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a forest of Sweet Sweater Trees

holiday,Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas Decor Themes,Christmas Decor,winter,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Trees,DIY,diy decorating,thrifted,re-purposed,Sweet Sweater Season,home decor made from sweaters,sweater crafts,cozy winter decor.
grab a cuppa' something, friends, because this post is LONG!
i'm sharing three different types of sweater trees with you today...
each one easy as pie to make from simple everyday materials.
(hmmmmnnn... pie's not a bad idea, come to think of it...)

you'll see previous versions of the items i used
along with their fresh new look for this year's cozy theme.

got your tea? coffee? cocoa? wine? LOL...
continue reading to see all the details of this project!
holiday,Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas Decor Themes,Christmas Decor,winter,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Trees,DIY,diy decorating,thrifted,re-purposed,Sweet Sweater Season,home decor made from sweaters,sweater crafts,cozy winter decor.
these simple triangular trees are up first
(and yes, i know - they DO look a bit like mountains, too!)
holiday,Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas Decor Themes,Christmas Decor,winter,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Trees,DIY,diy decorating,thrifted,re-purposed,Sweet Sweater Season,home decor made from sweaters,sweater crafts,cozy winter decor.
last year i made some from paper paint chips,
and the year before that i used wood-grain papers:

they are SO simple to make - just cut triangles from posterboard or cardboard,
cut thrifted sweaters to fit them, wrap and glue the edges to the back side.
add a wood block or cardboard 'easel' back to help them stand.

OPTION: you could add some polyfil stuffing to make them puffy and soft:
just glue the sweater to the sides first, add stuffing between the fabric and the back,
then glue the bottom edge closed.

holiday,Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas Decor Themes,Christmas Decor,winter,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Trees,DIY,diy decorating,thrifted,re-purposed,Sweet Sweater Season,home decor made from sweaters,sweater crafts,cozy winter decor.holiday,Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas Decor Themes,Christmas Decor,winter,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Trees,DIY,diy decorating,thrifted,re-purposed,Sweet Sweater Season,home decor made from sweaters,sweater crafts,cozy winter decor.

a strand of mini lights running through them keeps shadows at bay and colors bright.
arranged on my faux mantel with some white ceramic houses,
they'll brighten up the place until spring!

next up, cone-shaped trees:

holiday,Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas Decor Themes,Christmas Decor,winter,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Trees,DIY,diy decorating,thrifted,re-purposed,Sweet Sweater Season,home decor made from sweaters,sweater crafts,cozy winter decor.

cone shapes are covered with sweater fabric and wound with yarn.
ceramic and wood are used here, but simple paper cones work - like dollar store party hats!

holiday,Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas Decor Themes,Christmas Decor,winter,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Trees,DIY,diy decorating,thrifted,re-purposed,Sweet Sweater Season,home decor made from sweaters,sweater crafts,cozy winter decor.
i picked up the green trees on the left at Target this year,
then painted them white before wrapping them in sweater fabric.
(why? the dark green showed through the holes of the sweater)
holiday,Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas Decor Themes,Christmas Decor,winter,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Trees,DIY,diy decorating,thrifted,re-purposed,Sweet Sweater Season,home decor made from sweaters,sweater crafts,cozy winter decor.
 the ceramic and wood trees came from Target last year -
i painted them in colorful 'paint chip' hues & rainbow stripes.
this year, i painted them white and then wrapped them with fuzzy yarns...
tacky glue helps hold the yarn along the top & bottom edge 
but it will pull right off when i am ready for it to.

(i did leave the yellow painted tree as it was last year, since it matches my current color scheme!)

the last kind of tree i have to share is very whimsical.
it happened because i needed an 'alternative' Christmas tree this year...

you see, i never took down the rainbow ombre' tree that i created last year.
nope. it's been residing in my studio since last December,
glowing with twinkly lights and bright colors and making me smile every day.
i just don't have the heart to dis-assemble it! so i came up with this:

holiday,Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas Decor Themes,Christmas Decor,winter,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Trees,DIY,diy decorating,thrifted,re-purposed,Sweet Sweater Season,home decor made from sweaters,sweater crafts,cozy winter decor.
giant sweet sweater trees - made with full sweaters on tomato cages!

much like a lace tree that i shared several years ago,
the tomato cage base was wrapped in lights and then covered in layers of fabric.
then it was lace tablecloths and petticoats, now it's sweaters.

i started with the largest sweaters, and worked my way to the smaller ones.
note: i very gently pulled them onto the form so they wouldn't catch on the lights.
then i added more lights over the sweaters.

one is topped with a bright yellow knit hat,
the other with the yellow sweet sweater Santa hat that i made this year.

they are a fun and funky addition to my sweater-filled decor,
and will easily disassemble after Christmas.
...then i can find other things to do with all of those sweaters!!!

gee, i might even wear one...

links to previous related content:

faux wood trees   .  paint chip trees  .  painted Target trees  

lace cone trees  .  lace tomato cage tree  .  tomato cage trees 

shared online:

funky junk interiors | new upcycled projects to make #607
thank you for featuring my project, Miss Donna!

creatively beth | creative crafts linky party #72

holiday,Christmas,Christmas tree,Christmas Decor Themes,Christmas Decor,winter,sweaters,Sweet Sweater Originals,Sweet Sweater Trees,DIY,diy decorating,thrifted,re-purposed,Sweet Sweater Season,home decor made from sweaters,sweater crafts,cozy winter decor.


  1. These sweater trees are SO adorable! It's always such a treat to see what you come up with next!

    1. thank you so much, Miss Donna! i think i've exhausted my sweater-lovin' brain with all of these ideas, though... i need some R & R !!!

  2. Wow, your sweater trees are gorgeous Deb! I knew they were yours by the signature yellow when I saw them featured by Donna at Funky Junk. I had to pop over and take a closer look. Great idea and love how you lit them up with fairy lights too!

    1. thank you so very much for your kind compliment, Marie! yeah, my current yellow obsession is showing up in everything this year!
