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Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts


Flower Frogs, My Way

vintage flower frogs homewardFOUNDdecor.com blog spring 2018
this apparatus is known as a 'flower frog'... and apparently, they are trending this spring!

continue reading to see what inspired me, and the ideas i came up with
for making flower frogs out of JUNK!


Repurpose Test Tubes as Flower Vases

 junk project diy home decor spring flower vases from test tubes
the strangest things show up at thrift shops, and it really pays to keep an open mind....
because you just might find something that gets your creative chemistry going!

continue reading to see what i did with the glass test tubes i found!


Salvaged Tabletop Herb Garden

salvaged junk project spring herb garden
you've all heard that phrase 'best laid plans', riiiiight? sigh.

last Thursday morning, as i was loading up my truck to restock the homewardFOUND shop, 
i cut a very deep gash in my finger...
and it was immediately apparent that no bandaid would suffice.
it required a visit to the ER and five stitches, then being immobilized for several days.
as a result, i've been working on things behind the scenes here on the blog
(with one hand. do you know how hard it is to type with one hand?!!!)

much as i don't like accidents, there was that time a happy accident 
became a spur-of-the-moment project: a tabletop herb garden...

continue reading to find out how this happened!


Beauty in Simplicity

a quick announcement before the main part of my post today:
the homewardFOUND shop makeover is FINALLY happening!

i am so excited to finally get in there to make the changes i've envisioned...

 now... on with todays' post:
this time of year, it seems we all do a bit of cleaning and clearing, 
ready to embrace the simplicity of a blank calendar and clean rooms.

i'd like to share some inspiring 'simple' decor with you, along with a story...
(you're starting to notice that this is a regular thing now, right? ;) ) 

once upon a time, 
there were two incredibly talented men named Joe and Jermonne
who created a look that was all their own...
Barn House style.

when they came on the scene, back in the early 2000's, 
there was no shiplap craze, no galvanized metal repros in every store.
there was no JoJo on HGTV,  no Restoration Hardware as we know it today...
because their designs influenced the market and all who followed.

they hosted a beautiful vintage show on their farm in the Pacific Northwest,
a gathering of great ideas, original style, and a group of fun & talented people
that drove design trends and appeared in magazines everywhere.
i have been inspired by their spirit and their aesthetic for years now, 
and i'm sure you will be as well.

continue reading to see more of their inspiring creativity...


Mannequin Shenanigans!

 i'd like to tell you all a little story...

i posted a gorgeous photo on my Instagram two weeks ago,
one that i saw online and saved and EGREGIOUSLY did not save the source from
(if you know it, tell me and i'll add it here and on IG).
that photo was a gorgeous shot of vintage mannequins:
i know. i drooled, too.

i covet these, i'll admit it. i've spent my life in the visual merchandising field
and i have whispered sweet nothings to forms like this for decades.
(no, they have never come to life like Emmy in the film 'Mannequin' ;) ) 

i've just never been able to afford one. so instead, i made my own 'version' of one:
you can make one, too, with my tutorial: diy mannequin made from a tee shirt 

however, that didn't really 'do it' for me, but i had other things to take care of.

fast-forward to two weeks ago, and the posting of the image, and then...
two days later, i was on facebook and happened to see something in the sidebar:

a marketplace ad listing for a mannequin. in my neighborhood. for thirty dollars!!!

i gulped, clicked the image, and contacted the seller.
"yes it's still available" - even though the ad is four days old.
when can i come pick it up? how about first thing in the morning?! (it was 11 PM)
and that's exactly what happened... i drove five minutes from my house
and picked it up the next morning.
and she is gorgeous! 
she's not vintage, but i added something to her to make her look a little bit vintage... 

continue reading to see what i did!


Covered in Canvas

 while homewardFOUND is generally all about seasonal decor ideas,
sometimes I like to pop in ideas for furniture, too...
all totally do-able projects for you to try out!
this dresser was found on the curb. free.
With lines like the ones on those drawers, I couldn't pass her up!

the case was solid, but the veneer on top and on the drawers was just wrecked.
no amount of putty and paint was going to make her presentable...
she went beyond needing mere 'makeup' into the realm of 'plastic surgery'!

while I was sanding her down, I had a brainstorm...

the dropcloth that she was sitting on in the prep room had some great texture.
i looked at the drawers, and then at the dropcloth, and that light bulb went on:
 cover the entire dresser with a new canvas dropcloth!

dropcloths are a great way to get a LOT of fabric for a ridiculously low price
and they come in many sizes and weights. 
i used the heaviest weight for this project, which covered up all of the 'blemishes' in her complexion.

continue reading to see what i did!


Ready to ReDecorate!

rustic industrial farmhouse salvaged home decor
it's a new year, and new things are soon to be 'in store'!

this new year has me filled with new energy... how about you?!
i've had a bit of recalculation in my head about what i want / need hwF to be,
and much of that is coming from the responses that the shop and merchandise in it
have been getting from you - my readers and customers (my HOMEees!)

