharing them again this spring,
and i think you'll LOVE how easy my tutorial is.
and you might just laugh when you see what they are made of!

continue reading for my easy tutorial...


a new sweet sweater 'shroom for spring!

spring,flowers,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater 'Shrooms,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,trash to treasure,re-purposed,up-cycling,tutorial,seasonal,boho style,sweater mushroom,mushrooms,spring florals,spring home decor,home decor.
last fall, i created some Sweet Sweater 'Shrooms,
using ceramic bowls and vases covered with sweater scraps.

then i found something that caused me to create a new 'take' on the 'shroom idea,
with a nod to spring...
i am really happy with the results, and the process isn't hard at all.
I hope it inspires you to give it a try!

continue reading to see how it started, and how it ends up!


the old rugged cross

wall art,art,What Matters,spring,Easter,woodcrafts,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,re-purposing,up-cycling,trash to treasure,salvaged,dollar store crafts,easter cross decor,spring home decor,spring easter decor,salvaged wood crosses,dollar tree crosses,painted easter eggs.
in my last post, i shared my new faux Kintsugi painted eggs,
and in the background of a few shots you saw a small collection of wood crosses.
today, i'm focusing on those and how they are made from 'everyday' materials.

Easter arrives in just a few days, and it is one of the most important days of the year to me.
my faith is built on the miraculous events celebrated on this day centuries ago,
and my hope resides in the promises God made about what it all means for the future.

Easter is also the day that my sweet Dad went home to Heaven seven years ago,
just as the sun was rising and beaming through the windows onto his peaceful face...
a precious reminder about what is really important in this life.

having a cross (or collection of crosses) in my decor is important to me,
and i love being able to make them unique and personal.
i hope these ideas inspire you!

continue reading for details...


faux painted 'kintsugi' easter eggs

spring,Easter,painting,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,faux finish,tutorial,home decor,spring home decor,spring decorating,easter eggs,painted easter eggs,easter, passover,faux paint treatments,kintsugi,faux kintsugi,nests.
last fall, when i created my faux painted 'kintsugi' pumpkins,
i knew they were just a 'practice project'...
because i always envisioned that paint treatment on eggs, for Easter.

honestly, i couldn't be happier with the results!

this is a simple paint treatment with elegant results,
one that can be applied to any type of egg - paper, ceramic, wood, glass, or real eggs.

continue reading for my easy tutorial...


daffodil sun catchers

spring,flowers,garden art, garden style,DIY,diy decorating,decorating,seasonal,re-purposing,up-cycling,boho style,tropical style,tutorial,sun catchers,spring florals,spring floral sun catchers.
daffodils are my very favorite flower...

i have loved them since i was a little Debby,
and saw the happy, silly, bobbing heads in Disney's 'Alice in Wonderland' - 
'Daffy O'Dill' made me laugh!
later in life, William Wordsworth's poem about dancing daffodils enchanted me,
and when i first saw hundreds of acres of daffodil fields in Washington's Skagit Valley,
my eyes filled with tears at the beautiful sight.
i used to visit those fields every March when i lived nearby.
now i take any chance i can to find other ways to enjoy daffies in spring - 
even if i have to make it myself!

this simple craft project combines the sparkle of light via crystals with silk flowers,
and is a lovely way to add some spring fresh style to any room.

continue reading for my easy tutorial... 


paint palette eggs!

art,Easter,spring,painting,DIY,diy decorating,color palettes,colorful home,crafting,crafting with kids,decorating,paper crafts,trash to treasure,easter decorating,easter decor,easter eggs,easter egg painting,paint palette easter eggs,egg painting,diy easter decor,easter basket,easter egg painting tutorial

this one came to me one day while i was going through my bins of spring decor.

back in 2020 i made some simple Easter eggs with varied finishes on them,
and as i saw those in the bin, i realized that their shape was very much like
the paint palettes that artists use... and a new creative idea was born!

...continue reading for this easy project
(and to see what those 'paint palettes' are REALLY made of!)


repurposed bottle brush carrots

crafting, decorating, diy decorating, diy, re-purposed, up-cycled, junk makeover, Dollar Store crafts, Dollar Tree dupes, seasonal home decor, seasonal decor, spring, spring home decor, diy spring decor, spring decorating, Easter, Easter decorating.
i was out running errands this morning when inspiration hit me...
an item at the store i was in reminded me of something i had used before,
still had in my stash, and could use again to replicate the thing i saw - but in MY style.
(which is what my approach to decorating is all about!)

when i arrived home, i dug out the components in excitement, 
ready to 'hop to it' (see what i did there?!) and get this project done.
it took me all of ten minutes to make these cute lil' veggies!

continue reading to see what inspired me - and what i used to create my own version!


tiny thread nests

boho style,colorful home,crafting,decorating,diy decorating,DIY,Easter,inspiration,nests,seasonal,spring,trash to treasure,tutorial,up-cycling,home decor,diy home decor,diy spring decor,diy spring home decor,spring nest,diy nest,crafting with sewing supplies,simple decorating.
springtime always brings me back to making different kinds of bird nests...
they represent spring, and also connect to the practice of 'nesting',
making a home fresh and clean as well as warm and welcoming. 

today i am sharing a new nest i've created this month,
inspired by talented artist and designer Cathe Holden.
i recently saw a photo of one of her sweet little nests made from sewing thread,
and was so charmed by the utter simplicity of it that i just had to replicate the idea -
 using yellow thread, of course!

this was a truly 'fast, cheap, and easy'TM project that i think you'll love,
and it would make a perfect treat at each place setting on your Easter table!

continue reading for the easy details... and more about my muse, Cathe!


my sweet sweater birthday cake!

sweaters,Sweet Sweater Slice,foofoo Faux Food,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Cake,spring,diy decorating,DIY,decorating,entertaining,celebrations,re-purposed,up-cycling,home decor,birthday cake,faux birthday cake,sweater crafts,yellow,happy birthday
hello, friends!
i've been enjoying my sabbatical over the past month and a half,
and have made a MAJOR dent in my very long and very overlooked 'To Do' list!
(such as: get my truck running again  get some appliance repairs done   
get some yard work done  buy a new mattress to help my back pain )

since it's March 1st, the beginning of my birthday month,
it seems a perfect time to return to the blog and share a recent project with you!

* this post was created in mid-February and scheduled for March 1.
given the world events that transpired in the last week of February,
 i actually thought very seriously about not publishing it, 
 seeming too frivolous a subject to focus on in light of reality.

 i have decided to publish it, in the hope that anyone who sees it
will be reminded that there are still things to celebrate in this world
even in the midst of darkness and conflict. *

as much as i love to bake (and eat) sweet things,
i decided that my birthday cake this year needed to be a bit different...
you know it wouldn't be a birthday cake for ME unless it was made of sweaters, right?!
(my waistline and thighs appreciate the total lack of calories in this one ;) ) 

continue reading to find out the unusual way this fun decor came to be...