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Showing posts with label just for fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label just for fun. Show all posts


forward, march...

the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.... forward, march!
it's my favorite month of the year and i am ready to embrace spring!
to me, spring is all about fresh flowers and green grass, sunshine and rainstorms,
bringing nature's fresh green hue indoors and getting outside to enjoy it.

continue reading for a few of my easy DIY ideas for going green in march...


Mannequin Shenanigans!

 i'd like to tell you all a little story...

i posted a gorgeous photo on my Instagram two weeks ago,
one that i saw online and saved and EGREGIOUSLY did not save the source from
(if you know it, tell me and i'll add it here and on IG).
that photo was a gorgeous shot of vintage mannequins:
i know. i drooled, too.

i covet these, i'll admit it. i've spent my life in the visual merchandising field
and i have whispered sweet nothings to forms like this for decades.
(no, they have never come to life like Emmy in the film 'Mannequin' ;) ) 

i've just never been able to afford one. so instead, i made my own 'version' of one:
you can make one, too, with my tutorial: diy mannequin made from a tee shirt 

however, that didn't really 'do it' for me, but i had other things to take care of.

fast-forward to two weeks ago, and the posting of the image, and then...
two days later, i was on facebook and happened to see something in the sidebar:

a marketplace ad listing for a mannequin. in my neighborhood. for thirty dollars!!!

i gulped, clicked the image, and contacted the seller.
"yes it's still available" - even though the ad is four days old.
when can i come pick it up? how about first thing in the morning?! (it was 11 PM)
and that's exactly what happened... i drove five minutes from my house
and picked it up the next morning.
and she is gorgeous! 
she's not vintage, but i added something to her to make her look a little bit vintage... 

continue reading to see what i did!


True Confessions:

 The reality of creative life: it's not what you see in IG photos ;) 
this is what my studio looks like when I am in a creating frenzy - 
like getting ready to fill a room in a store with product for sale!

I spent three weeks messing it up while working into the wee hours.... 
and Sunday, I spent a few hours cleaning it allllll up:
 I'll enjoy the sparkling clean space for... oh, a day or two,
until I get busy making HOLIDAY goods for next month, and I mess it all up again!

scroll down to check out my recent posts about the NEW homewardFOUND shop


Pop! Fizz! Clink!

It's almost here - are you ready for the toasts?!

With the help of my friend Scott Carlson, wine specialist for BevMo
I'd like to share some helpful info to make your night the BUBBLIEST!

Continue Reading for some sparkling tips...


Paper Flower Power!

  Don't know what it is lately, but apparently I have blossoms on the brain!
I recently saw some gorgeous photos of brightly-colored paper flowers on Instagram,
posted by 'BloomBox_oc' - I tried to save an image to share here, but it wouldn't work.

Their photos reminded me of a paper flower that I won at an event, 
so I dug through some of my (still packed) boxes and found it...
it's the middle flower in that image above, made from old book pages and tissue paper
by a very creative vintage show vendor named Becky, from 'Whimsies'.

All that flower power inspired me,
 so I dug out a bunch of my own vintage paper and made myself some:
It was fun!
I haven't spent a lot of time doing creative things for myself lately, 
and this was a nice way to spend the hottest part of the day - 106 degrees. YIPES.

And when I was done, I had a buncha' blooms to put on my studio/office wall:
I haven't made time to do many creative things for myself lately, 
and this one just made me smile.
Just in case that photo above doesn't make the scale clear, here's a reference shot:
Yeah, these babies are HUGE!

This project was was fun, easy, and I already had everything I needed to make them -
which is pretty much how most of my projects come about, anyway:
I get inspired and then dig through what I have to 'make it work'!

Through the process, I snapped some photos and put together a simple tutorial:

Looks like I'll be making more in the near future, too...
my Mom saw these on my wall and asked
"I think these are exactly what I need for the wall over my bed!
Can you make some in aqua and tan and white, to match my linens?
Why, yes, Mom, I sure can!  see more of these here!