* i watch what you click 'like' or 
♥ and comment on, both here and on social media.
* i take into account what posts are getting views, and from where.
*i notice what you've been pinning and re-pinning from the blog and my boards.
* i keep an eye on what is selling in the shop - and what isn't -
and i have been asking myself one very simple question:
 "if this thing doesn't sell, would i put it in MY home?"
sometimes, the answer is a resounding 'nope'. and i'm not okay with that.

i loved my initial concept for the homewardFOUND blog AND shop - 
but it doesn't fit anymore. it's not where i am going personally, or as a designer.
so, i'm gonna' change it all up!

<< click 'continue reading' to see what's coming!


homewardFOUND holiday shop

 I've been extremely blessed to have found a HAUL of vintage and handmade holiday goods
that I am thrilled to offer you in my homewardFOUND shop this month...
as a matter of fact, I ended up with SO MUCH STUFF that it wouldn't fit in Room #1!

 so shop owner Stephani came up with Plan B, and I worked some magic! 

(click on 'read more' to see what I did....)


Happy HAULidays!

 Jingle & Jangle are getting excited!
These darling vintage elves will be in my shop soon - along with a lot more!

I've been pricing and making and prepping my huge HAULiday stash
to go into my homewardFOUND shop in Room #1 at Needful Things Addiction.
(there is SO MUCH MORE than I can even photograph right now)
and then.... Plan B happened.
The store owner asked for my help with a project - and OH am I glad I said yes!!!

Today I spent a few hours down at the store, prowling through some storage rooms
that are FILLED with amazing furniture and accessories, 
selecting some for fixtures and then getting to work turning an empty room
into a setting for a holiday happening!

That room is Room #3, and it's right next to my regular spot, Room #1...
I'll be filling it with my haul of handmade originals and vintage finds in bright happy colors
the BIG EVENT this coming Saturday:
Some new holiday things in soft neutrals will be headed into my 'regular' shop in Room #1, too!

I'll share some 'sneak peeks' here and on my social media pages
as soon as it's all set up and ready... and I hope you can make it out on Saturday -
I'll be at the store in the afternoon and evening to help out, 
and I'd love to meet you!


bewitched, bothered, & bejewelled!

I'm so crazy busy this week getting ready to open the homewardFOUND shop,
that I've decided to just share my Instagram posts here instead of writing a whole post!
Working on creative display ideas for the vintage costume jewelry that I'll have 
in Room #1 at Needful Things Addiction in Lake Elsinore, CA very soon... 
If you want a stylish new pair of earrings or chunky necklace 
to wear to Thanksgiving dinner, I've got them!
stay tuned for my Opening Date announcement 
follow on Instagram . Pinterest . Facebook


Today's Fall Finds....

this morning... LATE this morning...
I headed out to the 'community garage sales' in my neighborhood.
since it was late, I didn't know if I'd find anything I could use.

oh, but I DID!!!
 I spied several wonderful things...

okay, wait, I need to backtrack for a minute and make a confession. 

I'm the kind of garage / yard sale shopper that you probably hate.
I  roll past your driveway and scope out the offerings on your tarps and tables
without stopping my car. or getting OUT of my car. 
If there's enough there to intrigue me, I'll park and actually walk over to take a closer look.

I did it alllll morning long. 
my Mom sat in the car and helped me watch for signs ,
and then quickly evaluate each one as we drove past.

I can actually hear your eyes rolling as you read that... but it's ok. I get it!

So anyway, I found some lovely things that perfectly fit my palette and style,
things that will be headed to my homewardFOUND shop in Room 1
at Needful Things Addiction in Lake Elsinore, California
in just a few weeks!

oh.... and the BEST thing I found?

these vintage player piano rolls!
if you've known me for any length of time at all, 
you know that I let out a happy scream when I came across these!
I've used them for YEARS in my vintage art & decor creations,
and have been looking for them here in SoCal for a long time.
who knew they were right here in my own neighborhood?!!!

 and you can bet I have big plans for them ;)

stay tuned for my opening date announcement!


Into the Pale : A Neutral Palette

vintage antique repurposed neutral decor
I've heard a lot of people saying the same thing lately...
"Once the tree and the holiday decor comes down, it looks so EMPTY!"
Well, maybe I'm weird, but I kinda' LIKE the cleared-out spaces!

To me, this is the perfect time of year to do a nice, thorough cleaning
and a refresh of our rooms so that we start the new year with a 'clean palette'.

I took that idea to the nth degree this year

and pulled all of the orange accent color OUT of the house.
I packed it up and put it away, leaving only the neutral background - 
and the result is a soft, cozy, warm, 'cashmere' feeling in the house!
It's perfect for winter, and a nice visual rest from all of the holiday excess.

and the best part? it wasn't even hard to do...

click 'continue reading' for the before and after!


Folded Book Christmas Angels & Trees

My Mom and I have been crafting and making things all of my life...
long ago, she and I created angels, choir boys, Santas, and snowmen
out of Readers Digest books with folded pages.
Back then, we painted ours gold and white and red, 

and the heads were round styrofoam balls.

Well, this year, Mom got the idea to make some of those again!