Shared Online:

Cupcakes & Crinoline | Project Inspire{d}


Deb and the Disney Darlings

A few weeks back, I wrote a guest post for the Disney Darlings blog.

Haven't heard of that one yet? ;)
The Darlings share photos, video, news, and tips for enjoying all things Disney, 
contributed by bonafide Disney Fans & Experts who, like me,
have spent their lives being enchanted by the magic at The Happiest Places on Earth.

Chock-full of tips that will help you out on your next visit to Disney's Original Magic Kingdom,  
gives you locations in each 'land' in the Park where you can find 
a little bit of shade, quiet, a place to sit or get a snack, restrooms, and peace of mind.
That's especially helpful information to have when you take young children to the Park.

I've been lucky enough to have grown up visiting Disneyland. Visiting a lot...

My grandpa and uncle were electricians who helped build several attractions in the Park
(It's a Small World, Tiki Room, Mr. Lincoln, Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean)
and we lived just blocks away.
I marched down Main Street USA with my high school marching band & color guard many times,
and I was a Cast Member at the Disneyland Resort, working in the retail stores as a visual specialist.
My whole family gathered at Disneyland in July, 2014 for a huge family reunion.

In the process of spending time there throughout my life
as a child, a teen, an adult, a cast member, an aunt, a parent AND a grandparent,
I've discovered some tricks and tips that can make all the difference!
When the opportunity came to share those tips with the readers of Disney Darlings,
I was honored to provide them with content on a subject so dear to my heart.

I hope you enjoy it, too...

Click on over to the Disney Darlings blog to read my post!

Do you know about the Baby Care Centers that Disneyland offers free of charge?
These locations offer quiet space where you can care for your infant/toddler's needs...
Learn more in this MousePlanet blog post!



I'm new to the Instagram game, but sure having fun!

I'm intent on mixing things up over there, 
sharing content that reflects many facets of me:
my retail store design & display styling projects,
the DIY seasonal home decor inspiration that I share here on hWf,
(including my favorite color - Rose Gold - and sparkling chandeliers)
and fun snaps from when I am at Disneyland!

Once in awhile, I even pop in a shot of my four adorable grand kids ;)
I guess that makes me an 'InstaGrammy'

Today was pretty fun...
I shared a pic of Mickey Mouse with his arm around me for #National Hug Day

and a bit later I was notified that THE OFFICIAL MICKEY MOUSE had replied!
(he really DOES give great hugs, you know!)  

Check out my IG feed in my sidebar >>>

I'd like to invite you to follow me on Instagram... 
and if you leave me a comment below with YOUR Instagram name,
I'll follow you, too!

Find me on social media:


My Rose Gold Obsession

Just before Christmas, I was overtaken by a fever...
don't worry, I'm not sick. I'm just a bit obsessed with the color Rose Gold!
... forget what Pantone says, THIS is MY color of the year!

One day I dug through my files and drawers and cabinets and magazines,
and pulled out all kinds of tearsheets and miscellaneous 'stuff' 
that was in any way related to this warm, soft light pink/copper hue.
Then I put it all together and created a real 3-D 'mood board'
(remember how we used to do that BEFORE Pinterest?!)

I photographed the layouts, and turned them into Pinterest-worthy photos!

Then I re-designed every.last.brand.graphic that I use online
because this happy, sparkling, rosy hue just resonates with me right now...
you might say I've put on rose-gold colored glasses ;)

I had a lot of ideas for projects on my mind,
but no time at all to go out and get the paint or start anything. Until today!

Krylon rose gold metallic paint stock photo
 I got my hands on a few cans of THIS sweet stuff...
* I highly recommend Krylon Metallic Paints. They look REAL. *
(non-sponsored endorsement)
and then I went a little bit *mad*, actually:
I had this rough-surfaced metal laser-cut 'D' in a drawer, just waiting for paint.
One very thin coat and she's shining shimmering splendid!

continue reading for more...