Continue Reading for more about our creations... 


Vintage Paper Poinsettias

My love for old book pages and vintage paper shows itself in many ways,
and I love finding new ways to use this material all year long...
so this Holiday season, I used paper as a major theme for our Christmas decor.
I created tree ornaments, garland embellishments, and other elements
that are in use all over the house.

While I created the flowers you see here to go on the tree,
they worked out much better forming a wreath on the wall in our entryway!
Tucked into a simple garland of greens and a strand of mini lights that surround a round mirror,
the paper poinsettias add the perfect touch of texture and style:
The centers of the flowers are made from vintage jewelry -  
old earrings, shoe clips, and lapel pins.
They add more texture and some sparkle, along with a touch of nostalgia.

Continue Reading to see more details...


Vintage Lace Christmas Tree

 Sometimes, projects just come up out of nowhere... that was the story with THIS one.
Not in the plan. Not on the schedule.
But the Muse called, as I was rifling through a bin of linens
and tossing them on the chair next to me.
When I reached over to pick them up and put them back in the bin,
lo and behold: the pile of linens looked like a Christmas tree!

I stared at it, thinking about how I could present it here on the blog.
I can get away with some pretty crazy ideas, 
but presenting a pile of linens - basically, a pile of laundry - as home decor
might cause you to run screaming from my pages!

After a few minutes, it dawned on me that I have the PERFECT armature for a tree.
I use them all the time, and there was one in the garage not being used:
A wire tomato cage!
In about ten minutes, I had the thing done...

continue reading for my 'Fast, Cheap, & Easy'TM tutorial!


A JOYFUL Welcome

I've had the sign from my old business, 'RETREAT', 
which I made from old cabinet door back, since 2010.
I finally decided to take it out of the garage and give it a makeover, 
so that it could be a part of our home for the holidays - and beyond.

It was so 'Fast, Cheap & Easy'
TM , I thought I'd share the process...
continue reading to see!


Winter Wonderland at The Vintage Marketplace Show

The Vintage Marketplace show in Temecula, CA this past weekend
was an inspiring gathering of vendors selling vintage, antique, and handcrafted goods.
The show is owned and produced by my friend, Rita Reade,
who founded it over 6 years ago with her sister in law, artist Christie Repasy.

When I'm lucky, I get to shop.
When I am REALLY lucky, I get to work with Rita to create visuals for the show!
At past shows, I've designed & styled her Mammabellarte booth displays
(and a few other vendors, too!)
but THIS time, along with styling her booth displays, 
Rita asked me to style a display at the entry of the show
to welcome guests, share the show theme, and provide a photo op.
We came up with a plan for a cozy scene that sparkles - 
and speaks more of the winter season than of holiday decor,
which is actually a pretty smart way to decorate - even in your home!

continue reading for more details...


Elegant Holiday Inspiration

elegant holiday decor
I have the extreme good fortune to have some really remarkably talented friends
who inspire me on a regular basis...
one of them, Miss Sylvia, is a stylist and decorator extraordinaire.
She owns Madam Palooza Emporium
a vintage prop rental house and styling company in Southern California.

The weddings and event settings that she creates are so intricate and detailed, 
so personalized and delightful, that they appear in magazines every month!
(she's currently featured in the newly-revived Flea Market Style Magazine
which is run by two MORE of my incredible friends!!!)

Sylvia called me up last week and asked me to help her 
to create some simple but inspiring holiday decor in her studio/showroom,
as it was to be the setting for an event industry holiday party.
Of course I said yes! We've worked together before, and it's always fun!

continue reading to see the beautiful results...


Easy Christmas Wreath Makeover

christmas decor
Welcoming people to our homes is important every day - especially during the Holiday season.
A wreath for the door or front porch is something that we almost all include in our decor... 

Like you, I gaze longingly at the beautiful wreaths and garlands 
displayed at elegant home decor shops and garden centers
And THEN I look at the price tags... not happenin', folks!!

Fortunately, those inspiring creations can lead the way to making what we already have BETTER!
I'm always up for taking something old and making it look new
(okay, well, not always - sometimes I take new things and make them look old!)
...and the wreath that my Mom has been using for about 20 years now was due for an update.

continue reading for my secrets...


100 Thanksgiving Table Decor Ideas

My Vintage White Thanksgiving tablescape is included in this seasonal collection of 
'100 Inspiring Thanksgiving Table Decor Ideas' on TinyPrints.com
and I'm honored to have been included!
View my original post with tons of pretty & easy tabletop ideas
View the entire Tiny Prints blog post 

PS: a requested correction to the caption on my image on the Tiny Prints post has not been made,
so I'll include more information about it here for those visiting for the first time:

My tablescape shown in their post includes a pumpkin as a centerpiece,
but it is not 'wrapped in lace', as TP identified it.
It is one of my own Original creations, a soft-sculpture pumpkin known as
Sweet Sweater Pumpkins, made from sweaters.
The one in the photo has been embellished with a fascinator hat  with a lace veil.

If you'd like to make your own versions of my design,
you can find my Sweet Sweater Pumpkin tutorial here.